Is Ancap the most retarded ideology ever? Anyone who takes it seriously?
Is Ancap the most retarded ideology ever? Anyone who takes it seriously?
Ancap is actually the only logical position
Its funny to see most conservatives and libertarians say that government cant be trusted with the economy...yet you trust them with defense and protection? Most wars are started by governments and mass immigration is a product of government
That pic is funny, since communist countries don't have living conditions.
It is not fucking logical at all, assuming that without any kind of state oversight that ANYONE is going to magically respect property rights. If you turn your head away from your property for 2 seconds there is nothing stopping a nigger from swooping in and taking it and running off your property, now what? There is nothing you can do, just imagine this but on a fucking societal scale, it will be total fucking barbarism.
>just hire muh private security force
Yeah that isn't going to be affordable to most people, you are going to have to defend your shit 24/7 from potential thieves, the only way your property would be safe would be if you signed your rights away to some property owner to buy your land and defend it themselves, making you a LITERAL SERF. It's either chaos or total feudalism.
nope, communism is still the high lord retard supreme.
Post ancap balls
You are assuming that there would be no collectivism in ancap. In reality there would be plenty of towns/villages/areas that collectively put money to hire a security force
Just like in amish country huh?
Ancap only ever existed to continue to promote present-day corporatism (which is what anarchocapitalism ACTUALLY is) while demonizing actual libertarians of the classical liberal and "I care about civil and human rights, not bleeding the country dry and fuck you I got mine mindset" kind.
Once you actually examine anarcho-capitalism the true colors reveal themselves almost instantly.
The NAP is a ploy for naive dumbfucks to believe in. A "though shalt not" command that will be immediately broken by the jewish oligarchs who don't give a flying FUCK what the NAP says, you're getting bombed and shot by mercs if you don't get the fuck off their new property. You'll then be called a criminal for violating the NAP while the oligarch steals YOUR property.
Fundamentally it's just anarchy so that powerful players can use their pre-existing wealth and influence to make themselves warlords and kings. Very quickly through the implementation of an "anarcho-capitalist society" it will regress right back into typical hierarchies, except with the goyim left penniless and the jews running everything.
Look at the people behind anarcho-capitalism; all jews.
Look at what the shitty ideology focuses on: MONEY MONEY MONEY above EVERYTHING ELSE
Look at what Libertarianism USED to be about: HUMAN RIGHTS, CIVIL RIGHTS, FREEDOM
Ancaps are useful idiots.
>assuming that without any kind of state oversight that ANYONE is going to magically respect property rights.
>imply the state even cares about property rights.
The police can't even reach your home fast enough to save you in case of a home invasion. It is up to you to protect yourself.
>Make divorce really easy and very damaging to the husband but lucrative to the wife.
>Husband has some say in whether to get married in the first place
>Wonder why marriage rates are down
>he posts a public service being shitty and thinks it's an argument against ancapism
Can't make this shit up.
they don't even have food
Ah yes, the land of innovation and progress.
Anarchism gets us fucking nowhere as a species. Enjoying dying from a common cold.
If you think Ancap is the most retarded, you should look into Ancom sometime.
It's the fairest
more big stories
Actually he posted a perfect example of what would happen all the time if anywhere in the world followed your retarded philosophy.
They're not violent like the canuck said.
It's all I have, unless you're interested in this ctr meme
>implying that one is entitled to human rights when they aren't outlined in the voluntary exchange of labor for money
Wrong, since public services are paid with taxes regardless of how shitty the quality. You can't op out of paying the fire department that burned down your house, unless you want Uncle Sam knocking down your door.
Ancaps would always overbid on price is right
Human rights and freedom are pretty stale memes.
Freedom is literally nothing and worth as much. People just want to choose their boundaries themself. (wife, house, job etc)
Human rights are just limitations to archieve a/your goal/s, which is actually the only moral existing. Some choose to serf god, some want to deny it for others (Libtards).
Only in a collective we can archieve greater goals, like saving or fucking up the universe, create superhumans, build great architecture, Geographic engineering, colonizing Jew-Peter etc. Market gains are in itself useless/lesser goals
'Anarcho'-capitalism is simply corporate tyranny. It'd be pretty much just like the current US except no taxes and even fewer rights: I.e shit
It's almost like you don't know what the definition of corporatism is.
Individual rights and freedoms strengthen the collective that is attempting to achieve "greater goals"
It takes a deep understanding of human psychology, emotion security to admit that humans aren't noble or special snowflakes and a dozen other heavy education and natural sense prerequisites to understand.
It's likely you're just not smart enough and never will be.
You're better off just moving on and becoming anarcho-syndicalist or some other nonsensical, conflicting ideology. You'll sleep better at night.
Good thing there are laws that force the firefighters to save you. Scotland yard are treating the tower block fire right now as a criminal act and will investigate the firefighters who told people to stay in their flat.
If the firefighter in an anarchist system screw you over, who is going to defend you? Oh sure you can take your business elsewhere, but now your house is fucking gone anyway.
Thank you for posting in this thread... I needed a good laugh ancraps!
Just find a different job XD XD
Anarchy is for edgy teenagers
>moron pretends i'm ancap because it would fit his narrative
>see his little fedora flag
checks out. keep on trying to cope with your impotent rage, bitch boy. i'll keep on laughing at you for it.
>I win if I laugh at you.
The tactic of 'controlling the narrative' doesn't work here, faggot.
But individual rights on themself are worth nothing and if ever there is a method serving the goal better it gets abandoned/reduced
I basically want mankind to become ayy lmaos
Human rights: The people who serve our goal best get benefits, the people who are hindering our goals get taxed to ensure benefits, this is done in a way that the populace does not revolt. Subhumans are eliminated at sight.
>who is going to defend you?
Literally everyone in the area who also uses the same service. They don't want their house burned down, so they will stop using that firm. Your argument hinges on that everyone in an ancap society is soulless and selfish, which clearly not everyone and most aren't. Which is funny, since if people are so bad, why would you let a hand full of them control your life? A better question is who is going to defend you if the fire department burns down your house, or a police officer "accidentally" guns you down. You think you can take on the state?
"Anarcho"-communists, everyone.
Ancaps and a lot of libertarians arguments are principal based.
So when you come up with a fucked situation to make it sound bad, it works.
Ancaps are right but you have to think things through.
For the picture posted, if you own the property then you SHOULD be able to decide if yo hire or fire workers.
That being said, if you did fire them hopefully people would peacefully protest that shitty business.
does OP ever post more than once? do i always sage these threads? is OP a faggot? are the mods not aware of this thread?
remember goys, every time you respond to a slide thread, OP gets shekels.
>sage for America
>bait thread
>surprised when 1 post from ID
You need to lurk more, friend.
I'm not an Ancap, but try reading a book on it instead of reading memes about it. There are some really interesting ideas by David Friedman.
Read Hoppe work.
Forgot my ancap flag last post. Anyways, with no state to answer to, labor unions will be nothing to fuck with. Commies of all flavors love such organizations until they no longer forward the spread of communism.