Sup Forums please stop this isn't funny anymore
Sup Forums please stop this isn't funny anymore
>not wanting to colonize the stars and xenopussy while leading them down the path of Christendom
>tfw the god emperor will lead space marines against the kike army in your lifetime
build a space wall to keep the xenos out
Holy fuck plz be real. T. 22yo shopping for a service
>militarization of outerspace
It's really not funny OP.
A simple lump of metal is enough to be WMD if dropped from orbit.
>fighting israels wars -- now from space!
>"Heh heh heh... This will get those millennial life drop outs to join..."
At this point I'm for anything that would get us back in space.
Reminder the space race was military research to keep up with the Soviets.
Gimme my moonbase Trump!
>"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."
I'll start kidnapping the children for the genetic experiments to fight the bad aliens
Mate we need to prepare for the future of warfare. An anti-ICBM missile space platform needs to be defended and we need to defend ourselves if any hostile ayylamo comes a knocking.
But we already have far more conventional WMDs. Why does it matter if we get some more highly impractical ones?
That'll be a neat simulation considering space isn't real
Started with Reagan
>Von Braun warned us
Alien war false flag when ?
That feel when the new wild west will be space
10/10 would join. The title "Space Captain" sounds pretty fucking cool.
Well, what do you guys think when we make space travel a reality?
Somebody has to claim the right to the planets across the solar system and their resources.
>west tries to colonize the stars
>mandatory diversity ruins colonies
need to deal with blacks first before we fuck up and spread them to space
>1 post by this id
Death to shills
>tfw will be too old to be a space marine
why live?
We have the god-emperor, now we need space Marines for the unification wars.
Can't wait for niggers to start claiming planets and history with them.
CNN's post about it was cringy as all get out.
While the idea of joining a Space Marine army to fight off filthy xenos sounds tempting, i just wonder what the point of it really is? If there is no clear enemy to fight then why have an army, after all they will have no idea what they're up against if they eventually do discover an enem, so why then waste billions of dollars on an army that might not even be suited for the operation?
It literally going to be Air Force satellites edition. Not space Marines killing Xenos.
>make colonies prohibitively expensive to travel to
>blacks never come
>Not putting someone like Poland in charge of choosing who goes
i'm not a shill bro. i'm a trump supporter. the text of my post was facetious. like "hue hue guys". ffs look at the image name.
There's always a Dreadnought. They can put your almost dying corpse and meld it with the machine. Serve the God Emperor in life, and in death.
>American space colonisation
>A country that's less than 50% white and declining fast
How horrifying.
>Space Marines?
>Master Chief
..and this is why nobody trusts the fucking Media.
Nothing stopping you from ejecting the blacks into space en-route, we just need to all agree before the colonization begins that non-whites should be ejected out of airlocks before arrival.
Hell yeah. Time to join the space corps
I believe that it was Thunder Warriors that were used to unite Terra. Space Marines were created later.
Blacks will ask for space gibs
>mfw section 8 housing on mars
A hunk of metal is more environmentally friendly than a nuke though.
Halo is more mainstream than Warhammer 40k.
Not gonna lie, former Glimpf Glampf Glompf voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Glimpftro crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
b-but muh ou-outer space t-treaty!
If we can't MAGA we can invade Mars for their natural gas & rare minerals. We must be "
carbon neutral" and support the Apple Corporation's smart phone empire for 100 years.
>colonies start a revolution because of Diversification without Representation
Space corps? What enemy would we even be fighting? We haven't even united humanity yet.
I think they know something we dont. I think they know for a fact aliens exist. They obviously just keep it secret from the peasants.
oh you'll see soon enough, Zilkdo.
>there will be a Venator Class USSS Donald J Trump
That is the plus side yes.
It would be bad for your environment if landed on your sofa though.
i don't know why but i laughed out loud at this. probably the pile of empty beer bottles accumulating on my desk.
and for the
> muh money wasted
military research advances all humanity
>Mandatory job for all colonists
Niggers will flee like rats
Sign me the fuck up
>Tfw born just in time to be a real live space shuttle door gunner
Feels fucking great man
space programs are a fucking waste of money. The ISS cost 200 billion dollars and that thing did jack shit but acting as a white elephant.
spend the money on bullet trains instead the US needs to update its rail system
If you build it... they will come.
There was recently an user warning about a false flag alien invasion to further globalist goals, describing how they'd use reverse engineered tech from crashed ayys to mimic their ships, pic very related
Is it finally happening?
Finally catching up, huh.
>mfw minimum ASVAB score of 90 required
Checkmate niggers
Faster, more reliable reaction times. "Conventional WMD's" are a multi billion dollar missle launched from the surface, into space, back to the surface, that could fail miserable at multiple stages.
Rods from God are massive Titanium Rods in space that can be targeted, dropped, and impact in half the time it takes for an ICBM, can release energy equivalent to nuclear bombs, and is allowed by all current treaties. Also, Why the fuck wouldn't we be the first to weaponize space? Its going to happen at some point, why not pioneer it and dominate anyone else who tries?
You're assuming that we're gonna have some asari, quarians, Twi'leks and Mirialan up in space. This isn't Star Wars or Mass Effect.
Just remember your training when you end up alone in the hangar
That's what I'm thinking too, they must have knowledge enough to be able to make the decision that this is actually a worthy investment and not some larping, and they most definitely can't do that unless they have some understanding of what they will be up against.
Does this mean flat earthers will finally fuck off
but i love quarian pussy :)
>implying this isnt compatible with the flat earth
Keep living in your fantasy world.
Fuck no, they're about to get louder then ever
>diversification without representation
for that you'll need a space elevator, as masses implied will be prohibitive for conventional means
which will make asteroid mining possible, as bringing materials down will be cost effective
spawning a new mining golden age
and making building spaceships in space possible too
military research advances all humanity
Build the Dyson Sphere and Make Omnicron Percei 8 pay for it.
They're tungsten rods.
>if dropped from orbit
Sure, but the idea (I think) is having boots on the ground in space. People who could, for example, kick the dog shit out of a space station made for dropping a simple lump of metal from orbit.
you're assuming there WON'T be such aliens. so eat shit you fun hating, dream shitting shit head.
I honestly forgot.
>Teaching aliens Christianity
Just what we need, more insufferable cunts with persecution complexes.
I'm laughing my ass off picturing how fast the republicans would fund the space program if we made it a military and then said it's vastly underfunded.
Yes, that's the point. I'm all for it.
>yeah so back on our planet we have these schemey little reptiles we call "Jews"
>anyway, like 2000 years ago one of them did some really cool magic
>Well no there isn't any proof but a bunch of other Jews saw it so we know it happened
>anyhow would you like to accept him as your lord and savior?
in all seriousness though this. Seriously you know that a gov must know some fucked up shit that aliens exist and have the tech to at least fly millions of light years to this solar system or they just know they are out their. Seriously for all we know
We'll be teaching them Scientology, mark my words
>he thinks halo was science fiction
>Space marines
>Uses H*lo
Where do I sign up?
The American Empire is going to space, .
Sounds like there is something they ain't telling us
>tfw I have a 96 GT
guess i'll just off myself
>Space mining creates jobs
>Space mining creates massive economic surplus
>Space mining leads to recreational space travel
>Space mining is a massive industry
>Recreational Space Travel opens the door for Space Crime
>Space Mining now has to deal with Space Pirates
>Space Corps does what they can, but cannot be everywhere at once
>Space Mining Companies hire Space Bounty Hunters to protect and reclaim their cargo
>mfw I can be a Space Bounty Hunter fighting against Space Pirates in the Crave1 (sponsored by Snickers)
>own stark industries
>create power suit which allows humans to travel to other planets safely
>only distribute to white people
>suit allows strength building while also being able to exert forces much greater than average human
you heard it here first folks
I honestly would, for the Space Corps. No sovereign nations to invade or refugees to create and herd towards European white women, in space.
This, even the monster Podesta had enough braincells to know militarization of space is a bad idea.
I don't need to into space marines, they'll be wearing the equipment I make
Most niggers are terrified of space. Even if you threw newports, 211s, and free skank pussy on the shuttle, niggers wouldn't go.