*blocks your path*
What does Sup Forums think of nationalist, economically left movements?
*blocks your path*
All that redistribution of wealth will go to spics nigs and single moms.
I'm pretty sure in the Stalinism + racism formula proposed here neither of those wouldt exist anymore.
You mean like national socialism? I like national socialism, but I also admit I don't understand economics and am more concerned with social issues.
Not if we kick em all out first.
Most people on this board have no clue how economics work, especially the ancaps and libertarians
>Create white nationalist government
>Remove nonwhites from the country
>Stop Capitalists to stop being such Jews
>Restructure Capitalism into Socialism to protect culture, family, religion, and tradition
>Use wealth from absentee ownership to secure the prosperity of all white people
>Somehow all across the nation money just keeps disappears and somehow ends up in the hands of niggers and spics
mfw the capitalists were right all along
I don't think that's how the average Sup Forumsock's mind works. I at least have the decency not to het involved in economic discussions usually, I guess. I think the econ buffs are probably better at math as well, which is something I struggled with.
>What does Sup Forums think of nationalist, economically left movements?
Bro, as long as I don't have to see another spic or nigger again I would gladly take a king or whatever kind of government you could imagine.
I was in Advanced Placement Economics while in high school, and will continue taking economic courses this fall when I attended College. I am not an Ancap or Libertarian, But I can certainly assure you that capitalism is most assuredly the best economic system. There is a lot of merit to Libertarian/Ancap ideas when it comes to economic issues. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of economics understand that Left wing approaches to economics are whole heartedly ludicrous. Liberals, Socialists, Communists, and these "National Bolsheviks" (such a stupid and backward ideology I honestly believe the people who created our flags made it up. Like seriously, I have never seen anyone who identifies as such anywhere in the world or online before. The name itself is an oxymoron, might as well be National Socialist) know nothing of economics. All they know is the emotional rhetoric of Cultural Marxism, and believe that everyone should be entitled to all basic necessities simply because they exist.
Brainlet here. What was wrong with German National Socialism economically? It created a lot of growth in the interwar period from what I know.
As long as we kill all non-whites before we run out of food.
Free market capitalism is shit. Nazbol is a meme outside of parts of Russia, also the meme is different than the real party.
That's typical bluepilled cuckservative rethoric, you even used 'cultural marxism' like a good mindless sperg
All ideology and no substance
National Bolshevism is a revival of what regular communism used to be. The old reds were nothing like these Che Guevara hoodie wearing college fuckups walking around today.
I was a communist once, thinking it was a movement of people who valued hard work and labour. The entitled trust fund brats, exhibitionist sexual deviants and screeching harpee cunt feminists are what drove me away. In western societies, I find the most honorable and hard working people that value discipline and social order are found on the right, so I choose to hang my hat with conservatives.
The German economy during that era was not sustainable in the long run. The entire economy was designed around war and the acquisition of Living Space. Eventually Germany would run out of territory to acquire, and their economy would need to either be redesigned or face collapse. Economics and Fascism have a complicated relationship. There is no defined economic structure in a Fascist society, which results in economies varying from country to country. They mostly center around war, which cannot last forever. I guess a positive to this is that this means they can be flexible. But to create a better economic system than capitalism would require an economic genius.
If I had to choose between living in an anti-nationalist socialist nation like Germany or a national socialist one, I'd probably choose regular national socialism on the principle of least retardation, but socialism and Statism are on a fundamental level opposed to true nationalism.
A socialist system of any kind is one where the people are weak and expect to be fed and watered by the State. Goods and services are not earned by each man for his family, but "given" to people reduced to thinking they could not make it themselves. In socialism it is the State and not the Nation that makes things happen, there's no quality created by the virtue of competition, not of goods, services or the peoplen themselves. Even if there's some initial spike, inevitably socialism anthropies the virtues and power of the nation.
>Free Market capitalism is shit
Care to elaborate?
Hedrich had one of the Strassers shot in his cell and left to bleed out for over an hour, no doubt so he could contemplate his treason and failure. I think thats fitting for the neo-strasserites.
Nazbol is not a real ideology and only pushed by communists to break us up. The whole idea comes from their dispute over communism in one country or global communism. They seek to make us have the same dispute and by doing so, prevent us from stopping white genocide. In other words, they get the punishment traitors and kikes get.
Cultural Marxism is the set of Marxist beliefs which relate to Culture rather than the economic beliefs Socialism is centered around. It isn't a buzzword like "cuckservative." Cultural Marxism is the corner stone of SJW thought.
Come on now, I thought Sup Forumsacks were much more intelligent than Tumblrites. Don't disappoint me.
A true Bolshevik cannot be a Nationalist. Nationalism isn't compatible with Communist Principles.
I don't really give a shit about economic ideology, I just want whatever is best for everyone.
You forgot to add:
>Russian Communist
>Supports rape of German Women
>Has no concern for brethren sent unfairly to labor camps
>Were the nigger of the State to die for nothing in battle
>Never read any of Karl Marx's work, just propaganda fed by the government.
My opinion on this matter is that social supports are fine if they are granted to contributing citizens, but long-term unemployment aid shouldn't exist and certain expensive types of healthcare (especially to pay for lifelong debilitating illnesses) shouldn't be socialized either. Families and charities should have the responsibility of supporting the elderly, infirm, and chronically ill. I generally support two tiers of service throughout all society, with rugged but basic public services available for everyone who receives an income and more elaborate services for those who can pay.
I also think that a properly raised and educated society could have the majority steered away from materialism; though of course humans will always strive for material wealth due to our evolutionary heritage, the most funneled into a state capitalist system - economic prosperity is not as important as moral strength, but greedy people will always exist and it is better to harness that impulse than deny it. A true meritocracy would also ensure that people were funneled into the career that was most suitable for them.
Realistically, as long as cripples and the homeless and the unrepentant layabouts aren't supported, public services are just fine.
It's excellent.
white people can make any system of government work. its the non whites that create the problem assisted by jews.
Yes, indeed, the fully-functional White Communist states of East Germany, Yugoslavia, and the USSR among others, were obviously utopias