kill the rich, feed the poor.
Kill the rich, feed the poor
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good luck faggot, I've got a gun because I'm not a worthless fag like you
Let's start with Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos and Buffet. Then sure, let's do it. Oh, and the Clinton Foundation too.
Hell no... ever met a poor person? They are awful, and usually not white
But only rich people pay taxes.
Only the rich feed the poor.
Do you hate poor people, OP?
yes! trump, the koch brothers, peter thiel, and musk too!
the rich created your jobs and keep the economy alive.
Net worth is basically how much value you've created in the economy.
Billionaires don't have billions in the bank in cash, but instead billions of assets including office buildings where they employ people.
>kill the middle class, quietly take money from (((wealthy benefactors))) to do so
FTFY, faggot.
With what? Stupid faggot
kill the (((communists))), feed your own people
Kill yourself faggot
Hey how's that trickle down economics working out for everyone except you?
arm the fagits
Communists killed the poor to feed the rich though.
Soylent Green is made of people.
>kill the rich
>kill the people who make society function
>expect there to be food and infrastructure once those people are gone
Man, let's ask China how they went with Mao, or ask the tens of millions who starved under Stalin.
Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to believe that most rich people were simply born into it and have no skill of their own?
yeah, nah.
Kek. It almost moved me.
So they are poor no more?
>Get rid of the people who are capable of producing wealth and then rely on leftwing retards with gender studies degrees to get us out of the dire situation that they've just caused.
Thanks but I'll pass this time
>the rich
>the whites
more kike deflecting from kike privilege
this is your life under cummunism retard
most blatant pyramid scheme in the world and you still shill for it
one thing you learn in life is no matter how bad things are for you, when you hit rock bottom you can always find somebody worse off than you.
>you got a computer user
>guess who's rich?
Do you want to get prions? Because that's how you get prions dumb fuck.
>this is your life under communism retard
no. this is.
Some kid had those in school and everybody had to bathe in Kwell
No no user prions, it's a brain disease from eating the human flesh.
>this has ever worked
>Communists now resort to cannibalism before the famine even starts.
I don't get it.