Faces of /pol

25 yo
have cute submissive gf
80k/y job as software engineer
l live by a peaceful bay that is predominately white people who yell about "a good nigger is a dead nigger"

i go on my boat/jetski and watch sunsets

thinking about having a kid

life is good

how you guys doing

not your blog faggot

Faces not lives you illiterate fuck



love the my dudes

should i start a blog?
am i that good at triggering the 15yo fags that j/o to lauren bwahaha


also why the fuck is hong kong ching ching chong ding dong a fucking flag.

shit went south once that asian fuck tookover

-I'm a 23 y/o female (Italian, Swedish, Mexican ancestry)
-have social anxiety
-never had a bf, always clam up whenever guys hit on me
-never been to college
-work at Walmart, but get bullied by my coworkers constantly
-I love my family
-I love animals (I'm a vegetarian)
-I like to go hiking and traveling to national parks whenever I can

bro youre in canada. grats that your country lets you post still.