This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, Anti-Communism, Right-Wing Populism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

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Care to argue?

Left libertarianism is just replacing the market with the community and using shame/virtue signalling as a motivation instead of greed.

can anyone explain how currency would work in an ancap society?

P*leo plebs.

Bitcoin. Currency is accepted because people are willing to accept it despite the fact that no entity formally backs it as legal tender.

what stops someone from making a state
>if people were angels there would be no need for government

how do you feel about voluntary collectivism



That perfectly fine with me. Individuals have the right to do that if they want. That's why you never hear Ancaps argue against unions. Unions are fine as long as they are voluntary.

The workers at a company can always choose to take out a loan, buy out the owner, distribute shares to themselves. Happens all the time. It's hard to see how you could improve on this.

You've got it

It's called mutualism.

And yes, the fact people will say no (convincing people to work for free is beyond what we're capable of at the moment) is why left libertarianism is tied to social engineering, it implies Marxism at this point but I suspect left libertarians would accept an almost fascist idea of societal unit.

For instance, if most poor people were supported by their family, then fewer people will need authoritarian services and therefore there's less of a drain. Ergo, a left libertarian would promote family values to get people dependent on their families, especially into their old age (just live with your parents until they die) instead of dependent on the state.

Whereas a Marxist wants you dependent on the state.

Left libertarians aren't Marxist, but we do have questionable views when we use words like "community".

Unions are great. The problem is when you mix it with antitrust legislation that prevents employers from counter-unionizing. You're essentially granting the unions a monopoly on labor.

The NAP and a higher IQ population.

Speaking of which, reminder that Drew Carey is /ourguy/


Where we're going we don't need roads.


>Implying that the restructuring of economic sphere complete above all traditional social concerns and contracts isn't an inherently leftist, progressive idea which forced thousands of people away from their traditional social bonds and created an alienated and atomized working force to allow a small leisure class to profit which ultimately made modern society as degenerate soulless as the machines and financial elite which they service

It's not coercion. You're just are not allowed to use force in order to monopolize on something that you aren't actively using. Left libertarians don't recognize your right to absentee ownership and see your attempt to stop others from using it as robbery from the society.

State = forced

So, it breaks the NAP and you've got artillery incoming

People can live in their own communes as much as they want, but they can't force people to join

Howdy fellas, hope I wasn't late to the party!

By the way, if you have any ideas for flags that you wanted to make on a computer, I can execute them the best I can on Illustrator (pic related).

How do you enforce National borders in an AnCap society? What would prevent willing property owners from bringing in immigrants? Seems there needs to be something that holds the many properties together as a cohesive collective... I was thinking a figurehead monarchy that only has power over national borders and sustaining AnCap rule might be the best way to keep said society from rapidly changing.. dunno someone educate me

>economic sphere above all

are you talking about how the Federal Reserve is corporate welfare for Wall Street?

Ancaps don't like the Fed.

we are not about the superficial signifiers of "capitalism" (suits, banks, money, business)

we are about voluntarism. that means most economic actions will be based on market transactions. but that also includes charity and familial relationships. as long as it is voluntary, it is good.

the constant experimentation among free people interacting voluntarily will uncover the best way of solving problems.

It's a country, so borders are a given and to be respected.

Bringing in immigrants breaks the NAP simply because they're taking away from citizens of your own country, which will have a right to competitive free markets.

Can you make one featuring a palmetto? Something like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_South_Carolina, would be really appreciated.

and WHY dont they recognize absentee ownership?
because they have a belief in surplus "theft"
even though there is still no proof given of such theft

if immigration is facilitated by individuals who choose who to invite to their property based on whether it benefits them, then we will only get the Good Hombres.

just like how JK Rowling will not let muslims or niggers in her mansion, people in an ancap world will tend not to invite people who will ruin their property.

it's an immigration policy that is not completely restrictive, and where the results of bad choices are borne primarily by those who make them. that minimizes the risk for who else comes in contact with them.

Sure, you want to keep the crescent, I take it, with the same template as the flag in the picture?

No I'm not talking about the federal reserve I'm talking about pre-capitalist economies. Your concept of "voluntary" isn't some neutral blank slate ideology. It has a shit ton of historical and cultural baggage that would bizarre to the natural sorts of economies that from in the absence of capitalist reforms. The traditional and standard view of property ownership is defined through society, communities, and generations of social contracts not just on autistically arbitrary claims to absolute ownership.

No roads. Your political philosophy is s---.

Brayan Caplan is the best libertarian economist,he can make libertarian thoughts come to the academy.

You can simply make immigration entirely illegal

Foreigners wouldn't be accustomed to anarchy, and they'd take from citizens of the country -- free markers means you'll have an abundance of your own labor locally. This would also increase the birth rate.

Foreigners should have zero rights; they're breaking the NAP as soon as they cross the border

Funny fact:

Out here where there's literally no state (outback), the public fix the roads, and they're unpaid.

while I disagree, I've heard ancaps say that it's within the freedom of the property owner to invite in foreigners, as long as those immigrants stay on consenting properties. Wouldn't whatever power that sustains national law essentially be a government? How are laws decided and enforced on a national level?

The most sustainable form of Libertarianism, imo, is Nationalist Libertarianism. It brings in theories about property rights and the NAP that allow controlled borders and general sustainability of Libertarian 'state' to exist.

1. Those who support ideas that directly violate the NAP MUST be physically removed - as these people do not believe in intrinsic property rights, they do not deserve those rights to be attributed to themselves. This allows the removal of those who would destabilise a truly free state (leftists in general, Communists, etc.) without the state actually violating any Libertarian ideals, as these people have effectively broken the NAP. Probably by simply removing them to another place, but I'm personally not against firing up the helicopters and dumping the degenerates into the sea.

2. Borders are in place as the country itself is property of the culture/people as a whole. Immigrant workers would be fine, BUT they must also agree with rule no.1. This is equally important as, as you say, going full 'open borders' is basically retarded, because it instantly opens the country up to tonnes of people who would try to change the system. There is no point or place for a system of governance that kills itself from the get go.

3. There must also be a certain trust placed in employers that hiring those who are from their own country and culture creates a more harmonious, and therefore more effective and profitable workforce.

There'd be a Constitution, which would govern the entity of the country for free markers, no state, as well as laws governing borders and such.

What the collective agrees to in regards to immigrants, as long as it doesn't break the principles of ancap, would be what's binding.

I think immigrants break the NAP themselves, even on private property, as they're foreigners that aren't bound to the country's Constitution and they take away from the right of the citizen to partake in the free markets as they would normally compared to other citizens.

Yes goys. Keep pouring your savings on libertarian causes. Thanks again goyim

We love our goys indeed.


Why not bits of string then? Easier
Stupid fucking ideology

Something like this?

This is great, thanks! Did not notice your first reply, sorry, but this is really nice.

This shit is boring. This is now an AnCap meme thread

No problem man, I love making this shit, just been fucking around...

Anyone have any other requests?