It might really be over this time.
Holy shit
Other urls found in this thread:
None of this is even *theoretically* a crime.
New York Times is shit!
Google CREEPY JOE instead!
Sage and slide/////////
Surely this is it this time!
Says an increasingly nervous she male for the 99th time this week.
>that format
This is the mind of a libcuck, wow
they just can't let russia go. They tried for like a week and were reduced to bitching about the presidents tweets. Had to revive the russia conspiracy.
>It might really be over this time
says increasingly nervous man for the 9000th time this year
impeachable? no.
>but he was speaking to a RUSSIAN, obviously it was an agent of the vile putin
This is getting old
if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth
Pizzagate: there's no evidence but it must be true!
Russian meddling: there's all this evidence, none of it must be true!
desu I hope hiroshimoot never deletes Sup Forums. It's a living joke.
But they went to the authorities. How can it be a crime if they didn't set up the meeting, ended it early, didn't make anymore contact, and in fact went to the authorities? (Which has triggered the congressional judiciary ctte to investigate democratic involvement in the meeting)
this lol
Almond status:
>Set to the on position
muh seth rich!
If there was no wrong doing why has he vehemently denied meeting with any Russians at all until Saturday after the Times report?. Why did he say on Saturday that they only met to discuss "adoptions" (read sanctions) then only admit on Sunday that the meeting was initiated with an offer of "information useful to the campaign" after more Times reporting?
So what if Russia gave trump info on hillary?
Is the info true? Then who cares where it came from?
Fucking nigger tier Democrats crying because the evil cunt got caught.
Fuck off
>they only met to discuss "adoptions" (read sanctions)
And why did he later go to starbucks (read: embassy) to buy a latte (read: pick up his bribe check) from the cute blonde girl (read: the KGB agent)?
You realize independent thoughts are separated by between 1 and 2 linebreaks, right? Some people prefer 2 linebreaks, especially in situations where punctuation use is variable and line length isn't readily apparent.
I think the only time I don't space my shit is when I'm
since the demarcation is clear
Literally this. If the Russians gave the goods, then anyone who actually gives a shit about the sanctity of the American government (not most people) should be thanking them.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind posting that evidence then.
None of this is criminal. But do you know what is criminal? Comey, Mccabe, Dws, dnc paying a russian agent to set up a major party nominee on false pretenses.
Tick fucking tock.
He didn't vehemently deny meeting russians. Tick tock.
>spends so much time on /r/T_D he knows all their posting tendencies
>missing the point that badly
this didn't occur until the influx of r_d during the election season
what a convenient excuse for such a coincidence
I guess the ratings were down
This trumpfag damage control is hilarious
>collusion is not a crime
>muh Hilary
>it was only conspiracy, not actual collusion
>Trump was too dumb to know anything bout it
i've never been to reddit in my entire fucking life except to read a thread on how to root my phone 4 years ago. go fuck yourself
it's all there in the email sent by Mr. Goldstone.
read the new york times article.
it went from
>three unnamed people
You mean denied meeting the the Russian government? She didn't and doesn't work for the government.
Also, it looks like they smelled it was a setup, and since congress is now investigating their claims against Fusion GPS, my guess is they've covered their asses pretty well.
BTW, any link to Fusion GPS comes up and the Dems are sunk. The lawyer turned out to be in the US on a special exemption and broke the law by meeting w a private citizen.
no, it didn't. this weird nazi-propaganda approach of repeating nonsense that shareblue & democrat operatives use isn't going to work.
Tick tock, sweeties. Tick fucking tock.
“So you didn’t consider your memo or your sense of that conversation to be a government document?,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) asked Comey on June 8. “You considered it to be, somehow, your own personal document that you could share to the media as you wanted through a friend?”
“Correct,” Comey answered. “I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.”
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing classified information
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
Tick fucking tock.
spot on
The e-mails are very important. Have you ever read them?
>So what if Russia gave trump info on hillary?
Well it's punishable with several years in federal prison for everyone of material involvement in the arrangement or execution of the exchange that knew one party was a foreign national if true.
In fact, even if they gave them jack shit, as long as they said they would and steps were taken to facilitate that, everyone involved still goes to jail.
Yeah we should totally be thanking Don Jr for offering the Russians foreign policy favors in exchange for dirt on Clinton.
I was on that list before it was cool.
No, we're just pointing out that in order to keep this shit remotely believable to anyone who isn't a libtard, they've watered it down to the point that it isn't even a crime if it was true. Libtards are moving the goalposts, not us, dumbass.
>Described to the times by three people
literally who?
>New york times found 3 people familiar with an email between 2 people
>The guy who wrote the email says they are wrong in the article
DRUMPF is finished! Its over for him
Goldstone is fucked once the Fusion link is confirmed. He may end up being the first dem to see jail time.
>posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread
Character assassination is when you try to make a person irrelevant because you destroyed the perception of their personality. You try to make it so nobody likes them anymore, so nobody listens to them anymore. You do it when you see that person as a threat.
You can spot it when there's clear spam about a certain person, and asking who benefits from that spam. e.g. Sup Forums doesn't benefit from abandoning Lauren Southern. She is starting thousands of normies down the redpill path.
Shareblue/antifa does benefit. This is a shareblue character assassination attempt, using stuff they think will get Sup Forums to hate her. Lying about her being jewish is one way. Calling her a slut/racemixer is another. Calling her a coward or weakling is another. etc. etc.
It's to shareblue's benefit if every alt-light and alt-right personality gets entirely discredited so Sup Forums no longer has any big voices on their side, and normies stop getting redpilled, which is why they do it.
You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.
All that means is that nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.
Die in a fire.
These faggots are frightened. The shilling is insane. The best part is this is a trap that President Trump has set. Comey and Mccabe are so fucked.
Goldstone was one, he set it up.
Just because your Jew overlords keep insisting Russia is our enemy doesn't mean they are.
>for offering the Russians foreign policy favors in exchange for dirt on Clinton.
You guys really just jump to conclusions that you want, regardless of reality, don't you?
How do you rectify the dissonance? Like how do you not re-examine yourself after every single thing you get behind turns up to be lies.
Do you just not have the memory to remember when you're duped, so you never confront it?
This libtard conspiracy mongering is hilarious
Get over it, she lost.
True, but they are isolated, destroyed, and prone to getting redpilled.
1. He didn't give the classified documents to anyone
2. He was fired while the classified documents he had the clearance to have were in his possession
You can't convict someone of being fired.
In what universe is hearing out a possible source of dirt on your political rival a crime, bad judgement, unethical, or anything of the sort?
It's shit like this that really shows the extent of fake news.
It's literally the most retarded wild goose chase the world has ever seen because there ISN'T EVEN A GOOSE, by the FBI's own fucking admission.
Yes. It is.
Your one hope now is that the Trump admin sent three guys to lie to the NYT in order to embarrass them. Barring that, Jr is going to jail. I guess daddy can pardon him (unless he's already been impeached at that point).
Read the entire article and it details that essentially, NOTHING HAPPENED.
Literally this, also any valid criticism gets responded by muh Seth Rich. I literally come to this place for pure entertainment
I'm not saying he did it, I'm just pointing out how foolish this fucker's point is in the scenario he envisions.
It went from "
>collusion never hapoened
>collusion never happened and now the DNC is setting itself up as more and more investigations into Obama administration officials and Clinton affiliates are opened while the msm sweeps it all under the rug and accuses Trump even louder even as the msm is found with their hands in the cookie jar again and again and again invalidating every story they produce and raising more and more questions into the entire of (((((left wing media, left wing politics, establishment and career politicians, global pedo ring, global satanist, global jewry, and the world order)))))
You people are so fucked honestly I would just go quiet and disappear while I had the chance... At this point you're playing with fire just posting here. Can't imagine it will be long before you're declared enemies of the state and the Sup Forums wizards use the infamous weaponized autism to track you down to the exact coordinates. Be careful (((user))), we would all hate for anything bad to happen to you.
He actually has a defense if he claims he didn't believe the email that told him the lady was a foreign national.
He'd have to convince a jury, but at least it's a defense. He's basically confessed to every other element of the crime.
t. internet lawyer
Good call not posting the actual law you're claiming was broken, though. It's harder to rip apart your post that way.
No. It isn't.
Talking to someone isn't a crime.
Yup. Chuck Grassley's statement that he will investigate Fusion GPS involvement in the meeting predates every article written about this. They are only reacting to Grassley closing in. (just pray congress does something for once)
>I'm not saying he did it
He was to return government property to its rightful owner. The fact that half of it was highly classified is even more comical. Tick fucking tock.
The mental gymnastics are fantastic. They'll go on right up to and continue through Trump people getting charged and going to jail.
Post the actual law faggot. You cant because it doesn't exist.
It is if you conflate financial statute with information.
If it's a crime then Hillary colluding with the Ukranians is a crime. Neither are crimes, so there's no illegality. Media hype, keep the story going, keep the nation distracted while the GOP cucks play with their cocks and McCain and Faggot Graham can get their weekly appearances on sunday shows. It's all a fucking bunch of bullshit.
>be government agent with highest clearances
>have some ultra-classified stuff in your possession
>get fired
>"Herpaderp I guess all these nuclear launch codes and pictures of alien spaceships are mine now. I wonder how much the Enquirer will pay for them."
>He was to return government property to its rightful owner
And he did.
There isn't a time limit on that. Shit was properly returned to people with the appropriate clearances.
The one document he didn't properly return wasn't classified, and while this is a violation of federal document restrictions, those aren't criminal in nature and would only be punishable with a firing, which you can't do to the unemployed.
Please for the love of God stop comparing these absolute faggot retards to NSDAP. The only thing they have in common with the Reich is that neither gassed six million jews.
>he'd have to convince a jury
Oh sweetie. Is this what cnn told you? This isn't some communist country like germany, hon. We have this little thing called the bill of rights. Natural rights endowed by our Creator.
Tick fucking tock, hon.
Wow you're fucking stupid. This is talking about foreign donations, like Bernie Sanders got from faggot Europeans. Foreigners are not allowed to donate money to political campaigns, that should be obvious. Getting information from a foreigner is not illegal stop being retarded.
Makes sense.
where were you when the pee pee tapes were confirmed to exist?
p27 of the dossier:
>Two knowledgeable St Petersburg sources claim Republican candidate TRUMP has paid bribes and engaged in sexual activities there but key witnesses silenced and evidence hard to obtain
>Both believe Azeri business associate of TRUMP, Araz AGALAROV will know the details
From the article:
>Mr. Goldstone represents Russian pop star Emin Agalarov, whose father was President Trump’s business partner in bringing the Miss Universe pageant to Moscow in 2013.
>In an interview Monday, Mr. Goldstone said he was asked by Mr. Agalarov to set up the meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and the Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya.
From the annotations in the annotated dossier:
>Aras Agalarov is an Azerbaijani businessman and real estate developer. He, along with his son, persuaded Trump to hold the 2013 Miss Universe pageant at one of their properties in Moscow, for which Trump traveled to the city.
>Agalarov was also involved in plans to construct a Trump Tower in Russia, which ultimately fell through.
More info on things from the dossier which have been proven true
>inb4 not clicking that
0.02 has been deposited in your account
Seth Rich was murdered
Vladimir did nothing wrong
Heil Hitler
all good things come to those who wait...
How is the legality of Comey's actions relevant to:
1. Whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians?
2. Whether Trump obstructed justice by leaning on Comey to back off the Flynn investigation?
June 2016
Trump not yet President
Election months away
No agreement made (or deal)
This law wasn't broken.
You misspelled "Clinton". Tick tock, sweetie.
>a donation of money or other thing of value
The "financial statute" as you so put it explicitly allows for prosecution for the exchange things that are not money.
Information can have value. That's why people pay for that shit.
can we meme his human trafficking foundation to death yet?
Did you even read that statute shareblue nigger?
Wrong. Doesn't even matter if he knew she was russian, the claim is that he knew the information she claimed to have was from the russian govs efforts to influence the election.
Unless the email says its info direct from putin its still less than nothing lel
>where were you when the pee pee tapes were confirmed to exist?
Thanks for front-loading the bullshit in your post so I didn't waste my time reading the rest of it.
Except it EXPLICITLY applies to monetary gains.
You are attempting to create an IMPLICIT association.
> that hyperkike face
He returned all the classified shit to the government.
He did not give them to the Enquirer, working with them is Trump tier behavior.
More weak damage control
>but I read a blog that said someone might have done something
>they lie about it because it's a nothing urgent, then they lie some more when caught lying
You trumpfags are retarded
Value obviously means monetary value you stupid fuck. If Trump received a bunch of gold from Russia to fund his campaign then he could be prosecuted yeah.
>tfw collusion isn't even a crime.
>tfw liberals are literally chasing ghosts.
>tfw 8 years.