And there you have it....Treason

And there you have it....Treason

Other urls found in this thread: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

I ran it through archive

not a surprise

where there's smoke there's fire

Not treason shill

What do you think these threads achieve? Answer me and be honest.

So cute with your childish delusions. No matter how much you kick and scream Daddy Trump will continue to spank your bottom till you learn your lesson.

literally not treason.

Playing the numbers/lurkers.

There we have what? You trailed off there.

WHOA those (((three anonymous sources))) have got them good this time!

>anonymous sources told us what we want to hear
>we will never have to back down from that claim unless Trump Jr. gives investigators access to information outside of the current scope of the investigation and we are proven wrong by them
>by then people will have forgotten about our article and we will face no consequences for lying

I trust the NY times and anonymous sources less than I trust CNN

No Treason is giving away classified material, leaving Americans to die in Benghazi, taking millions for your charity from our enemies, smuggling thousands of terrorists into the country, and organizing civil unrest when you lose the election because half the nation sees you for what you are.

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.

juden please

>Trump Jr.
>shows pic of Trump Sr.


Trump can never get charged for Treason when it comes to Russia, even if he did collude with them. Learn what treason actually is.

shkrel harassed my sis on fb cause i called him gay
what a loser


>posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread

Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.

You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.

Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.

It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.

You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.

All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.

Die in a fire.

How'd you type that with one hand?


>And there you have it....Treason

for fucks sake OP, you and the rest of the democraps should fuck right off.

Gas lighting is a common tactic of sociopaths and narcissists. Perfect description of Democrats.

Keep grasping for those straws.


>Anonymous source
>No copy of the e-mail in questoon

Why even write this?

Oh yeah, that'll stick.

Shkreli literally admitted to being on the spectrum. He could have 50 billion and you'd still be better than him.

This fills me with rage at how true it is

Its over man. Give it a rest for awhile. You lost. Lurk more is my suggestion and listen to what people say. Like this, maybe you will become a half degenerate soon. Or even better, /ourguy/

Sounds like Mr. Goldstone did more to interfere with the election than Russia did to honest famalam.

>be Trump
>have nothing but piss and vinegar for literally everyone on earth
>except for Russia who coincidentally hacked your opponent
Reminder that this is worse than Watergate. At least Nixon just hired criminals and paid them with money. Trump hired a hostile foreign government and paid them with US foreign policy.

How wrong, nowadays if there smoke, it some douche vaping.

Shill harder.

There's none here shithead. A tabloid reporter supposedly told Trumps son there was dirt on Clinton. If it were true, its not a crime or collusion. Over/ under on days until retraction is 6

>anonymous source

>anonymous sources
literally Trump Jr, faglord. The president's son admitted meeting with Russians to try to get damaging information about Hillary. I'm not making this up, it's literally what THE PRESIDENT'S SON AND NAMESAKE HIMSELF said

shill thread

except for Russia who according to multiple anonymous sources who have provided no proof of their claims, and not publicly come forward with accusations, coincidentally hacked your opponent.

Fixed that for you.

It's New York Times?? Bullshit.
See you in 2 weeks for the retraction AGAIN!
No one cares if it's true even better we love

I wonder how many times you have to be proven wrong before you'll actually admit it. All 8 years of Trump's presidency will pass without incident and you'll still be screaming about Russia. won't you?

i just read the article, very fraudulent TMZ style headline.

>Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign

then reading the entire article just rambles on and on about the same stuff it talked about on saturday. they also try to obfuscate the connection to Russia, when it wasn't a "russian" connection, it was a favor for a friend of a friend through a friend of a friend. and it was about potentially illegal campaign contributions to the DNC by people outside of America.

I don't understand how this is even news. they finally found some clandestine meeting with an actual russian individual, and they admit its nothing. embarrassing how they've tried to keep dropping this in slow bits to keep the story alive when there isn't anything here.

wake me up when these bums at the Jew York Slime actually come up with something.

Do you want Civil War? Because this is how you get Civil War. I will gladly take up arms to defend Trump and the red state voters if they dare try to remove him from office.

The media and the Dems are doing more to undermine our democracy than the Russians ever could.

awww man, that sucks

pack up your bags guys, Trump's never gonna be President now.


LMAO go home shill. Literally nobody says that.

>OP's post

And there you have it....autism. Sad!

slide thread
Three "anonymous" sources described an email. How'd the get the email?
anyway, pic related Sharia Blue

>according to three people with knowledge of the email
Into the trash it goes.

Thread Theme.

NYT already retracted the fucking article.

>pack up your bags guys, Trump's never gonna be President now.
he will never reach 270. he's done for

it won't be retracted b/c Kushner put it into his official file for the Senate, someone "leaked" it to the NYT (probably Schumer), and then Don Jr corroborated the entire thing.

The only problem here is that the lawyer never claimed to have DNC documents, only information about illegal DNC campaign contributions, how this directly relates to Hillary is not very clear, its also not clear how this was a Russian State sanctioned meeting.

You're really right in the cozy center of your little information-safespace bubble

It's the official finding of the US intelliegence community communicated by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence

I'll be surprised if he makes it his full term, to be honest. He's barely 6 months in and already ass-deep in scandal.

Honestly, I've been here way longer than you, and I'll be here after Sup Forums dies off, most likely. Faglord.

Preetty much this. This thread is boring.

I know this thread is bait but did anyone actually read the article? It states several times that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.

Me? No. I'm just saying that a man writing about man spanking another man is a flaming homosexual.

What is wrong with you? Do you think that we can't just go see it right at the top of the NYT homepage?

Spam the thread until it hits page 11

>someone tells Trump Jr i have dirt on Hillary
>he listens
>is bullshit and in reality she is like an animal activist or something
>he walks away

How is this illegal?


and that's putting it mildly. There's not even enough of a story to make an article, they spent the entire space trying to justify themselves with veiled innuendo.

>There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.

>It is unclear whether Mr. Goldstone had direct knowledge of the origin of the damaging material. One person who was briefed on the emails said it appeared that he was passing along information that had been passed through several others.

>“He said, ‘I’m told she has information about illegal campaign contributions to the D.N.C.,’” Mr. Goldstone recalled, referring to the Democratic National Committee. He said he then emailed Donald Trump Jr., outlining what the lawyer purported to have.

>Ms. Veselnitskaya, for her part, denied that the campaign or compromising material about Mrs. Clinton ever came up. She said she had never acted on behalf of the Russian government.

I hope he gets impeached so civil war starts and i can kill you fags freely.

Can I read the report from that agency which sites where they got the proof of this claim? Because if it were true there would already have been a trial. What they have are thousands of butt hurt democrats and Obama hold outs making up stories in a vain and futile attempt to make connections to some crime where none exist. Show me the proof and give me the name of the people making accusations so they can provide proof.


Your handlers are really sweating now, aren't they?



you didn't read it when it first came out??

its like a tiny summary of 'we think', 'we believe', 'musta happened'

and then its 3 pages of how to safe guard your computer from threats. its like something you would find on buzzfeed. It barely registers as an assertion of wrong doing. its just a list of mild coincidences, and it was roundly mocked.

I played Counter Strike with some Russians once, guess I should be charged with treason

I'm glad she'll finally get Her Turn.

I'll take the under

According to me an anonymous source Hillary Clinton is secretly cheating on bill with an alien, and she is pregnant with an alien baby. Quick some one call the intelligence community so they can run a multi-million dollar investigation.

Wow drumpf is finished

I can't believe he's getting impeached just like the other thousand times we said we had a smoking gun but didn't

8 years baby

OP literally posts evidence, trump supporters reply by asking for evidence....

Not a very bright bunch. Then again, we already knew that.


>he thinks talking to Russians is illegal

wow so is drumph finally finished???

it's for realsies this time, right?

the last 20 times were all for realsies too though but you lied to us!

>OP literally posts evidence

NYT does not evidence make.

It's not about intelligence, it's a total emotion thing.

Sorry, "agreed to a quid-pro-quo". Better?

It would be "collusion", not "treason".

But it isn't even remotely close to that.

You realize that the powers that be have had all of this information for nearly a year now, yes? You realize that if there was anything truly damning it would have come out in October of last year.

You're celebrating low-level nothingburgers that the media tosses out to keep you hooked on their stupid media.

whoops, that was the one they released after they were mocked, that one deals with how RT is a propaganda arm of the Russian Government and how it was used to influence the election, replete with absurd tin foil manifestations of evil.

here's the first one they put out, STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

>admitted to talking with a private citizen of Russia

There's literally nothing wrong with this, even if it was oppo research.

>but the NYT says she was working with the government on it

I'll believe that when I see it, but until then you have

>Mr. Goldstone’s message, as described to The New York Times by the three people, indicates that the Russian government was the source of the potentially damaging information. It does not elaborate on the wider effort by Moscow to help the Trump campaign. There is no evidence to suggest that the promised damaging information was related to Russian government computer hacking that led to the release of thousands of Democratic National Committee emails.

Mr Goldstone says it was from the government to an extent, however this leads to questions that need to be asked before anything else is done such as
>if true, why would he know this?
>was the govt connection told to him or was he making an assumption?
And considering the meeting apparently didnt really pan out
>was it bait just to grab a meeting?

I noticed people pointed out the lawyer has some connections to the piss dossier, and this description of the "damning" email is making me lean more towards this being a frame job than before since its apparently incriminating yet at the same time vague as fuck.

How can I put this so you'll understand? No one that matters cares.

Keep spamming your memes, Trumpanzees.

I hope your worldview drowns in despair and self-loathing when you realize you voted for a traitor.

>as described to the New York Times by 3 different people

Stopped right there...


You know what happened after that commie bastard Obama was elected? The right moves on with our lives. You assholes are in for 8 very, very long years.

>NYT does not evidence make.

Totally not a bot.

You would of thought as hard headed as they are it would of been released sooner than something closer to october

>65 idiots in a bait thread
newfags really should lurk more
>lurk means watch and don't post.

>jew york slimes


Stephen king:


Since you're confused, here is an example of a claim supported with evidence:

An assertion is made, then the method for coming to the conclusion is outlined with verifiable information. The NYT saying "we heard this thing through the grapevine" is not evidence. It is gossip. NYT is a tabloid. Welcome to 2017.

Matthew 24.12.
He also said it would be ‘as in the days of Noah’ and ‘the days of Lot’ before His return.

How the fuck do people not realize this? If they had dirt, he wouldn't be president. It's just bait too keep the viewers. Fucking libtards

Commie? he just wasn't a fucking right-wing fascist like your retarded republican overlords.

Also, the right didn't move on.
They critized him for Dijon muster and a goddamn tan suit.


You do realize that if we had a normal media there wouldn't be anything to this nothingburger, yes?

They've been spying on Trump for two whole years now and still have NOTHING. There is NOTHING to this story and there'll never be, not even after this little kerfuffle. It is a media lie, a globalist lie, a big fat LIE with nothing substantial behind it other than """anonymous sources'"".

>muh russia


It's nothing as usual

Please refer to this since you appear to have difficulty with basic logical concepts

It's not fucking treason. It's conspiracy to commit campaign finance fraud.
