Parti 51 - Make Quebec Great Again

I've watched a whole interview with Master Hans Mercier, creator of Parti 51. He wants Quebec to become the 51st State of America. He's really smart and outspoken. I used to be a sovereigntist but he just convinced me that the only truly way for our nation to become sovereign is by becoming a US State.

Check out this vid.

Same thing in French

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's embeded links.



How cucked is Quebec? If they would vote Democrat in our elections, they can stay Canadian

By the time this happens, the Democrat parti will have been completely annihilated by meme warfare.

Everyone fucking hates Canada.

I do not believe Quebec is left wing. This is conjecture according to current political situation. Quebec is nationalist as fuck.

Quebec will just find reasons to complain about the USA and will never integrate
Plus the borders would look ugly af

Congress shall have "power to allow other nations to become part of the Republic of America. To extend the boundaries of the Republic and the protection of its laws to any foreign nation or entity, whose people, by the majority of their individual votes, desire to become part of the Republic. Any application to become part of the Republic must be made to Congress by the voice of the majority of that foreign people through lawful and congressionally verified election results; TO support the implementation of American law in any part of the world where the Republic holds authority and jurisdiction by the will of the people of that area."

You're first comment is retarded so I'm just gonna leave it there

If Quebec leaves, the Atlantic will be completly fucked and will end up doing the same to avoid complete isolation. The West will also most likely join

The only cuck in this whole story is Ontario. Good.

Thanks for the info and nice digits.

Explain how a French speaking province hostile to English speakers will integrate into a country where the main language of commerce and political discourse is still English.
Explain how a Catholic province will integrate into a country of still largely protestants or fedoras.
Explain how this province will mesh with its immediate neighbours which are demographically, culturally, economically, and religiously juxtaposed with it.
Explain how the Parliament would ever allow this to happen.
Explain how the USA would even want Quebec.
And finally, explain your butchered baguette-speak induced autism

1. It's the same thing with Canada anyways

2. It's the same thing with Canada anyways

3. It's the same thing with Canada anyways ( the biggest masses of the population is South of us, not East or West). The rest of the country will probably follow anyways.

4. Canada will be forever cucked by the US

5. No, U

I meant 6, no U.

5 is actually a good question. Americans have more respect for us than Canada.

That was the point behind my argument. Why do it when it's going to, once again, be the autistic French step child Quebec getting bodied by the English majority? Canada joining the USA voluntarily is a pipe dream too. Most Canadians hate America with a passive aggressiveness.
Quebec has always been the source of retarded political movements and leaders. The trudeaus, flq, and now this.

It's just a matter of time before the boomers and the MSM dies. It's realistic in a foreseeable future.

Non merci

Jfc Quebec is this desperate to escape the coming ethnic civil war in Canada
Stand your ground fucking toads

t. Quebec Solidaire

Why would we want them?

You think being incorporated into the United States would be good for our identity, our culture? They would allow a state to have only once official language: French?
Why am I even replying to this retarded thread.

Non, tu t'es trompé d'épouvantail rhétorique. Maintenant vas te coucher Kevin

Brown eyed cuties and great cooking.

>Getting out of Leafland to go right the fuck back in another anglos state
Don't think so

To put an end to this madness once and for all

kek as much as I'd rather see Quebec as an American state since trudeau is ruling Canada, it's the first time I hear about parti51 and I doubt that a party with only one member will do much.

fuck no

Because Quebec would have it's own laws and constitution within the US. The would have much more political leverage than what they have in Canada.


This. We have the sexiest women. Even in New Brunswick where I'm from the Anglo is desperate to get his hands on a French cutie.

I'm off guys. I'm going to eat a Poutine at my local bar. I did leg day today so.

Do you have a good knowledge of what are the respective competencies of the federal government and provincial governments in Canada, in comparison to how the competencies are shared between the federal and the states in the U.S.? In both cases, still no control over military, internation relations, or the currency. In fact, we probably have a lot more leverage in Canada. Can you explain clearly how we would have more control over ourselves in the U.S. in comparison to Canada?