Has anyone noticed that a lot of liberals are now not even denying white genocide now that the irrefutable proof of white demographics is confronting them?

NOTICE that they now say "why would I care if no more whites were around? We're all humans anyway, who cares what we look like?" or something to that effect. WHITE GENOCIDE is now being accepted and rationalized. I guess these people no longer give a shit about diversity? Interesting right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Our response must be eugenics.

They're simply not prepared to handle these arguments because they come from post modernism and the modernism is where all the eugenics is. I advise you DONT argue for ethnic homogeneity but rather that rampant out group preferences are degenerate and will drive human evolution is backwards because we can't identify great people.

From there, you can argue they're unfair or inegalitarian.

They've always known, it's kind of a logically inescapable point if you take the current multicult to it's conclusion. It's just now that they have to basically own up to it.

> rampant out group preferences are degenerate and will drive human evolution is backwards because we can't identify great people.

Can you elaborate on this?

they say genocide is ok? must be ok for them to be genocided too

Basically if we aren't allowed to judge non white people and we must accept all of them as easily better than all white people, then there's no selective standard for non white people. Breeding for them isn't a feat and they could pass on shitty genes, which is actually likely because women refuse to judge them correctly (especially if they're African descendant).

On the other hand, if judgement is extreme and even encouraged, chances are the only non white people who will breed will be exceptional in some way. So if only muscly blacks breed then musculiness becomes a common future trait, this is good. If only intelligent Asians breed, then intelligence becomes a common future trait, this is good.

But if we're brainwashed into believing all blacks are muscly or all Asians are intelligent, both false (blacks have a high rate of obesity and Asians have a low SD for IQ), then we are not making the human race more intelligent or more muscular, just more black or more Asian.

the only hope for humanity is that genetic modification of humans progresses fast enough before the retard shitskins take over and fuck this planet

This. They know if they openly call for it that changes everything

>we must accept all of them as easily better than all white people

This isn't necessarily what they say though; they are literally just apathetic towards it, at least outwardly. They don't indicate having a preference, they just don't care whether whites as a group exist or are replaced entirely by Africans, for example. At least from what I've seen, and it's more than likely they genuinely do have a hatred for whites which they may not even be consciously aware of, but in terms of arguing against them it's more about confronting their apathy of the situation.

Right wingers jmake jokes at the expense of blacks, hispanics, muslims and jews all the time. The few times someone jokes about white genocide you faggots all REEEEEE in unison and get triggered. Learn to handle the bantz faggots.


How the fuck are they "jokes", you brainbuttfucked leafaggot? These are people who are actively working towards the political goal of getting rid of whites and are openly accepting it at this point. This isn't ebin banter, its an actual threat.

No, they very literally have changed how women see some men, especially black men. It's not normal that gangster is considered in the top five attractive professions next to surgeon and lawyer. This is odd. Being a gangster in the 30s was like being a neckbeard today, you were considered a bad person for solving your economic problems with crime.

It very literally is don't judge non white people or fuck you and it's most obvious for black men. This is a form of soft or light genocide and we will fight it with eugenics and claiming we have high sexual standards (this works when arguing with women, keep pretending you have standards).

Textbook example of being a hypocrite. You make jokes about gassing jews and sending blacks back to africa but you can't handle some jokes about white genocide? Stay mad pussy.


I'm not joking about wanting to deport niggers and gas jews, silly leaf. What you're implying here is that we're not allowed to act in our own self defense and self interest when others act aggressively towards us, which is typical of a cucked little effeminate faggot that is typical in the population of Leafland today.

Probably because we gave you fucking leeches a place to live, designed everything you have and created the system that sustains your life. Whereas if you savages were in power you'd wipe out anyone different.

>What you're implying here is that we're not allowed to act in our own self defense and self interest when others act aggressively towards us

Where did I say that? All I said is that you're a butthurt faggot that can't accept being the butt of the joke every now and then. You're the type of insecure pussy that will run around and make fun of everyone but the minute someone says something back you cry like a little bitch.

For these fascists, the jokes about genocide, mass deportations, extermination, etc. are only funny so long as they are about nonwhites or homosexuals or people who disagree with them politically.

Turn the tables and all of a sudden things become all too real and terrifying for them.

Because these snowflakes can't handle the bantz

>durrr peeople don't like being genocided how weird XDDD

Fuck off. We want to kill those causing problems for us. Why does that suddenly mean we must be okay with being attacked ourselves? You're fundamentally misunderstanding the most basic aspect of all human conflict.

Sounds like you're pretty mad yourself leaf, you seem very insecure. Projecting your issues outward?



If it doesn't matter what we look like, why did we need diversity to begin with?

If you're okay with attacking others then you shouldn't be complaining about getting attacked unless you're a coward bitch, in which case you deserve to get spit in the face

>complaining about getting attacked

When do I complain about it? I expect it. That doesn't mean I just sit down and take it like some emasculated little faggot as a typical frog would.

>Sounds like you're pretty mad yourself leaf, you seem very insecure

I'm not mad. Quite the contrary, I'm laughing my ass off at how sensitive you are. You probably spend hours and hours on this board starting nigger hate threads and making memes about how Hitler was right about the jews but the minute someone jokes about "white genocide" you get triggered. Why is that?

Kek, get a load of this nigger. Shitskins are the people who are easily assblasted, you apes burn down towns over criminals getting shot. You and your ugly black tears, always crying about how inferior you feel. You fail to realize that white people are the only race that give a shit about you, who will your next host be when you've sucked them dry and bred them out? Us chinese will eat you alive, and we don't have race guilt for you to manipulate.

Don't you have a dog to fuck?

This is a fairly good point to make. Much of their reasoning for the demographic shift melts down when they suddenly no longer care about the specifics of a demographic of people.

Stop projecting leaf, you sound like a giant bitch and it's embarrassing.

They will never have kids, that's why they don't care

They'll never have a country.

Buy more guns, and make sure you don't get out of your house too often
The world is a dangerous place, the minute you let your guard down you're gonna get killed

well said
>I salute you

>Stop projecting leaf, you sound like a giant bitch and it's embarrassing.

You started this thread because you got triggered by a joke! I'm not projecting at all by calling you a whiny pussy. It's obvious that you don't have any male siblings or male friends because you're a complete pussy.

You're not my buddy, guy!!

Fortunately I live in an entirely white area so that's not an issue for me.

In 30 years when the spic tide really swells over though? I'll be ready.

I'm not your guy, friend!!

I've noticed for awhile, it's remarkable how far "normal" white people will go to rationalize this kinda shit. Glad that a few more people are finally catching on tbqh, hope the tide can be turned soon....

>post yfw Biden LITERALLY applauds it on TV

If Trump said this sort of thing about any other racial group, they'd have him hung by tomorrow morning.

They already know. And they're happy about it

Lena Dunham posted a video about white genocide to her dad and he said it was a good thing. It was fucking celebrated. The kikes are leading whites to their doom like lambs to slaughter

Not an argument, stop projecting the fact that you're a pussy.

>Asians have a low SD for IQ
Doesn't this mean there's little difference between their population in terms of population?

Kind of like how woman's IQ congregate around the mean compared to men

Nah you won't, it's obvious you're just flexing your keyboard muscles and haven't prepared shit like every single race-baiters on this board
None of you have the training necessary to make it through, you're walking dead meat

I'm not making an argument, I'm making a statement. You're a pussy who can't handle the bantz.

Yep this is the actual only realistic way out of this mess. Also it wouldn't be the shitskins taking over, it will be the Chinks. They will end up destroying all nature though and dying.

Seriously.....I'm not your friend, pal!

Not an argument, stop projecting.

>implying rural American isn't armed to the teeth

Lmfao, what happened to the redneck stereotype you commie kikes loved to perpetrate?

No matter what happens, nigs lose. They are too prideful to admit that white people was the best thing to happen to them. Free housing, free food stamps, over saturation in the media, when a dindu is shot, they get to riot for weeks and the country celibrates. When the gravy train runs dry and they breed out whites like roaches, where will they get the gibs? They are too stupid to take care of themselves, and most chinese in western countries resent them, and asians in asian countries find them disgusting. When we take over, they will get nothing. No gibs, no sympathy. They will be taken care of in due time. That being said, I feel whites are waking up to the leech problem.

>I guess these people no longer give a shit about diversity

Did you honestly think they did?

They'll go with whatever cake gives them a dopamine kick. Their need for affirmation is based on socialization.

Yeah, all Asians are between 105 to 110 which makes them seem like an entire race of "smart" people. Whites have as many 120iqs as 80iqs, so you'll run into a white guy who is literally a genius but you're equally likely to run into a drooling moron.

Part of the white genocide is to hide the genius whites and pretend they're all the drooling kind. White genocide is actually incorrect, what's happening is actually an intelligence genocide and it's actually caused by leftism itself and the resentment people feel towards them.

Add the fact brains are energy expensive and a lot of intelligent people are thin, suddenly you've got every white, fat, female troglodyte lividly hating these people for every resentful reason. They're thinner, more intelligent and so very white.

remember user, on the day of the rope the traitors are the first to go

This is a good point. 95% of all modern technological innovations and scientific discoveries were the product of genius whites, mainly Germans. Chinks and gooks are great at mimicry and have overall a great ability to maintain a society but they are poor at innovation on account of their low overall potential.

Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked!

discordapp.com/ - invite/ - YvZen6k (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil oyyyyyyyy veyyyyy

Protip: only around 53% of white women voted for Trump. However these 53% of white women are giving birth to about 70%+ of all white babies. When you count women who voted Johnson or other conservative candidates (tons of Mormon women voted for McMuffin) about 57% of white women voted third party and they give birth to around 80%~ of white babies.

95% of conservative women give birth in their lifetime and give birth to roughly 2 children on average

66%~ of liberal white women give birth and give birth to 1 child on average. At least 1/4 of liberal white women are lesbians/asexual/bisexual/trannies who rarely have children.

Liberals don't care about whites because liberals mostly die without producing the next generation of whites.

Statistically literally every immigrant group in the USA uses welfare more than native born Americans. Asians in America (Probably filipinos and chinese) are also leeches, just to a lesser extent.


Lolwut, I'm not watching that but Biden must be going senile.


Why is 90% of Sup Forums retarded? White people dominate the interior of the country- the farms, factories, river systems, railroads. White conservatives are the majority of the military, hold the majority of private firearms. Whites are hugely self-sufficient and have massive advantages in a SHTF civil war scenario.

Non-whites are disproportionately fat, diseased, dependent on welfare. They live in the cities, too.

Know who else lives in the cities? Jews. Jews hate whites and think all the shitskins will rule us from the cities once the shitskins in the cities are 50+1% of the population. That won't happen. The huge interior of America, the real America, will declare independence from the shitskin cities. Separated from one another by thousands of miles NYC and Los Angeles and Chicago will be starved out from all sides by hostile whites. When the shitskins start rioting because the gibs are cut off they'll go after the whites.

Who are the whites in major cities? Kikes kikes and liberals. It will literally be shitskins devouring kikes, then attempting to move into the countryside while starving and getting gunned down by hostile white conservatives.

There will be no slaughter. Trump is the "nice" way to get a white country back by removing all the illegals and legal welfare parasites and ending anchor babies and encouraging whites to have kids and importing more white immigrants.

But if Trump fails it means Jews get wiped out and so do shitskins once they try to start shit and rule us.

Only a fucking retard thinks that NYC and LA, with their lack of anything of real value, can rule the entire vast interior of the USA with all its resources and white people armed to the teeth. That's a Jewish fantasy.

We have numbers, Jews don't. We have land, Jews don't. Jews are stupid because they literally believe when shitskins are 49% of the population they, as 2%, can team up with the shitskins and rule America. Not how it works.