If the universe is infinite, how is it constantly growing?
If the universe is infinite, how is it constantly growing?
Growing into itself
Doesn't belong on Sup Forums but I actually like the post its a witty thought.
Reality itself might be infinite, but the stuff that came out of the big bang which we call the observable universe isn't.
it is effectively infinite since it is growing faster than it's own speed limit
Because it's closed.
It's like an erection
what makes the stuff outside the stuff that came out of the big bang not nothing?
there's several kinds of infinities
N, Z, Q and R are all infinite sets but only N, Z and Q have the same cardinality
This is one of a myriad of problems with BBT. Second and most important is the very premise that all matter was in one location at one time. This defies all laws of physics unless it was conjured there.
Nothing is infinite you moron.
earth is floot
the universe is not a set
also how do you know the concept of cardinality makes sense in the physical world
The universe is flat.
>If the universe is infinite
It's not. Nothing that is made of matter is infinite.* Only spirit can be infinite.
*If you can even *hypothetically* add one more to whatever material thing you're claiming is infinite, then it's not infinite.
PS: Who claims that the universe is infinite?
PPS: This is a slide thread.
God commands it to. Does the earth stretch on forever?
>If the number line is truly infinite, how can you constantly create a larger number?
Your inability to comprehend infinity has nothing to do with infinities existence.
There is nothing nonsensical about an infinite space expanding. Just think of it as the space between you and any given object growing at a rate directly proportional to how much space there is between you and that something.
There is no stuff outside the stuff.
the universe is a paradox. what else do you need to know?
Infinity also doesn't have a beginning or end, but our universe does. My guess is that its origin is infinite, but as the universe expands, it creates sections of finite-matter, such as galaxies and the like.
When the end-date of the universe happens, all the (finite) matter inside is what dies out - the universe itself just returns to its original, infinite state.
Theres no proof its growing, its a theory from a hateful nihilist jew
Its not infinite but reality is infinite.
Show me the edge of the universe please. It's not growing, we are able to see further and observe more
But what if is, comrade?
if something is growing infinitely, it is not a hard logical leap to assume that it is infinite.
We have yet to even figure out how to catch up to how fast it is growing, so as of right now there is no possible way to catch up to how fast it is growing to hit the 'edge'
The universe doesn't have an edge. The observable universe obviously does have an edge, but not the universe itself. The universe is either infinite or finite yet unbounded.
Nobody knows, hence the term "observable universe." Outside of the observable universe isn't observable so you can't really say anything about it including whether or not there even is an it. Though it would seem like a pretty weird coincidence if the entirety of reality just happens to extend only as far as we're personally able to observe at this point in history.
2/0 > 1/0
infinity is a jewish psyop, just like the global earth
there's no such thing as infinity
even the amount of cocks your faggot ass can suck is limited by your lifetime and the cocks per hour rate that you can realistically suck, OP
u sonud dum
The blackness of space is infinite, but the matter exploded by the Big Bang is expanding outward. Assuming the Big Bang to be true. Lots of theories out there.
What reason do you have to believe that the universe is expanding, considering that "Hubble's Law" is wrong?
god the fucking set theory muh infinites kike shill is already here
fuck off hershel
Then the post I responded to is incorrect and OP is right since the universe is expanding. in any given moment it is not infinite.
The universe is an allegory of human ego.
Oh I'm sorry, let me reiterate:
"i reckon teh universe is flat, anyone who disagrees is a fuckin kike"
It HAS to be infinite. Only then can I be sure another me somewhere lives happily with his waifu
based, upvoat.it
all the physical matter in the universe sits in an infinite vacuum. The physical matter in the universe spreads outward into the infinite nothing, increasing the gap between other objects. Eventually all the matter in the universe may pull on itself back towards it's center resulting in a big crunch and compresses
until a new big bang occurs. Something can not come out of nothing, thus it is more logical that the universe has always existed.
>implying infinity == infinity
>the big bang is expanding outward
No it isn't. There is no outward because there is no out. The universe is simply expanding.
Because time is expanding.
Only one way to find out
The big bang is a fucking retarded theory with no basis in fact
The real answer is we dont know and never will
finite and unbounded
Yeah, this is what bothers me about calling it the "expanding universe." When I think "universe," I think the space in which you can potentially put stuff. I've never thought that "universe" meant "where stuff currently is," which is a fucking confusing way to define a space.
The universe isn't "expanding" under that definition, matter flying through space is simply going further out. Under the "expanding universe" definition, does the universe "contract" when gravity begins to pull everything together?
Talk to black science guy
We're only capable of viewing things in three dimensions. The universe has many other dimensions that it grows into.
infinity does not exist
Things always were but it does not follow from this (to the purely rational enlightened mind) things are infinite in either direction. Consider that we might be the sideways ripple of a god throwing a spear in a great divine celestial war and as a fish parts the water so does this god's spear part time. Giving us our physical beginning and end.
Is the Universe flat or circular?
It's not matter that's flying out, its actual space. It bothers you because you don't understand the basic science behind it.
Spacetime does contract, denser, hotter, and more energetic until it reaches a "singularity point" where the universe then becomes one-dimensional and non-quantum physics break down.
Think of a black hole consisting of all of the universe's matter. Everything in it had to be "contracted" or rather, compacted to reach singularity.
What if there are infinite dimensions but they are mostly all finite and very very small, like less than fermi length small? Such a universe would look exactly like our own.
I think octosepdecillions (AKA long fucking time from now) of years after heat death, when the last literal atomic matter is sucked in to the blackhole, it will set off the cycle again. Some user at was saying all matter being drawn in blackholes is being stored somewhere, and when it gets all of it eventually, it will burst. Total bro/stoner science mind you.
Some infinities are bigger than others.
the universe is flat
>when the last literal atomic matter is sucked in to the blackhole, it will set off the cycle again
No precedent (well, other than a lot of time) is needed for quantum tunneling or a poincare recurrence event to potentially birth another universe.
>Total bro/stoner science mind you.
It is, because the matter "stored" in a black hole is actually being converted into energy, which is then released as Hawking radiation.
Because you horny cunt, the body grows as it ages (then shrinks when it dies). The body that our (physical) universe collates into, is currently growing. Just like how the universes in each of our bodies, grows in conjunction with each other. And this concept extends infinitely in both directions.
Get it? Of course you didn't.
When removing matter and energy you end up with nothing, there's an infinite of nothing, so I guess there should in theory be an end to the something
READ and I mean read the book Genesis of the Cosmos by Dr. Paul LaViolette
I searched for a video where he speaks about his theory of continuous creation but I found n othing.. most of his interviews are done by sensationsists who go to the buzz topics about end of the world or flying saucer tech but his written works go into great detail about this very question. this universe is a PHASE of creation which is continually emerging from and returning to a sub-quantum dimension ..
nothing is still something, even in pure emptiness there is quantum activity
It's still a theory though (even if observable at the moment). Are you saying no matter enters the blackhole's singularity, which beyond our comprehension?
The big bang theory jas a startling number of holes within it. The biggest being the CMB being precisly within the ranges expected if it was simply radiation from really old stars, and something like 50 times smaller then what would be expected if it was an actual echo from the biggest explosion of all time. Its also too uniform to explain the stars and galaxies and has a dizzying array of other issues that would take me a few pages to write out. Its more then likely bullshit and this place is eternal.
Uhh who still claims that the universe is infinite?
The multiverse may be infinite, but everyone knows the universe is finite
>It's still a theory
A scientific theory is not speculation or guessing. It is a governing body of physical laws which are supported by facts, defined as observable, provable (repeatedly in any circumstance) evidence to a claim.
>Are you saying no matter enters the blackhole's singularity
I don't know, no one does and no one ever will since there's no telling what happens inside of the event horizon. We can surmise some characteristics however by looking at how the black hole influences it's environment. The matter -> radiation idea works out because black holes are known to shrink when they stop consuming matter or energy (Except for larger black holes that can still feed on cosmic background radiation), and because what comes out of the black hole is radiation and not matter.
Get on my level, lads
Checkmate what, exactly
How exactly does a black hole emit Hawking radiation if supposedly nothing is able to escape it's gravity well?
The universe is infinite, not the matter around us. Retard, read a fucking book.
It's not growing, it's just everything is separating from each other.
Is the vacuum of the universe still completely filled with quantum activity or are there truly empty spaces that can exist between matter or say in between an atoms electron and nucleus?
In other words there does "exist" actual emptiness right?
if it's growing, how come the star constellations aren't growing larger with time?
>expecting Jew science to make sense
Christ chan tried to warn us
We dont know
space is expanding, all the same matter is there
Why are you trying logic on things that are beyond understanding?
Why is there gravity?
Because there is.
>the universe is growing
No. What is "growing" is the amount "light" that reaches Earth. The universe is darkness by default. Some chain of events gave birth to light. That light is expanding and illuminating the darkness. It appears the universe is growing when in fact it is an illusion brought about by the constant propagation of the light.
I'm somewhat familiar with the concept, but after hearing it over the years I discard it as the mad rambling of Black Science Man or something.
I just looked it up, and it's interesting. The whole "expanding" idea still seems like BS, since although the distance between points grow, the effect of forces do not. If the universe is expanding, why are forces shrinking in direct proportion such that gravity can compensate for any expansion in the case of planets, etc...?
It sounds like we are getting more space in-between space we already have, not taking the space we already have and stretching it out.
It's like waking around the globe, you can walk forever and never leave it, space is curved 4th dimensionaly
We're entering quantum territory here and the science grows complicated beyond what this layman understands, so here's the wikipedia article: en.wikipedia.org
A suggested proof of blackhole evaporation is the fact that micro black holes spawned in the LHC (or at random thanks to quantum tunneling!) don't grow to consume the Earth but instead very quickly wink out of existence. The smaller a black hole is, the faster it evaporates, which can have rather explosive effects at the right scales.
For example, a black hole with the mass of a coin would evaporate 100% of it's mass into energy, producing an instant 105KT explosion that would wipe out a few city blocks.
I see you didn't make it very far in maths
Wow. Op is a fucking genius. So clever. Better notify Stockholm for his Nobel this fall.
It's a valid question.
Entropy. That's like Isaac Asimov's "Last Question" youtu.be
>It sounds like we are getting more space in-between space we already have, not taking the space we already have and stretching it out.
the same thing
If I scale a space, the vectors within that space drift from each other FROM THE PERSPECTIVE of non-scaled space. If the universe is scaling up, there would be no way to measure it since every form of measurement would scale up with it -- but that's not what's happening. The fact that we can measure things drifting apart from each other by definition means that there's no scaling effect.
We are getting "more space," not "scaling up" space.
because the earth is flat
barnards star is the ONLY extrasolar object with parallax!
What is a quanta of space then and how is it produced?
so basically what you think should happen isnt happening so science is wrong?
Its infinite because its constantly growing