What is the final solution to the female question?
What is the final solution to the female question?
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wait til society collapses and they will be put back in their rightful place, until they fuck it up the next cycle.
All those words just to say "I'm a whore."
Really makes you think.
I have a black wife. Shes pretty great. Totally normal. Maybe I just got lucky but she even admits to her white female co-workers being weird as fuck and unable to be in real relationships with men because they are so fucked up in the head.
>not been a "proud slut"
Also you need to actually present a question to the audience that you are asking.
We men have to man up and understand that it is our duty to serve women as they are the incubators of our species. They may be irrational, annoying and downright fucking stupid but their ovaries are the future of the species. So be a man user and bend your knees to the next fair lady you see and stop it with the MGTOW faggotry.
sorry sweetie
Frankenbabies are an abomination and you should feel bad about yourself for posting this.
No, you organicucks need to be gassed
>Sex robots and artificial wombs.
creepiest meme on here.
Enjoy your virginity you MGTOW cuck.
I don't give a shit what anybody says but alot of my "liberal" friends are always bitching about
>muh ol woman
>so difficult
>meh masculinity
>muhh dude have you heard about mgtow
and im all like women are so special I mean they are difficult but they are loving..Damn dude get over it. Im literally here preaching to them that you need to operate as one. couples will fight but shit man...you are nothing without your old lady at your side no matter what. Then again me and the other are a bit old school.
women detected, probably some leaf too
you have no actual retort because there is zero logical arguments against artificial wombs.
Yeah these edge lords need to shut the fuck up, get themselves a woman, deal with her shit tests and impregnate that bitch ASAP. You aint a real man if you ain't banging your missus and working to raise a solid, Christian family with at least 5 kids.
Ayyyyyy. Roastie genocide.
Just admit you hate women because you can't attract one and move on with your life.
never met a polyamorous person in my entire life.
now now now, I've met a bunch of people who thought they were polyamorous. I have a polyamorous fetish. I gravitate towards those types of people.
NO ONE is truly polyamorous.
Every polyamorous relationship is built on a sex addiction and every sex addiction has it's phases. The life-cycle of a polyamorous is about 2 years. I've never seen a polyamorous relationship last over two years. They usually only last 3 months.
Because no one respects a person who doesn't give a shit about them. And when issues pile up in a relationship, the not-giving-a-shit issue becomes bigger and bigger
Until they break up because they feel unloved. It's not money. It's not status. It's not stress. It's the overwhelming feeling that they feel unloved. 100% of the time.
You know a nice wet pussy is better than a wank any day of the week don't you? Actually scrub that, of course you don't.
If you're asking it that way, you know what it is. It was perfected in the 1940's. High time it was applied to people who actually needed forcibly removing from the face of the earth.
Sexdolls and artificial wombs are well on their way to being perfected. Time to see off the sisterhood for good.
I'm so confused
Somehow even when they do they are bitching.
>old lady wont let me play xbox all night
>life is o unfair
Like dude this lady popped out a 7 pound human for your xbox playing , mgtow watching bitch ass head of yours and your like...
>leave me alone marie..its
>guy time
dude please...go into that bedroom and hold your lady.please...xbox...jesus help me.
>y-you just hate women
>you are le virgin XD
shaming doesn't work on anonymous image boards, these robots are already in production and will be sold to the general public. There isn't anything you can do about it
did she write a fucking essay?
Outlaw single mothers
>let's wait for society to collapse
>worse is better
This is very silly.
>lawful evil
This is going to happen in your lifetime, whether you like it or not. When it does, you are fucked.
You know what progress is? Anything that crosses items off the list of reasons white men SHOULDN'T send women and niggers to gas chambers.
Where will you get the egg from?
That's it. I messaged her asking if we could ass fuck
Leaf I ain't wanting to shame you, I'm trying to help you out. Get yourself a bitch, dominate her in the sack and you will dominate her in all other areas of life. Be a man and she will follow your lead. Even feminists go all wobbly for a bit of the old well directed alpha male dominance. Try it out and don't look back. BE A FUCKING MAN FFS!!!
Stop fucking these mutilated bitches!!!!
She said no and told me to fuck myself
suck it, there is a good reason why it works so well
male skin cells
or females could be paid for eggs
Sex robots are already here
No you misunderstand, I want to fuck said robot. Obviously there's no way to prove online I'm not a virgin, so you'll have to take my word for it. Pussy isn't that great, it's pretty much a meme
this is literally the end
Nobody cares about your revenge fantasies, faggot.
No, my friend it is just the beginning
white men can literally do anything if we put are minds to it
yeah for all the fucktards. I found a good woman. What the fuck is the issue?
There's really no other way. like welfare, we can't just stop it or even gradually work towards removing it. people are gonna cry out and use the internet/social media as an tool and people are gonna virtue signal. Or even removing all illegal immigrants in America. When giving out good things to the people, having to stop it or take it back is only going to be harder as time moves on. to put women back in their respective gender roles to be as efficient as possible in a society, that involves taking some rights away. And even when it comes to fixing the migrant issues in Europe, or the illegal aliens issue in America, good luck with destroying families and looking like the good guys on the news outlets that the masses follow.
the damage has already been done and nothing can redo it, unless we "hit the reset button"
Robots are more appealing, it's also muh fetish.
I don't particularly care about your approval, besides it's a net bonus for even you, it creates (at least the illusion of) competition and women will have less of a choice in regards to infidelity. Besides no one is forcing you to fuck a robot, you will have the pick of thots.
Except im happliy married to a loving wife. Whats your excuse for checking out into techland? Literally what is the appeal?
was gary right Sup Forums?
i saw this on /r9k/ today.
Well for starters I was always in techland, grew up with tech, probably became a fetish that way or from too much media intake. Regardless, I'm content.
Meh. Ive been with my wife since we started dating at 13. Maybe im just old fashioned. We are both 27 now...
He's asking you to put him into slavery, user. He doesn't have will to carry into the next generation so, nothing too weird like a lifetime of bondage, only a period of several years where you can put him to work and give him stripes or lashings if he slacks off. Promise him the moon and the stars before you get your title of property over him and then do what you like in order to get your small investment of food, shelter and clothes out of him in those 5+ years while he is enslaved.
This is the right way.
W H I T E. S H A R I A.
your revenge fantasies will always stay fantasies,
I wish I had to brains to make trollposts like this.
Seriously, you have to control people like that or else they drag society down by their enervating, or pathologically low-energy lifestyles. Time to upset this culture and bring it back into form, user. You know you have more energy and wits about you than that other user. You have to get the laws changed to what I'm saying is possible, and then sell him and people like on a life-style that is significantly more restricted in order to get a society that's not slipping inch-by-inch into darkness.
See, this user. gets it --->
Boo hoo, boo hoo. Keep crying, but stay out of the way while the men do the work...
Actually, who am I kidding. user., you couldn't get in the way if you tried.
>wants to be like a sandnigger and reject what makes western society actually good
Nice LARP, pic related it's you.
Gary is a faggot at making creme brulee. Put it down and do 2 at a time on the table. Faggot.
literally genetic trash
might as well throw her in the oven and save the taxpayers some money
>What is the final solution to the female question?
Good question.
I think we need to openly value and admire: motherhood, chastity, faithfulness, marriage, family, etc. and we need to value and celebrate these things moreso than mandatory career women and "intelligent" women, etc (the degenerate qualities)
And these values need to permeate our culture. The young girls don't turn into SJWs and Dykes on their own, they're created. And the same can happen with better results.
So interesting how someone like you, who claims he will never have a wife tries to insult other more husbandly people with an insinuation of adultury aimed in his direction, user.
While you are busy serving your woman, I am fucking her
Enjoy raising my kids
But what happens when fathers and husbands enslave you to prevent your freedom to canoodle? Do you believe these kinds of people will never go so far as to do this, user.?
Probably for the best
That's absolutely true.
t. 20 yo qt girl in such relationship with my 26 yo good boy
>what happens when fathers and husbands enslave you to prevent your freedom to canoodle?
Come at me bro, I'd love to see you try.
You dumbfucks are genetic trash, that's why you slave away for your women while I pass my seed into them.
White sharia
You aren't even intelligent enough to see that my comment wasn't meant for you to digest, but for others who are reading this thread, user.. See, people are already talking about how whites need a severely oppressive system of laws, for example the poster stating "white sharia" in the post between both of our's.
>libertardians, i.t.t.
stop molesting them seriously that's 90% of the problem
why has every girl i met been raped before she was 13?
nah i'm good. your vagina isn't that amazing desu.
bitch i play on an australian server and i'm getting raided by 8 guys you can suck my dick while i play though
>I adore music
Wow, what an original sentiment.
Why so mad?