Imagine how much better the world would be if they won...
Imagine how much better the world would be if they won
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though it would have been nice to see Orwell shot so we dont have these lolbertarians bible thumping his books
>Group of anarchists loosely allied with the democratic supporters of Spain
>fighting against extremely united fascist and Monarchist forces
>The Fascists kick in the door and suddenly the Commies are killing each other like the cucks they are.
>retard forgets IDs exist
absolutely irrelevant
country devastated after civil war
wouldn't have contributed to WWII either way
best case, Marshall plab would have advanced Spain 20 years
sligthly more powerful/sooner EEC/EU
worst case, full Moscow grab, becomes Med satellite, commie shithole
oppo effect to Marshall plan
would now be Greek tier economy
Go KYS Podemos cunt
>would now be Greek tier economy
>like they arent that already
it was still better under franco's rule
>would now be Greek tier economy
aren't we already that now?
Yeah. Much as I prefer communism to Fascism, I don't see much changing as a result.
>a Eurocuck that is feeling angry
it wouldn't be better
it would just be commie instead of fascist
it takes you zero to search GDP and adjusted HDI by country, and see how much of a retard you are
see answer above
have some self respect, you POS
Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!
Sieg Heil.rr
Republicans were the most moral side in the conflict
They would never win.
Golly gee. finally I get to be a part of the community. And all it takes is personal info, adress etc?!
What a deal! This is almost as good as that one time a nigerian prince wanted to give me his inheritence in spite of me not even having nigger ancestors.
Spanish second republic
Yeah, would have been so good if filthy communists won.
Didn't the Anarchist started killing Communists and vice-versa at some point?
>European Cuba
Ya hemos pasado you little bitch.
saged, better dead than red you fucking commie
both groups of them stole property from anyone that was found to have violated the precious surplus "theft" laws
needless to say those same people who were betrayed of their property had the last laugh.
Who the fuck are those dweebs, its not like they gave us coffee and got us off wine and beer in the morning
The Commies started purging the Trotskiites and the anarchists on Stalin's orders. Very few of the Republican forces were fighting for democracy. Spanish civil war very similar to syria. Mostly shades of authoritarian dickbags.
The reality is if the Republicans had won they would have had Stalinist purges and a full-on Communist puppet government. Franco was the good guy.
Thanks for the explanation.
Would never have happened.
HDI of Greece is barely different to the Spanish or Italian one, only the GDP in Spain is quite larger