why isn't reverse racism just called racism?
Why isn't reverse racism just called racism?
It's a Jew tactic to make a sensational label and means if discrediting
>why is newspeak so infantilizing and manipulative?
jesus christ op i dont know its literally just indecipherable at this point
To minimise it and allow it to be treated differently
>consequences of racism: lose your job
>consequences of reverse racism: a singular dirty look from the most red pilled white man around you
Because kikes invent words to manipulate thoughts.
Why can't you figure this out retard
This is a pretty good meme
It's the definition of racism. It's only racist if it's against minorities. Why is this so hard to understand? Define a new term for hate against whites and make it popular.
This. (((You can't be racist against white people)))
One time niggers beat the shit out of me. I really identify with this meme haha
Because that doesn't fit the narrative that the kikes are trying to push.
Uh, but white people are a minority race on the globe as a whole. Blacks and Asians are the largest race population wise....
There is no such thing as reverse racism desu.
>It's only racist if it's against minorities
That would be demography-ism, an opinion biased by demographics. Race-ism is an opinion on race.
>fuck white people
>kill white people
"you cant be racist towards whites"
fyi, reverse racism would literally mean being nice to one another.
So if in your country, you're a minority you can call others aracist. What`s the problem? If I would live in India I would call all others racist who won't let me in their club just because I'm white. Easy as that.
>that pic
So what they're saying is that if the culture of political correctness continues even a little bit further, then the white man will literally be forced to arise once more and stand above the rising tide of the colored races?
What's the point in being a nigger if you can't act like one?
t. Trotsky
aw is baby mad dat his wittle wevewse wacism isn't weal??
I'm happy to play ball with the "it's only racist if you're more privileged" argument, just so long as it's publicly acknowledged Jews and East Asians have more privilege than white people
>kill whites
is a call to murder or riots which should be illegal in your country as far as I know.
>fuck white people
So what? Fuck them. What's the problem?
That's not true. It's no opninion who got the power. Me in Japan? I would always getting called out as a white. It's racist because my race doesn't hold any power there.
Bc critical theory
absolutely 11/10
SJW's break down words and meanings to replace it with their own definitions. It's still racism.
Imagine the buthurt if we said "You can't be racist to niggers cause they don't even count as part of the human race".
It's a low-key way to dehumanize white people.
They can't possibly experience what other people do, after all.
What is reverse racism? Racism is defined by "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race." So is reverse racism preference and appreciation for someone of a different race?
>It's the definition of racism
Even Google says you're full of shit.
Or maybe it's discrimination against someone of the same race?
It's for the aliens.
Because the supreme court has rule several times for it.
I remember when you guys used to put effort into conflation of definitions.
Now it's just "trust me, goy!"
someone fix this image please
It is. Only retards use the term "reverse racism"
'Racist' is Marxist newspeak for non-Marxist.
So even google says that people in a country who look like you (black, white, green, blue, yellow) are preferred in this specific country? that's what you got to show me. Really now.
It's the definition of it. What else should I say? there is no other. Please tell me your definition of "reverse racism".
*are not
Because jews
But if you went to Japan and called the locals slant eyed nips, you would be called racist.
literally how can you be this retarded?
if you prefer a nigger over a white person because of the colour of their skin, you are discriminating against someone because of the colour of their skin.
why not just call it reverse racism when we prefer whites over niggers?
You're all fucking retards.
stop using the word racism.
Use the term Bigot.
You can call a SJW a Bigot to their face, and they cant do shit but accept the fact theyre garbage people. If you call them Bigots the first thing theyll do is ask if your calling yuo racist. thats how desperate they are to manipulate language.
The term racism has been used incorrectly for years, and (((they)) found a loophole without.
switch to 'bigot', and they cant do shit.
Anti white propaganda and brainwashing people into victimhood
If that's the case, then the white apartheid government in South Africa was never racist, because they were the minority. Thanks for clearing that up.
I kind of thought it was. There is no such thing as reverse racism, it is also just racism.
Whites have no culture of they own. They can't be victims of racism.
If I call someone an asshole doesn't make everyone an asshole. Racism isn't only what you call them but what is deep rooted in the society.
Implying it's "reverse" if it's racism against whites is just implying that the "default" racism is whites against shitskins.
Personally I am sick of playing these fucking games and am 100% ready to write off every member of each race that isn't my own. Stop this fucking insanity. SEPARATE THE RACES NOW!
Traditional nigger food is other niggers.
Yes. It was not racist. It is just cruel and bloody what is going on in south africa.
Or would you call that arabian warlord in africa a racist?
wtf is reverse racism? i cant keep up with all the new terms
do these people not know theres a whole dictionary full of words we have already come up with? theres no need to make up new words on a daily basis theres plenty left over which they never use
Word Origin and History for racist Expand
1932 as a noun, 1938 as an adjective, from race (n.2); racism is first attested 1936 (from French racisme, 1935), originally in the context of Nazi theories. But they replaced earlier words, racialism (1871) and racialist (1917), both often used early 20c. in a British or South African context. In the U.S., race hatred, race prejudice had been used, and, especially in 19c. political contexts, negrophobia.
You do understand that if whites stopped feeding niggers 99% of the nigger population in the world would die of starvation.
I can't tell if that tweet is racist against whites, or racist against blacks.
>Whites have no culture of they own
>they own
Why can't ANY black conjugate?!
Dumb fuck!
>It's racist because my race doesn't hold any power there.
What power does your race hold in Germany
the idea that racism is only racism if it its against a minority is just stupid
almost as stupid as the idea that "races" are superior to other "races"
>reverse racism
>White people dont have cultu-
It is just called racism. The only people who use the term "reverse racism" are those who don't believe it is possible to be racist against whites.
How about we just make racism popular instead?
Yeah they use social science definitions,nearly all are arbitrary or worded specifically to be used in a certain way. (Against us). I have a B.S. in sociology and have yet to lose a debate to any of them because I know exactly what they say and how they argue.
Racism against whites is the only racism that still exists.
>Whites have no culture
You are so consumed by white culture that you don't even realize it
Why did you waste $100,000?
This. 1000% This. Reclaim the language. Use it better than they do. Be more precise, more accurate.
Bigotry is actually what the issue is all about. The hate aspect of racism is bigotry. And it's what SJW's are. Bigots.
Racism without bigotry is just racial awareness.
According to Pic Related, racism is the belief that one's own race is superior. Without this superiority complex being made explicit, it's in fact NOT racist. This is another reason that the White Nationalists would do well to distinguish themselves from admiring Hitler.
All white culture is stolen from older cultures.
White culture is modern civilization.
By that thinking Apartheid wasn't racist.
The only people who use the term "reverse racism" are progs and resentful mystery meat who are trying to delegitimize racism against white people. Basically they're hypocrites but they don't want to admit it to themselves, so they have to attach qualifiers to their racism
Racism from all peoples against all other peoples exists and will as long as the human race exists. I think what you meant is "racism against whites is the only form of racism still socially acceptable." In which case, I agree.
G.I. Bill broseph, my entire first 2 semesters were making up for high school deficiencies from where I dropped out years ago. After that the policies changed so I didn't need any of them. Wasted a year for nothing. Though about going back but haven't yet.
>All culture is stolen from older cultures.
Fixed that for ya
Reverse racism isn't racism against whites. It's racism where you place one group above others, which means you inherently discriminate all other races.
For instance, if you were Chinese and thought Asian people are the absolute smartest and best, you'd be simultaneously discriminating against other races,
Low IQ whites and minorities are useful idiots. Reverse racism doesn't exist, just racism. Typical divide and conquer subversion by kikes. Also when minorities say (((they))) cant be racist, what they're really saying is whites are superior, and are too stupid to even realize it.
Racism is literally hate against a specific race, it doesn't matter what race the person is against, it's still racism.
It's been my experience in life that anyone who says "I have yet to lose a debate" usually loses all the debates and is just too stupid to realize it.
>It's racism where you place one group above others
AKA, Ethno-Nationalism?
how exactly does one become a victim of racism?
>why isn't reverse racism just called racism?
Because "Affirmative Action" sounds more positive.
Practically. I didn't say it was bad, I just said what it is by definition
A quote from Moonman:
"There is no such thing as reverse racism, only racism, and it can be practiced towards anybody."
Reverse racism is just some bullshit term niggers and SJWs invented to imply whites invented the concept of discrimination, which by definition, racism is not.
Fair Enough.
Go on, give me some examples. Back your shit-talk up
200 years of slavery. White people don't know what pain is.
LOL. So because she's fat, black, and stupid enough to be walking the wrong way, this is apparently whitey's fault. Whew, laddy.
I don't go around to coffee shops,vape,and debate people. If one can lose an argument with the sjw types while using their own terminology against them then I'd say either they were controlled opposition or totally tarded out.
> White people don't know what pain is.
Nice B8 M8.
All culture period is derived from older cultures.
awwww laaawwdy !
obligatory that's what the JOOS want you to think!!!! and You're a shill!
Because racism is an anti white racial slur
Sorry to pull the potato card, but Irish have been treated like shit before Africans came to the scene. We were conquered by Romans, than the Roman Catholics, then by the British. Finally when we got to America because of the potato famine, we were treated worse than Niggers because they were property and we were just refugees. Shit. Look at an old New York newspaper and you will see an Irish man killed everyday. Do you see the Irish bitch about anything? Even during St. Patrick's day, which is just a representation of driving pagans from Ireland, do you see us bitch abput cultural appropriation? Fuck minorities. They need to do their time.
It's literally not the definition of it.
Are you this jewish on purpose, or is it just how you were raised?