I was making my usual rounds of the Long Valley caldera in California due to the increased earthquake activity there recently, and have noticed some pretty significant deviation in GPS data. Many of the stations are showing noteworthy movement in recent weeks/months. Link to monitoring site below:
Anyway, you can just click on the GPS locations (Star symbols) to see the changes recently.

I thought it was noteworthy, given the length of record keeping in the area and quakes recently, so I did some more digging and found this absolute GEM:
Yes, folks, that is the USGS's own data analysis confirming the obvious. The area in vicinity of the Long Valley caldera is deforming and moving rapidly compared to previous records. How sure are they? "95% (confidence interval), the (data) ensemble is significant"

The data is showing on a recent timespan that the amount of movement is causing STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT STRAIN in the rock in the area. This is not conspiracy-theorist conjecture or amateur geology antics, this is from the USGS itself.

Take a look at the rates of movement (in mm/per year)!

Your regularly scheduled doom program has been canceled for: REAL DOOM!

Other urls found in this thread:

90% of that is flyover states where nobody lives so who cares


There goes white America

Stop fucking moving here than you yuppie liberal cunts.

the entire earth would be doomed you large retard.

stop replying with images to a slide thread you stupid faggots

Pay me a 100 billion dollars to turn Yellowstone into one giant geothermal-electric power plant. I have all rights to the electricity it generates but you all get to stay alive since I will be slowly killing the growing geothermal bomb building up beneath Yellowstone. You're welcome.

Flat earth threads have more credibility than these

It isn't happening...

I live here. Yes, we just got a 5.8 earthquake totally unrelated to Yellowstone, it was 500 miles from the caldera. We're fine, yellowstone is not happening.

>can't discuss yellowstone because some autistic retard thinks it's a slide thread

go be upset in a cuck thread or some shit.

Boise, Idaho here.

How fucked are we if Yellowstone blows up?

How long will we have to evacuate and where do you suggest we go?

why does the ash stop halfway down new mexico and arizona but somehow manages to go over the seirras with ease? sorry guys but the bay area will be fine.

>We're fine, yellowstone is not happening

t. yellowstone caldera

I sage each and every one of my post bitch, I will shitpost where I please

nowhere on earth will be "fine"

If yellows stone blows. Everyone within 100 mile will be dead in stantly, within 300 miles with be dead in a week, within 1000 miles will be coververed in 10ft of ash.......the world will go into nuclear take..hurry the fuck up!


just fucking happen already fuck

Probably to hell. Where there's no potatoes for you.

It's not going to happen

>I live here and havent been melted yet so we are fine goys

That's too bad

>Increased volcanic unrest (including earthquake swarms, ground deformation, and CO2 gas emissions) in the Long Valley area since 1980 increases the chance of an eruption occurring in the near future, but scientists still lack adequate data to reliably calculate by how much. Volcanic unrest in some other large volcanic systems has persisted for decades or even centuries without leading to an eruption. But since volcanic unrest can escalate to an eruption quickly--in a few weeks, days, or less--USGS scientists are monitoring the activity closely.

>Increased volcanic unrest (including earthquake swarms, ground deformation, and CO2 gas emissions) in the Long Valley area since 1980 increases the chance of an eruption occurring in the near future, but scientists still lack adequate data to reliably calculate by how much. Volcanic unrest in some other large volcanic systems has persisted for decades or even centuries without leading to an eruption. But since volcanic unrest can escalate to an eruption quickly--in a few weeks, days, or less--USGS scientists are monitoring the activity closely.

>Increased volcanic unrest (including earthquake swarms, ground deformation, and CO2 gas emissions) in the Long Valley area since 1980 increases the chance of an eruption occurring in the near future, but scientists still lack adequate data to reliably calculate by how much. Volcanic unrest in some other large volcanic systems has persisted for decades or even centuries without leading to an eruption. But since volcanic unrest can escalate to an eruption quickly--in a few weeks, days, or less--USGS scientists are monitoring the activity closely.

Daily reminder, most USGS data comes from equipment and monitoring stations maintained and controlled by the US military. Even if a supervolcano was close to eruption they would not let the data out.

How long will the nuclear winter last?

Yeah, this happening will never happen.

pic related is Yellowstone compared to Tambora

>tfw just outside Raining ash zone


> colder with less sunlight
> melanin people can't get enough vitamin D
> only northern Euro descendants can live in North America

Might have a slight Eskimo problem, but that's it.

Could we win a war against it?

>yellowstone erupts
>giant cloud reverses global warming
>Decreased Population increases wealth per capita
>America Great Again

plz habben


solves global warming as well

I love this.

yes now think of how much force would be required to move all the magma under yellowstone, given its magma chamber is under most of idaho and some montana as well. A 7.0+ earthquake hit there in the 50's and nothing happened.

Be worried when a 9.0+ hits off the west coast on the gorda escarpment, otherwise thats far too much magma to just up and move out the earths crust. Theres a reason supervolcanoes dont erupt very often. It takes a massive amount of force to move the magma out, something that happens very rarely.

i wonder if yellowstone would cause a global winter

We're only going to be down to 70 million people by 2025, don't worry though, we won't all be dead just displaced.

Africa refused to take us, so Australia is one of the big ones who agreed to take us along with the billions we provided them with for agreeing to it. Oh, wait, doesn't that agreement expire in 2025?

It probably will happen but the problem is "soon" is on a geological timescale. It could very well be the year 5017 before it erupts.

Large earth quakes and volcanoes often happen during grand solar minimum and we are entering what looks to be a particularly strong one.

It's typically an extinction level event
Humanity would survive it, but our society will collapse. The communist left-coast faggots will finally understand suffering and work to survive, problem fixed.

Eskimos have only been living in a Arctic climate for 6000 years.
White people evolved in cold ice age Europe for 60,000.

>So how would a supervolcanic eruption at Yellowstone impact the regional ecosystem, and the US more broadly? Well, as The American Dream blog's Michael Snyder points out, it would be nothing short of catastrophic.
>Hundreds of cubic miles of ash, rock and lava would be blasted into the atmosphere, and this would likely plunge much of the northern hemisphere into several days of complete darkness. Virtually everything within 100 miles of Yellowstone would be immediately killed, but a much more cruel fate would befall those living in major cities outside of the immediate blast zone such as Salt Lake City and Denver.
>Hot volcanic ash, rock and dust would rain down on those cities literally for weeks. In the end, it would be extremely difficult for anyone living in those communities to survive. In fact, it has been estimated that 90 percent of all people living within 600 miles of Yellowstone would be killed.
>Experts project that such an eruption would dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away, and approximately two-thirds of the United States would suddenly become uninhabitable. The volcanic ash would severely contaminate most of our water supplies, and growing food in the middle of the country would become next to impossible.
>In other words, it would be the end of our country as we know it today.
>The rest of the planet, and this would especially be true for the northern hemisphere, would experience what is known as a “nuclear winter”. >An extreme period of “global cooling” would take place, and temperatures around the world would fall by up to 20 degrees. Crops would fail all over the planet, and severe famine would sweep the globe.
>In the end, billions could die.

It's going to happen in ten minutes

what if we meme it to eruption?


>have sister call center in ND
>live in TN so if they go down have to take the brunt of their workload

At least when they get to me I can at least apologize for the hold times due to my coworkers burning alive under piles of hot ash.

>How long will the nuclear winter last?

Until the nuclear spring equinox.

>tfw I actually want it to happen.

Most of us do


You're right this is a slide thread. There are massive leaks going on right now that this is sliding. OP can eat a dick.

if doubles it will happen in five minutes

I want it to happen but I'm afraid it won't reach me.

It's an extinction-level event. Fucking idiots.

Re rollllling



fuck it bois, roll

Come on xD I want a habbening

>I live here
>We're fine, yellowstone is not happening.

RIP, user

Kek maybe isn't hearing me anymore

>where does my food come from?


yellowstone happening threads are Sup Forums tradition and have been going on for years. Kys fucking faggot, i bet you would cry about a blmod thread.

Kek pleaseee

read these posts

There's an AMEC tactical nuke under Yellowstone waiting for a remote detonation signal.

pls kek hear me

I love yellowstone LARP threads.

>mfw southern florida

No ash, plenty of alligators and snakes to eat

oh shit nigga

this was my first post in the thread too

Yea I got it.

Oh my God you guys I live right next to a USGS station and I shit you not, the geyser Old Faithful just flew straight over my head armed with heavy water.


We've had plenty enough digits to seal our fate as far as this is concerned. Get a shovel and an umbrella because we're fucked and it's all because of that cunt

I know this isn't true but now I'm wondering if North Korea nuking Alaska will set off some kind of chain reaction

Happening imminent as soon as I roll doubles lads. Get ready

let it end

It's not going to happen in 5 minutes..

It's going to happen on Thursday 7/13/17 in the afternoon (US time zones of course).

Thank fuck

Yes! Thank you kek. Take me out already

We can make ash angels and get to the bottom of this "which religion is right" once and for all

We're all going to die lads. It's finally happening

No its not. Yellowstone goes off every 60,000 years. We just have a shit 2 years and then carry on. Unless you live near it. In that case you fucked.

>Some of you guys are alright

>where does my food come from?

A grocery store.

Yay, I'm in the clear!

No they are paranoia threads. It took me a few years to figure it out.

The fear response increases anxiety and is what makes this place such a potent addiction.

The endorphins and the oxytocin produced in your brain literally turns this place into an addiction.

If you are here now. Congrats you have stockholm syndrome. We are all fucked by the redpill and forbidden knowledge as well as these most likely psy-op threads to keep us here.

Yes winrar.


Bring it yellowstone.

not so fast champ

a bunch of fucks not privy that we not only have the technology to neutralize yellowstone but the same tech can be used to induce a yellowstone like disaster almost anywhere in the world if you can set up the extensive equipment

Let it happen. Good luck Yellowstone-chan!

Wish her luck, user. Be among the saved.


What will happen to Northern Minnesota, near Red Lake /Duluth area? Would I get to live out my winter war fantasies raiding places or do I ded?

Good luck Yellowstone-chan!