>be me
>comes across pol/eire
>thinks it will be great.
>threads are filled with english and americans calling the op a "potato nigger"
User visits pol/eire
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off potato nigger
wow didn't see that coming.
It's ok, we are all some kind of nigger.
Its just a bunch of shills. Pol is pro Irish (ps I am of North Irish decent).
Fuck off already, potato nigger.
Everyone is welcome here. Except leafs. Die you dirty leafnigger!
Wouldn't lose any sleep over it lad, this is Sup Forums everyone gets a bit of ragging.
if you're from anywhere In the world you're a nigger of some kind. pol hates everyone.
aside from everyone else Pol bashes on the daily
Its ok m8. You can call me an emu-nigger or an abo-nigger if you want. I kinda like the sound of it. Now stop complaining you fucking potato nigger.
kek. you dirty fucking emu-nigger.
Fuck off bong! Ok, everyone but leafs and bongs....and that dirty cunt larping as a jihadi. Everyone else is welcome.
>muh descent
Leaves need to leave.
And you fucking Kiwis...you faggots can just fuck right off.
>>be me
>>comes across pol/eire
>>thinks it will be great.
>>threads are filled with english and americans calling the op a "potato nigger"
This is an good place bro
1)Hates George Soros
2)Hates George Soros
3)Hates George Soros.
Learn the ways of the bantz and you'll do fine. Don't let the beady eyed anglos and the burgers jelly that they are not Irish by the Grace of God spoil your day. Half of them are actually impoverished pakkis behind proxies who would sell a kidney to live one day as a free Irishman but never will.
>saving thumbnails
>being this thinned skin
gtfo faggot
>Its ok m8. You can call me an emu-nigger or an abo-nigger if you want. I kinda like the sound of it. Now stop complaining you fucking potato nigger.
There's an emu behind you.....
Why would you give a shit what anbody thinks about you? do you think our ancestors gave a shit what people thought about them?
But you are a potato nigger.
thanks. fellow potato nigger
>Fuck off already, potato nigger.
Die raghead vermin.
I'm Irish retard
>potato nigger
gonna be just nigger soon
This bogfaggot gets it.
>do you think our ancestors gave a shit what people thought about them?
Well, yes. Now and again probably.
when did potato niggers get so butt hurt?
>I'm Irish
>I'm Irish retard
How much beady anglo is there in you?
Fuck off potato nigger.
you deserve the bad reputation, irish and italians ruined this great country, and the worst part of it all is you're too fucking stupid to understand how it all happened
>Fuck off potato nigger.
Are you African American by any chance?
At least you have the most beautiful women on Earth
>you deserve the bad reputation, irish and italians ruined this great country,
""When our friendless standards were first unfurled, who were the strangers who first mustered around our staff? And when it reeled in the light, who more brilliantly sustained it than Erin’s generous sons? Ireland, thou friend of my country in my country’s most friendless days, much injured, much enduring land, accept this poor tribute from one who esteems thy worth, and mourns thy desolation. May the God of Heaven, in His justice and mercy, grant thee more prosperous fortunes, and in His own time, cause the sun of Freedom to shed its benign radiance on the Emerald Isle."
-----George Washington"
Beady anglo shill detected,
Mfw the Welsh are called sheep-shaggers
from a masshole. Fuck off potato nigger!
No we understand, we just don't give a shit because your Anglo-Saxon ethos needed to be taken down. It's why we vote Democrat, refused to fully assimilate, started the hyphenated -American suffix, undercut local labour costs and brought Catholicism with us
I mean the guys a leaf but damn you need to lurk more.
First post best post.
Call your cousins in the US and tell them to get their asses back to Eirefrica.
Ok. You're an Irish retard. Pic related.
Are there whores out there with weenie genie and fluid druid tattooed on their backs as well?
You can't take the bantz seriously
that's right you filthy hispanic "american"
The power of meme's
>Ok. You're an Irish retard. Pic related.
He's not Irish, that's just what US public education does to kids the beady anglo hand at work
I heard SJW's have Gender fluid pointing downwards tattooed on their back
nah. its just fish and chips faggots ruin all the threads instead of going to pol/brit
good quote, but you're side-stepping the argument here (as you always do) that it is always irish pushing for the destruction of the civilizations that they infiltrate and shamelessly ween off of
just admit it, you are a parasite upon real humanity and this fact is actually the source of all your angst and loathing.... surely another pint will help you forget ya?
no hablo español muchacho
Grow a spine. Everyone here will get insulted eventually.
>I heard SJW's have Gender fluid pointing downwards tattooed on their back
you seem too familiar with the ways of degenerates
>that's right you filthy hispanic "american"
faggot cure thyself
>faggot cure thyself
fuck off you dumb paddy
>good quote, but you're side-stepping the argument here (as you always do) that it is always irish pushing for the destruction of the civilizations that they infiltrate and shamelessly ween off of
>just admit it, you are a parasite upon real humanity and this fact is actually the source of all your angst and loathing.... surely another pint will help you forget ya?
its no good you've been detected. your beadiest stare can't save you know
wow did the fag look up slurs for the Irish. nice try at an insult you border jumping nearly Asian coon
Nothing wrong with making use of the disabled. Shouldn't you support full employment?
catholic shit
>>faggot cure thyself
>fuck off you dumb paddy
Turn to the cleansing blue flame. Re-flash your corrupted bios.
Don't worry Padraig, I like you.
Then again I am from Lancashire, and pretty much everyone in the North has dash of potato in them.
Especially Scousers
catholic shit
welcome. you're supposed to lurk for years before posting. stop thinking your anything but a potato nigger here and it will be far less painful.
t. potatonigger expat
Hide Ir*sh threads
Do not respond to Ir*sh posters
>catholic shit
lol. so all Irish are Catholic's are we?
No I'm actually "irish" american myself, I've simply done enough research from a truly objective standpoint to understand that our shortcomings are actually the fault of ourselves and not of the invisible boogey man that you love oh so much to blame
just the bad ones
Fucking bongs and their muh heritage fagging. Everytime.
The power of electricity commands you. Purge with the surge.
Stop whining and accept Anglo dominion.
In Ireland those girls are 10/10
>lol. so all Irish are Catholic's are we?
pfft. if so 80% Irish are "bad"
I fapped.
What are you talking about you fucking chink!Most leafs hate their own country more than your do.
so be it
> Go on a date with a girl
> Welsh
> Child-bearing hips, boner-inducing ass, cute face, big blue evens, pretty smile...I could go on. Lovely girl to boot!
> End up getting drunk and telling her a fact that "Sheep shagging nickname come from Welshmen in medieval times would would steal a sheep, get caught and claim they wanted to shag it as the punishment for bestiality was loosing a finger, but the punishment for stealing was loosing your hand"
> 7th of August will be our 2 year anniversary!
>unironically calling yourself a "masshole"
You're a fucking faggot is what you are.
>In Ireland those girls are 10/10
Probably are to a pakki like you.
dude the Irish are the god tier of whites
redheads, freckles, blondes,
Irish Cream Ale
high IQ's
absolutely lilly white skin
Irish are even more pure white then the prussians
and all the germans/french etc got raped for thousands of years by med shitskins
Stop giving a fuck what morons on Sup Forums say
they are jealous
get out potato nigger
Stop being such a faggot about it.
Just call the Americans burger mongrels and the English turnip niggers.
Uncle Iqbal tells me his shop is doing very good business in Limerick and that he fucks very pretty irish girls for free booze and rolling tobacco. I will be over to experience this for myself soon. I am going to be what you call "new Irish"
In fairness wales does produce some QTs
Don't worry, we want out of your (((union)))
Fuck off goat fucker!
We like potatoes to. One of the most famous statues in Gothenburg is of the guy who brought potatoes to Sweden.
>Uncle Iqbal tells me his shop is doing very good business in Limerick and that he fucks very pretty irish girls for free booze and rolling tobacco. I will be over to experience this for myself soon. I am going to be what you call "new Irish"
>Good Business.
Pick one. The beady anglo blows his cover again.
> This statement...
> ...Coming from an American...
> ...in an /Eire/ thread
The irony is lost on you, eh Cleetus? How about I link you to some laugh track sound effects?
Yeah, the mick'n'spic alliance destroyed clapistan.
what's Sup Forumseire?
>very pretty Irish girls
I'm from limerick and good looking women here are 0.02 of women here
limerick is shite hole so meh