Why liberals are so violent?

Why liberals are so violent?

What to honestly know why?

It's not because they're " liberal ". They're not really liberal really. But the reason these people are so violent is because all the protests and shit you see is them doing a victory dance. They're in power / they're tools of the people in power. That's why they're allowed to get away with it.

This is them shoving our faces in it. And that's why women are so heavily involved in these groups. Because there's zero risk. They're the Establishment.

Make coal burning sluts ashamed again.


you fucking retards

the girl is a porn star

There is a myth of "liberals" being actual liberal. They are just following the latest trends. They have been brainwashed since birth with leftist ideology so they follow it. It doesn't mean they are intelligent or anything.

It's the same with "elites" being manufactured in the same system since birth, aka boarding/private school, into ivy league, into entry level job, etc.

The people with actual individualism are few and far between on all sides. She is a drone. Just happened to have been programmed by the left side. Most humans are drones in this regard, from muslims, to christians, to whatever. Whatever ideology they are taught and programmed in is how they end up. Only a small % of humans are actually alive and think for them-self. Majority of humans are just part of a big blog of thought.

really starts my hmmmmms

they sure want all non liberals dead and under a totalitarian state, and then accuse/project it onto the right wing

So you're saying there's a chance she might use that bat?

cus its good to kill fascists


People only choose violence as a last resort

Violence is a sign of desperation

When were racists ever afraid before? We always ran the country. Coal burning sluts however were.

Because their entire identity is fed by emotion. So if they cant shame/pressure you with their words they will use their fists. They are the intolerant ones, they are the oppressors and they are the ones who deny reality because it doesnt "FEEL" right to them.

No, I meant the violence of those large leftist protests or political get-togethers.

Bolshevists. Jews created this, controlling the desperate and gullible to again create a Bolshevik revolution .
Should they succeed, expect millions of brutal killings. Jewish God demands souls.

fpbp, thanks japan

What is that supposed to be? A water bottle?

Nasty pig-nosed whore. Absolutely disgusting.

>doesn't understand violence

Covert Narcissism. Liberals are mentally ill.

I'm violent because I've literally had conservatives extol the virtues of a society where I'd be dead to my face, because I'm a homosexual. Fuck it, if you're going to actively campaign for a world where I'm dead in the streets after being dragged miles behind a pickup, I'm not going to feel remorse at all when you get slugged in the face or shot to death.

seems about right

Can't wait to gas you perverts again.

Well actually be violent instead of acting tough over Sup Forums. So you can get lynched faggot.

Thats the thing most of them aren't violent they are just baiting you so you swing first and they call you the violent one. For a place that idealizes Hitler so much you guys constantly forget the basic teachings of Goebbels.

>implying christian conservative society isn't what keeps you alive and defends you against the Muslim hordes who would throw you off a building without hesitation

Your head is soft.

I think you have to be pretty careful about who you're targeting though. If you target just any conservative regardless of their actual opinions then you're no better. That's just you having no morals and looking for a cheap excuse to kill some people you don't like. Also you'll lose the overall war, because more people will side with the religious than your faggot ass.

Why do you come to the official website of flaming fag drags if you're a demonic western hating gonorrhea incubator?

You're gonna have a bad time.

I think it's a water bottle with a bumper sticker slapped on it.

Literally a pornstar. I think shes more likely to suck off a racist than assault one.

Pretty much this. At best, only 10% of the human population has actual free will.

And here we have the retarded leftist beating up conservatives who don't give a fuck about his faggotry, while defending muslims who will throw him off a roof the first chance they get when they gain power

Stop listening to TRS your life will improve very soon

I saw an article on facebook the other day about a man who half his face destroyed by cancer and the long road ahead to recovery. The story was filled with accounts of charities and doctors volunteering their time to help him.

The #1 upvoted post was a nigger mocking people who sent prayers to this guy and replies were filled with liberals attacking Christians and Trump. This was the #1 liked post about a man who got his face fucked up due to cancer. I refuse to believe liberals are humans like me.

saw this a while back, maybe not a direct answer but definitely related

Why is it always spoiled white girls always parroting this libsartcollege bullshit?

They're afraid. Their entire way of life is disappearing fast.

Yeah I guess all dictators are just insecure desperate guys not poisoned by power... They just want to be liked and people to think they matter

i wanna be in power and have victory violence!

More like self righteous. Do you smell the delusional smug off her? Geezus, contemptuous!

nazis were liberal as well as hitler.

we need to find a way to turn these people against the jew.

>nazis were liberal as well as hitler.

Go back to the Fox news comments section you double digit IQ tard.

Because when you are convinced that everything you do is okay and moral or whatever, or righteous, you will do anything

There's a very real correlation between stupidity and violence... that's why blacks top almost every crime statistic as far as I'm aware of.

Make Kikes Ash Again