Is California becoming the next Yugoslavia?

> Various ethnic and ideology groups mixed in
> Tensions are high right now between the California government and the U.S government
> Riots broke out before
> The California government is restricting more rights in the state

At this rate, is a Yugoslavia like civil war going to break out in California? I would be siding with pro U.S Rebel groups, what about you?

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spic here in the 323, own several firearms, my family is all legal, most in LE, and conservative

we're pro US all the way famalam

A Yugo-esque war in commiefornia means there will be multiple flags fighting for control:

>US gov
>CA state gov (bear republic)
>Gadsen Libertarians
>State of Jefferson

You and your entire disgusting mongrel family should still me shot. You're not american and don't deserved to be treated like one.

>still me shot

If you say so, stormfag :^)

Cali is the best state.

Look, the deal here is that you'd be fighting for the (((USA))), which is about to be abolished. Legal or not you brown people have to go back. North America is the White Man's rightful clay.

Yugoslavia had guns tho

Enjoy dying in a series of violent ethnic wars with the spics, chinks, and niggers until your shithole collapses into the sea, because God knows the Pacific Coast is an abomination of a region.

You're just mad that when things start happening your state will be a mad max wasteland.

kek spics so small.

We're mad 'cause you pozzed-out commies keep leaving your containment zone.
If California is so fucking great, stay there.

the fuck are you talking about? have you even been to cali? Its fuckin paradise. Just because you cant handle a little diversity, doesnt mean everyone is an ignorant racist like you. you probably live in a 99% gated white community, and have never even seen a person of color in your entire life. All you know is what you read on trash white supremacist sites like stormfront. How fucking sad and pathetic.

Can't wait until california is a British territory after world war 3 so I can enjoy some fish n chips on the Pacific coast

in your dreams, Ranjit. Tacos will always be preferred to your tikka masala shit

that last video is fucking crazy

No the state is shit, and I know firsthand.

Pic of a jap, Nazi flag. Hello Canada

He's right. Commiefornia is horrible and I would know, I was born in that shit hole and went out there every year for twenty-three plus years. Northern Cali isn't that bad but Southern Cali is a shit stain that needs to be removed

Fresno user here, only some areas are decent but they rely on having random minorities be the front men to show the moderates that they aren't all white or whatever. But it does feel like we are about to have either a all out war where we kill all self proclaimed communist and illegals, or we have crazy riots and police and ice go absolutely ham on arrest and deportations.


Working on a possible faction map right now.


Only flyover or Hicks have a panick attack about Cali. Meanwhile we ok here. Sure Cali got problems (too liberal) but we doing just fine.

Now the USA will become the next yugo.

Fuck you Mississippi-nigger, mexicans can stay.

Northwest Front takes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, B.C. and Vancouver Island.

Then stop sending us all your sub-human failures who show up and ruin everything for everyone else.

chegg'd. Plz don't take my neighbors they're very nice people.

Surffag here, lived on coast entire life. Can some minority spokesperson tell me why you guys cant go in the water without wearing your shirts? Also can you get the fuck off my beach if your not going to swim?

Just fuck off and leave us alone. We're thriving and leading the way forward to a better standard of living for all Americans, as we have been doing for the last 60 years, and dragging the sister-fucking inbred flyover hillbillies along kicking and screaming like whiny useless bitches. Oh, and stay home. We're full.

Mexicans get removed.

AB get burned alive in PB and SQ then.

Cost of living is unbearable and near inhuman here you faggot. You dont have a job do you?

No one outside california likes california. Most hated region in the world after israel

I don't see any similarities with Yugoslavia. What would be the parallel groups/states/ideologies?

760 here. You ever wonder why schools stopped teaching California history or why historical pictures of California are hard to come by? I'm very sure it's purposeful to mask how wonderful the state was. Old pictures of places like LA, San Francisco, San Diego; they all are clean cities up until the real estate market started overtaking the orange grove industry. The state's prosperity shifted from agriculture to human capital and it's that capital that's ruined the state. Couple that was the 1965 Immigration Act and Prop 13, the proposition which froze property tax rates back in the 70's, and finally Reagan's masterpiece of destroying the state's possibility of ever being Republican again via the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and you see an abrupt dive in quality of life in California as well as the state's prosperity into what we see today. It's a festering Democrat hive with a horrible pozzed educational system from Kindergarten to University, working at ideological indoctrination sympathetic to communist philosophies.

What happened to this state of a tragedy and I wish every day that it could be fixed.

The AB is a prison gang and not White Nationalist so basically thanks for taking out the trash.




That state is hell bent on creating massive destruction for future generations
They're trying to implement universal healthcare, $15 hr minimum wage and become a sanctuary state. Almost 20% of the population is already on food stamps not to mention the increasing cost of living while every single politician is a virtual signaler


Have fun fighting your little war with no soldiers, retard. You'll live out in the woods like neanderthal and die out at the end of your meaningless lives.

this person is an fake liberal trying to cause tensions as the nazi flag is the new thing leafs hide behind

i have no problem with legal immigrants fight the good fight bro


> The U.S and the Jefferson and pro U.S rebels are fighting against California
> California Is fighting against the U.S/Jefferson alliance and Mexico
> Mexico is invading, Fighting the U.S and California

>leftist LARPers assume American's will join them in establishing communism

shit, how did you know it was me all along?

>your county is on the frontlines of the battle between Jefferson and California.

California Uber Alles

America is the next Yugoslavia. Whites had it good but let (((them))) throw it all away. History will not be kind.

>be liberal
>think 2nd amendment is unnecessary
>suddenly drumpf gets elected
>suddenly 2nd amendment is necessary
Fucking cunts.

>civic nationalist

Check'd. I'll see you at the battle of the vineyards.


Shit nigger I'm in 916. Time to haul ass to Jefferson lmao

If you need me, I'll be fighting for Sacramento. The New Californian Government needs it to take over California.
But what would Jefferson's capital be?

The US is a giant Yugoslavia.

>kill fascists

Now Western Europe is.

Roseville? Preferably somewhere with a lot of whites

>How to trap the Californian menace
>destroy/cordon off the highways leading out of the state
>destroy bridges going over the Colorado River in the south
>take Barstow to stem flow from people coming up the 15 or cutting from the 5
>All other freeways block the mountain passes, California is a prisoner to mountain ranges or endless desert

The reason Mexico couldn't govern California when it had it was because geographically it was nearly inaccessible. If any major war or event happened and the mainlines out of the state were blocked the state's population would not be able to get out. Or at least the normies wouldn't.

But they did Pasaran user. The irony is lost on you.

I know ):

Does California get a tito? If so then sign me the up

Now Eastern Europe is the best Europe.

I'm in Roseville and it would be great but Auburn would be more defensible and better for C2.

714 reporting (also Cuban/Mexican)

I work for me Papa as a property manager in LA/South gate and various other places.

It abhors me how little these cholos care about the centers and leave trash every where and constantly piss/destroy things for no seeming reason. Where I grew up and what I was instilled is different. I never grew up with a fuck them attitude, and always had empathy and if I had fucking doors to dispose of, ID go to the dump or find a way to dump them while making as little of an inconvenience to the persons doing me a favor. Not destroy a pipe, break shit, or just leave it cause "not my prob now bruh lol, fuck dis guy Holmes".

Then again, when I have to go to victorville/Colton, I have to deal with junkies and they do the same fucking thing. Break Windows and doors to get in and squat.

I hope there is a civil war and it all burns down and is rebuilt. So many degenerates that I have to deal with, with a smile on my face.

SF is fucking worse though I will say, not though is LA much better.

I agree

Observe and weep

10 mins away from cali border, if the commies come i will wipe my HD and surrender

that's weak

Based our spics hell yea pedes

what are you gonna do when you don't own weapons and too is skinny to fight?

Go up north and train to fight.

Colorado SUCKS
on a more related note, you guys are the entertainment, vacation, and gay, capital of the nation, you're more rich then most.

There's no pride in the environment or the state and it isn't just the ethnic areas that have this perception. I had a family member who went to UCR and I'd take them to school and walk around the campus (didn't have a job so decided to soak in the environment).

Beautiful campus, one of the oldest in the state given it was developed as an orange grove agricultural research facility at first (and they still study oranges, kek) but the students there are entitled pigs. People tossing their trash on the grass, scuffing up railings and concrete barriers with skateboards; I'd pick up trash I found and throw it away but I didn't see any students do the same. It blew my mind; here you'd think students who spend thousands of dollars to attend this beautiful school would have more pride in it but they don't. They don't care about the environment or have school pride, they just attend it like it's some public school and trash it accordingly.

Overall there's no respect for what we have here in this state, and the people who do are the minority. For every person that volunteers to beautify their neighborhood, there's ten more who'll throw a wrapper out the window, or graffiti the walls with ugly tags.

> It's shit if you're a citizen of the U.S.

>Cost of living is unbearable
>for a low test beta loser cuck who stinks of failure

You can buy a mansion in north Dakota for the same price of a average house in California.

Civil war in California would be a fucking joke. Just shut down the aqueducts and watch the mudshits kill each other for a sip of water.

fuckoff edgy summefag nigger

California's old government would fight over it.

And that's precisely why all the whites have steadily been fleeing California in droves since the 90s. The problem is that the people that leave don't learn their lesson, and when they get to new homes in Nevada/Colorado/Texas/Carolina/etc, they continue to vote for the same marxist crap and open borders bullshit that ruined their original state in the first place.

checked Fresno brother

I'm working on something like that for a 2nd home user, more like in nebraska or kansas. Need somewhere I can live comfy in case I ever have to flee California

If the beaners make this a sanctuary state and we get cutoff mass federal funding then we might get closer to a Balkanized scenario.

Fuck balkanization. We need to remove shitskin, remove communist, and remove kike. Only reason the Serbs didn't get to finish its ethnic cleansing was because USA-led NATO interfered. That isn't going to happen so easily when its America itself that's in a race war.
In the link is a PDF that goes over the basics of ethnic cleansing and how this would work in a theoretical race war / DOTR scenario in America. I suggest everyone takes a look.

At the current rate, get some guns, and some supplies to go north.

it's the most hated state in the country, actually

>We need to remove shitskin, remove communist, and remove kike.
So remove entire CA?

No, their are some white people that live in CA.
Just remove the people that are the problem

flags were a mistake. this is probably a leaf trying to bring a wedge between right wing white and hispanic americans.

Balkanization is the future of America. There's been soft-Balkanization going on for decades but the lines have gotten so blurred that segregation needs to be openly stated once again like America pre-1960s.

>some white people
There are communities in LA that are 90% beaner. You can walk blocks without hearing English spoken. Good luck "removing" them. Shitskin commies like pic related need to be removed from public office to abate the problem at the very least.

Yup. Cali is very precious clay. There's a reason it became so successful in the first place, before being taken over by mudskins. It's stupid to just give up clay like the west coast and northeast.

Kill the Leftists with fire. Leave only the Males and Females alive.

So anyone that isn't a republican basically?

I don't think you understand what balkanization is. It means breakup into separate ethnic states. The only reason Yugoslavia balkanized the way it did was because NATO interfered and prevented the Serbs from taking the clay, rather than just letting the muslims have it. That won't be the case here. Balkanization means just letting California and other places leave and take prime real estate, rather than going in and removing taco/watermelon.

t. smelly beaners

this faggot who has illegal relatives living in the state
he should be removed from office and arrested for not upholding the laws and reporting therm
deLeon wants California to be anoher Mexico
thing is all those people fleeing Mexico didn't leave it for Calif. to become another Mexico
these politicians just don't get it - idiots and so are the voters that blanketly vote for them.

>bought my first gun 2 weeks ago

So basically they assume that having a gun means they can use it?

This is why we need to rise up against the California government.

What is that picture, dude? The lower left is obviously shopped, but the rest it's hard to know.