Tell me again why we aren't doing anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite

Tell me again why we aren't doing anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite

Other urls found in this thread: Mason - Siege.pdf

What part of "truce" do you think we don't understand, shill?

who cares?

shill from /redacted right?

Yes goyim. Fight each other and not the jews or their liberal minons.

>the donald is taking our threads and making their own comment additions to them

Some of them at least know their betters when they see them.

For the millionth time: they are useful idiots

Do you stupid faggots really not want a steady stream of normies taking the redpill and learning to hate kikes, niggers and faggotry?

The problem is that they aren't taking the redpill.
They are basically taking conservatism light where all talk of Jews, racism, (((hate speech))) etc. is banned there.

kill yourself

no they shit up the board, they dont lurk. not worth it to me

That fucking subreddit is dedicated to sucking Jew cock you fucking idiot. They do nothing but produce CivNat Jew lovers who will say basic bitch shit like "feminism is dumb" or "muslims are barbaric". This is like the retards who say "S-Stop dividing us" as if those niggers are part of Sup Forums. Those niggers are no more redpilled than fucking Paul Ryan.

Because we don't down vote ideas we argue with, you Reddit piece of shit.

They act as a buffer for us. Those who want to learn more, even if it goes against everything they held up as reality, they will come here.

We're such bad goys for realizing the enemy right now is CNN. Oy vey!

We want normies to get redpilled, right? Like, we actually want to see a better future for white people, don't we? Or is this just a secret club for the redpilled guys to hoard knowledge and watch the world burn?

We're all addicted to redpills and we have a high tolerance for them. I started out knowing that niggers were garbage, but almost nothing more than that. Now I'm a holocaust denying, white nationalist who thinks everyone who doesn't sunburn after 20 minutes in the midday sun should be culled from the gene pool.

I had to start somewhere. If that weren't 5 years ago, that place might have been reddit's /r/the_donald board. Why not? It's a giant troll board that's triggering the shit out of plebbit's native population. They've abandoned their 'bastion of free speech' label just to quarantine and suppress the redpills from the_donald.

And if you read the threads, more often than not there are some higher-dose redpills being dropped in there. As far as I'm concerned that's a good thing. In 5 years, those seeds may have sprouted into something we can actually use.

This. It snowballs, you gotta start somewhere. My first red pill was literally r/theredpill.

>Giving a shit about anything Reddit does, ever.

Fuck Reddit. The only time I go there is for quick links to discount computer parts. That place is fucked.

>going on reddit at all

The problem has been getting those that come here to adapt. The amount of pro-Israel shilling for example has been going off the charts recently, more than just the JIDF could handle. The r/thedonald newfriends are thus shitting up discussion in the meantime.










You cunts are here to try to neutralize Sup Forums and the other places you brigade before the 2018 and 2020 elections with your retarded divide and conquer tactics.

Nationalism is going mainstream, something that should be encouraged at all levels, and it also means you commie pieces of shit are losing bigger than shit.

Fuck you, fuck your Soros bucks and fuck leftism and globalism. Die in a fire, bitch.


Do you mongoloids think someone randomly comes to Sup Forums, reads about jews etc, and is suddenly "wtf i hate jews now 1488 race war when"?
People need to be eased into getting decently redpilled.

If you want to ride a bike, some people will need helper wheels in the beginning before they can properly ride a bike, T_D are those wheels.

Anyone who says otherwise is either an autist with a severe mental deficit who needs a handler to eat gravy or someone who is shilling to d&c.

>is this just a secret club for the redpilled guys to hoard knowledge and watch the world burn?
yes you fucking mong

same bots



Not everyone that disagrees with you people is a shill. And just to be clear you might all be bearable if you didn't act like a bunch of vapid larping fags that shit up the entire board 24/7.


Redditors need to be purged for a better Sup Forums.

Reddit is for cucks too afraid to call a nigger a nigger

no one cares

the right needs multiple sources that work together

if you decapitate the head, the rest remains. we need multiple pro-trump outlets.

>muh sekret Sup Forums klub!
>only true redpillers allowed xd
>those other guys are LOSERZ xp
>fight le evil reddit donald!

if you aren't shilling to distract from seeing the bigger picture (using t_d to ease people into our cause), you are severely retarded.
Reddit is retarded, but people won't go full 1488 all at once.
If you fail to see this you are truely lost.

i see you hiding, jew

fuck off CTR

you will not divide us

>be Sup Forums
>have child at the age of 45
>is autistic
>attack and blame the child for being autistic and not you for having it so late

He is our responsibility like it or fucking not and we have to take care of him. What are you niggers? Abandoning your child when shit gets hard?

i don't give a single fuck about normies getting redpilled. fuck you fuck normies fuck reddit fuck this gay earth STOP SHITTING UP Sup Forums FUCKING REEEEEEEEEEE

because it reaches the normies

fucking idiot

>I hate X
>The general people don't hate X
>I want everyone to hate X so X is removed
>"here i'll help you ease people into hating X"

being this autistic.

Please just fuck off


I've always wondered something about this gif.

Is the spic with the chainsaw a rival cartel member, or is it the police/military?

More like Sup Forums is trying to be the_donald lite. the_donald is the original red pill.

Rival cartel

>he thinks this will make me go away

>Tell me again why we aren't doing anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite

Imagine being as autistic as OP.

Imagine being so autistic and lacking so much self-awareness you think the correct way to educate someone on the left on politics is to tell them we need to gas the jews because they're trying to destroy the whites and that niggers are animals.

I couldn't agree more

We should let it grow. Why is bringing nationalism to normies a problem? The pros far outweigh the occasional kekistani cringe.

Reddit may have invaded our board and taken our memes.... But there is one thing a Sup Forumsack always keeps... HIS DISDAIN FOR REDDIT!!!!

They are just liberals that do not like political correctness.

Deal with it for the greater good. A sizeable amount of them do lurk as they should.


Baby steps user.


Based Trannies!

Et tu, user?

>muh mass movement
>muh big tent
>muh redpilling the normies
>muh baby steps

We successfully ran the out of voat

Meh, gives me a reason to reorganize the gore folder

Well posted, we cant let them control the narrative

You have to do better then gore your average internet user is desensitized to this Sup Forums or not. It's sad that you think I will close my browser in fear due to some pictures.

Have to be Sup Forums to be divided in the first place, you aren't Sup Forums Jew boy.

Who said anything about fearing pictures? Plus it dosent matter at this point, the thread pretty much died.

>r/MGTOW 2.0
such redpill
very edge

Good, good, you won't be shrieking nearly as loud as your friends then.

They're the lower rung on the meme dominance hierarchy. You could get rid of those faggots but there'd naturally generate another tier of people who eat our crumbs but can't hack it here. Maybe a really big faceberg group or alt-right tumblr thing. Because you aint seen nothing if you these plebbit fags are as bad as it can get.

Gotta love the leftists trying to sick Sup Forums on T_D

Fucking based.

oh no this is scary i need to run back to redit because of these gifs oh no!

kys phone poster

(You) just proved your newfaggotry without even realizing

>Tell me again why we aren't doing anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite

>Tell me again why we aren't wasting our time with a bunch of little retards who haven't been fully red-pilled

They are in the early stages of red-pilling, we don't want to kill them off before they are fully formed.

And that's precisely what they should do in order to appeal to a broader range of people.

You don't suddenly get to a normal bluepilled person and then start yelling how the jews are controlling the world and how niggers are subhuman. You ease them to it step by a step. They are on reddit, they have to appear "politically correct" to an extent.


ok i'm not going anywhere

Honestly I wouldn't mind plebbits presence here as much if they would just tone down the larping bullshit and calling dissenters shareblue


Early stages of redpilling is a meme. It's just a state where (((they))) can keep the goyim under control.

Pretty much. They are retarded, but they're our responsibility.

constantly giving reddit attention is either done by shills or braindead morons. if you aren't happy with it either change it by posting quality or accept that you can't change it and stop feeding it memetic energy. you fucking mong.

Trump is already in the whitehouse. We literally need reddit for nothing. You are on your knees sniffing their centipede asshole for no reason.

Ah yes because Trump securing 4 years magically solves all the problems and has suddenly stopped all the anti-western agenda going on in the world, amirite, you fucking retard?

Go shill somewhere else.

>you might all
you have to go back

who gives a fuck? They can do whatever the fuck they want.

>tell me again why we aren't doing anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite
tell me again why we would want to do anything about The_Donald trying to be Sup Forums-lite

all trump supporters are useful idiots

useful idiots invading from reddit daily

Centipede butt sniffer. You're literally scum. Go back to centipede land.

Because it stops them coming here and turning this place into Sup Forums-lite. Except for those few larping fags who don't lurk and that Sup Forums News Network guy who's obviously a Reddit fag.

Aha looks like the mexicano hit the nail on the head.

This. Fuck these threads. Sage

>My god, this man disagrees with me shitting up Sup Forums, he must be getting paid to do so!

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill, you fucking retard. Go back to fapping to your "LE BASTE BLACK MAN xDDD" threads on plebbit.