Tfw fell for the job meme

> tfw finally get a job
> its in a manufacturing shop
> tfw 100 degrees and humid all day long
> tfw losing my hearing from pneumatic drills
> tfw crippling back and foot pain from 8 hours of hard manual labor every day
> tfw throat hurts from welding fumes
> tfw supervisor is a fat lazy cunt
> tfw only making $12.75 per hour
> tfw cant listen to music and lunch break is only 20 minutes
> tfw right to work state so no unions
fuck this shit, give me one reason to go back to being a NEET and get on welfare. I wish bernie won. I just want to kms

Its not too late to get on neetbux.
Protip, children bring in more neetbux and you have someone to play video game with.

Work there for a while and continue looking for other work.

whats the best ailment to get on the bennies?

im thinking bipolar and schizophrenia but those are pretty common these days maybe i should just go for some hardcore autism pretty hard to deny an autist neetbux

> give me one reason to go back to being a NEET and get on welfare. I wish bernie won.
> I just want to kms

You listed another option that you could follow.

You adjust, I did construction for 6 years and eventually got used to it. Sure you work like a dog but after about a year working hard labor promotions come in because people quit so quickly.
I started making 14/h and ended at 19, learned valuable skills too.

> its in a manufacturing shop
That's where I started too before moving into the trades proper. Yeah, it's a really shitty job and all you can do is take whatever cash and experience you get from it and use it as a springboard to get something better.

Also sounds like your facility is disobeying basic safety regulations too.

Well OP, now that you have some experience working reliably in dangerous conditions and have at least 2 or 3 people from your current job who you can put down as references, you can work towards a better job that pays better under better conditions.

More places will trust you now that they know that you can hold down a job(and a stressful one at that) so you have more power in the job search. Keep getting better jobs until you get one that you could tolerate long-term and try to get a comfortable position there.

A lot of people are content with giving up in your position, or settling for that job for the rest of their lives. You can be better than that and continue to reaching for better opportunities.

that and go to the ER saying youre suicidal. if they dont believe you start punching yourself and screaming. Thatll probably seal the deal but dont break character

one of the benefits to this is "Getting ifred" form jobs that youre taking to "attempt to fit in and get better" and quitting in meme worthy ways. I recommend shitting on or near the desk of the manager.

When youre home you can then bond of God and vidya with your "atutistic" sons who further rake in the neetbux .

its way more common than you think, I've been to two which were like polar fucking opposites. One wouldn't even bother with any protective garment.

>tfw bartender
>bust my ass but walk with at least $300 a night

Job makes me hate humanity, but it pays the bills.

>there's people wasting their life working a meaningless job when they could just get neetbux and be free to do whatever they want

Hang in there user. While you're working here apply yourself to get a better job we're you're not destroying your body for scraps.

Wew. Trying to do that in Canada would get you instantly raped by WCB. I'm all for a mostly free market, but some regulations really do matter.

Keep at it, but instead of dicking around on Sup Forums in your free time look for better jobs or think about saving up and starting your own business.

>8 hours

Try 14 you faggot

fucking KYS normie scum
yeah I might be able to be a hilo driver in a yer or two, seems way easier and they get paid more too I think

>finally get a job
>manager too busy to give me work
>shitpost all day
>at the moment getting over 4k a month to shitpost and sometimes continue setting up my dev environment when I feel guilty

If you're an u---- please find a project manager for me, I'm so bored I want work.

>finally get a job
>65k auditing
>literally feel blessed by God

Do something about it, dumbass.

Hearing protection is a thing. Use it.
Back braces are a thing. Use them.
Take the full half hour if you need it. Just do it.

Employer willing to retaliate against you for calling them out on all this? Document all the shit that you can legally, and talk to a lawyer who'll listen to you. If the evidence is damning enough, the lawyer's gonna see a net benefit and take it on.

Ive never heard of a manufacturing shop offering consistent overtime stop larping faggot


>tfw Romanian american NEET of three years
>tfw it dawned on me I can probably make money working as a Romanian interpreter
>tfw setting up and llc and getting certs and will end up making $30/hr translating a language that I only know through an accident of birth
get gud

> tfw right to work state so no unions
Fucking kek

To all you retards who shit on unions all the time, this is what it looks like without them, happy?

Tfw thay exact job would be 35 an hour where I live and a respected career with training and certifications available.

I will be in my neetcave and will remain in my neetcave nothing you do will bring down the benefit beast.

Believe it or not, not all anons are autist faggots. We can hide our power level. Enjoy your off brand Mtn Dew and Ramen poorfag.

How long have you had the job?

Your body will adjust to the physical strains - easily inside of a month. The fumes and sound issues? Your body will adjust to them too, by going deaf and getting lung cancer. So dont' stand for that. There's a timeline where you get compensation - consider that.

Your average grunt job is completely unbearable for many people if you don't have some kind of support system, and/or a MEANINGFUL reason to keep showing up everyday - like a family; or, if you have a PLAN of some kind to one day NOT have to work there.

The hilarious thing is despite getting utterly ripped off and abused for their labour, American manufacturing is still crumbling, they get literally nothing out of breaking unions, not even jobs.


send me an application senpai

I love them. Their 'life' is a fucking joke. You can't help but think about them and laugh. They have almost ZERO time to do anything that they actually want to do. It's amazing that people can actually live like that. Their ultimate goal is to 'retire' and just sit around as an old fart doing fuck all, when they could have done that to begin with.

Umm no it wouldn't. If he didn't need any education to get the job then it would pay around $15/h here, which is even less because leafbux. If it's a highly sought after profession then sure maybe you could be making in that range.

I'm not in a union and make $34/hr (although the industry, telecommunications, does have a union, so that may put some pressure on them to offer competitive pay and benefits).

I'd imagine most manufacturing jobs are pretty grueling and shitty, regardless of whether you're in a union or not.

Kind of concerning if OP's employer isn't offering them ear protection and other PPE, though. That's not even a union thing, it's just an OSHA violation.

East cuck detected

we do get earplugs but the thing is pneumatic hammers are fucking ridiculously loud like 120+ decibels so even with earplugs you still get hearing damage

Yeah, but .12 USD can buy a whole lot more than 35 CAD.

Why lower yourself to a niggers level by being a welfare faggot? Keep your job, be a productive AMERICAN

I worked manufacturing once (unionized), had breaks out the ass, benefits, and a more than adequate wage, the job was safe too. Those were the reasons I even kept working there in the first place, if they didn't even provide fucking earplugs I'd have left after the first day, I don't understand how any manufacturing job can keep employees without offering anything at all beyond a Walmart job, just work at Walmart, it's easier.

> Keep your job, be a productive AMERICAN

you mean keep working for slave wages so my chad boss can go out on his new yacht and fuck stacy every weekend

Maybe on your probation period or something, manufacturing tends to offer around at least $20/hr here in Ontario, my aunt has been in manufacturing for years and makes $30+/hr with great benefits.

The work is shit but that is exactly why they tend to pay more.

>> tfw right to work state so no unions
So what you want is a union whose interests are absolutely different from yours? Unions don't benefit the working class anymore. In fact, many unions lobby for democratic policies, such as increased immigration to fill slots in the union in order to generate revenue via union dues. A union in line with the workers would be AGAINST immigration so that the workers have increased leverage against their employers.

Just work at Walmart or McDonalds instead, you aren't gaining anything by busting your ass in a factory evidently.

do you even work?
working is tough as nails, kid.

>this entire post
Americans are fucking braindead

I have first fucking hand proof that unions greatly benefit manufacturing workers. Hell, OP's entire post worth of complaints is proof that unions are necessary in manufacturing.

we don't care about your kangaroo money faggot

washing dishes at small fancy restaurants is where its at.thats all i did before i became a trophy husband

Maybe need to wear ear plugs as well as muffs to increase noise attenuation? Just sound sketch to me if you're not exaggerating about the hearing loss thing. I'd think OSHA would require noise to be reduced to a level where hearing loss would not occur (not just using PPE, but engineering controls as well, such as sound absorption/barriers, positioning workers further away from the machinery and noise, etc.). But admittedly I've never worked in a factory, so may not have a clue what I'm talking about.

>trophy husband

Is this really a thing?

>8 /hr for ups job while in college in 2010
>union doesn't do shit but take dues and maybe help you if you get fired

I think unions end up being the exact same thing that they were originally set up to defend against. Maybe you have some good ones up there, but many in the US are just extortionists that silence or ignore the people paying the dues.

well now its stay at home dad. it'll be home schooler after that. then back to dishes unless my wife makes so much then i can just dust the house

save up, while finding something better. You are building a resume while you are there, user. Also, network while you are there, go chat up the olderfags and see if they know the ins,outs, and whos of your trade, and they be able to give you some insight. From what i understand, there are welding jobs all over the place, go chase those short, but fat, contracts.

It can be soul crushing at times, won't lie.

>Americans are fucking braindead
That's a good way to refute an argument.
How about you show some of that "first hand proof" instead of slinging ad hominems?
>unions greatly benefited* manufacturing workers

Join the right side comrades

What about people who enjoy their job?

I've been posting my own experience with unionized manufacturing in this thread, along with one of my family member's as well, contrast that with how OP is treated and it's night and day.

I mean do you think it's just a coincidence that unionized manufacturing labourers are better paid and have better work environments in general than non-unionized ones? Have you ever even worked a manufacturing job?

First hand proof is the OP you fucking dumbass. The only reason you have lunch breaks and health insurance and overtime etc... is because of collective bargaining. If unions are so bad then go work in an iPhone factory in China it should be paradise right... LITERALLY kys

That job sounds like shit.

Also workmans comp nigga

Why is this queer not banned yet.

>get a job in IT
>sit on my ass all day except for like an hour of desk work
>only make $10 an hour but its entry level
>bosses love me and have nothing but great things to say when i get a higher level job in the same field
feels bretty good

The chad is a bigger more important AMERICAN
He is the kind that makes us great
you get to help this greatness by being a part of the GREAT RED AND WHITE MACHINE

>sound issues
Sue them if they don't provide ear protection

I work for 2 dollars less, doing 4 more hours a day doing a very similar job. Just do it mane

Good satire DESU

The porkys are cucking you user. While you do all the hard work, porky chad takes most of the profit for himself for doing nothing. SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION

haha yeah recruit the lazy whiners. they will fit right in

I like how people think wasting away in a chair is considered a good thing.

Wear ear protection and face mask if you must. As you get acclimated to the job, your physical fitness will improve as well as your sense of accomplishment, providing opportunities in life through your newfound confidence, possibly leading to a better job.

I just put in my two weeks notice in today. I have about 7 grand a white girlfreind and no hope for the future.
What do?

Can you tell me what high paying job you and your years of education, aptitude and exclusive talent deserve?


I suffer from serious 24/7 tinnitus do I qualify?

Or he could just be smart and leave and work somewhere better, like literally any retail job. Obviously that factory is not paying enough for the working conditions, simple economics means OP should find somewhere else, as should everyone else getting fucking ripped off in that factory.

tbqh good jobs that pays good money can only be found in socialist cities like seattle, sand fran, ny
if youre stuck in arizona or any of the flyover states have fun having your innards be the poster boy for a lathe accident on google image search

>If unions are so bad then go work in an iPhone factory in China it should be paradise righ
Nah, plenty of non-union jobs in America that pay well.
>collective bargaining
That's becoming increasingly difficult as unions lobby democratic policies to increase immigration to fill seats for revenue generation.
Unions no longer benefit the working class- instead serving to fulfill globalism.


Get another job you dumb piece of shit. Move towns or states. Learn a new skill or trade. You whiny lazy pieces of shit that give up like fucking faggots all need to be dragged out to a field and shot. You only exist because society has created a cushion that allows you to live. You wouldn't survive a day in the wilderness or a third world country on your own. Stop being a weak loser you piece of shit.

fuck you commie this is THE ONLY WAY HUMAN SOCIETY WORKS

Nah it's about the working class fighting for their rights


>Whaaa ban all dissenting opinions

stop posting donkey shit you fucking underage adults are talking here

>You wouldn't survive a day in the wilderness or a third world country on your own
You think you would? I don't think any Sup Forumsack would.

>Dude just b urself
>White knighting porky THIS hard

Well, that too.

>good jobs that pays good money can only be found in socialist cities like seattle, sand fran, ny
ah yes the "good money" that barely lets you live normally in said cities

>if youre stuck in arizona or any of the flyover states have fun having your innards be the poster boy for a lathe accident
go to trade school, the midwest has the best trade schools in the world. there are so many jobs you don't even know exist that will make you a rich rural midwesterner with very little monetary investment to learn the trade

There's gotta be some useful idiots to support the neetbux system.

Oh yeah I'll just move across the country and go to college! I struggle to pay rent but that sound cheap enough damn why didn't I ever think of that... hmm I think I'm gonna get a business degree from Harvard and become an investment banker wow why did I never consider this before...

They have to pay 'good money' because it's impossible to live the overpriced shitholes otherwise.

>Nah it's about the working class fighting for their rights
they have rights. how do they not have rights? because they don't like the work they signed up to get paid for?

>I've been posting my own experience with unionized manufacturing in this thread, along with one of my family member's as well, contrast that with how OP is treated and it's night and day.
sample size
>I mean do you think it's just a coincidence that unionized manufacturing labourers are better paid
to pay for union dues
>and have better work environments in general than non-unionized ones?
citation needed
>Have you ever even worked a manufacturing job?

>right to work
Somebody explain this i don't understand

>ah yes the "good money" that barely lets you live normally in said cities
you can get a job as a janitor for $30 an hour in seattle and pay $300 a month on the outskirts. its a daily hour drive to your workplace but worth every penny.
Work's not even that tough. you literally mop the floor for 2 hours and spend the other 6 glued on your smartphone everyday in your closet.

why not just learn programming and work remotely

that's what i'm doing

You don't have to pay the union dues to work in a union shop or job.

you barely climbed the first step and are already wanting to give up. why not just end it all you fucking weakling.

because not everyone wants to/has the capability and/or resources to learn programming

>to pay for union dues
I'm in a union right now, my dues are $7/week, literally a McDonald's meal. My income tax is much higher comparatively, dues are the least of my concerns considering I have the benefit of a contract that guarantees me many things such as regular raises and dental benefits and such.

This really only gets maddening when they don't pay you for revealing job related skills, but instead punish you for not continuing to use those skills on their whims.

Still, I'm glad I tried the wagecuck life before embracing, with no regrets, the freedom of liberty that comes with being a NEET.

And commute for 2 hrs each way :^)

Oh sure just let someone else do the hard work

What languages would you recommend? Just learned python in an introductory course this summer and it kicked my ass, but I got an A in the course.

Yes, keep being a good goy and eventually you'll be making $13.25 an hour.