This is no joke, Google removed over 15,000 1 star reviews to protect CNN's image. 45,000+ 1 star reviews down to 30,000 and CNN is back to 4 stars.
We must next target Google as they have joined this war.
This is no joke, Google removed over 15,000 1 star reviews to protect CNN's image. 45,000+ 1 star reviews down to 30,000 and CNN is back to 4 stars.
We must next target Google as they have joined this war.
Also bump because this shit is going to slide hard
Op you still here?
because nobody cares what a bunch of loser Sup Forums users think, sorry.
go outside
>because nobody cares what a bunch of loser Sup Forums users think
We made someone President
Checked. Let it be so.
It's useless. Google will begin to filter out the genuine 1 star reviews anyway. CNN clearly has the Google connection. Best thing to do is to just keep shit talking CNN until their credibility is questioned by their own dedicated viewership. Say something for long enough, people will start to believe it.
Ditch chrome browser. Maybe a blackberry is in my future after all. joogle sux!
Use BRAVE browser. You will not be disappointed.
>Google will begin to filter out the genuine 1 star reviews anyway.
Good. Make them more paranoid and unable to handle any criticism whatsoever, and later, not able to function at all. Make them all wither into effective suicide.
The CNN app isn't important. The next part of the meme war if you really want to push it is to start putting their advertisers into the anti-cnn memes with them.
Does anyone have the list of advertisers?
>muh constitutional right to muh leddit downboat brigading circlejerk
Kill yourselves you dumb shill niggers, Google has every right to remove autistic mobs from their systems
Fuck CNN, and fuck google.
lol @ han longsaber
You faggots might as well whine about Yelp removing spammed reviews as well.
Why don't you fucking losers get a damn life. Here you are shitting on blacks and Hispanics saying they don't do shit, yet you spend your day downvoting an app from a company that shits on your stupid orange God. Fuck you all are pathetic as fuck.
The entire thing was a CNN campaign anyway. You have to download it to review it. They knew google would remove these fraudulent reviews. Thanks for the downloads and publicity goyim
you probably spent just as much time whining in this thread as anyone here spent on making a 1 star review =^+)
>We must next target Google as they have joined this war.
says the retard using chrome, entire a google captcha to post
Windows phone is better
constantly spam the advertisers social media accounts with CNN memes. bonus points for adding their brands into the memes.
this, and i also said this when the threads were up.
gullible retards
>addressing Sup Forums like it's one entity and not a myriad of different minds
You have to go back
Ughhhh.. Yeah but, Microsoft. Going from one problem to another.
Tapper pls go
bump for vis
fuck off back to playing with dirt
You honestly thought Sup Forums had careers, family, or social lives outside sharing funny memes on an anonymous japanese image board?
oy vey delet this
google must pay
>Google removed our shitbrigade rating of an app obviously none of the reviewers even have
Oh no its almost like they can do whatever they want with their own interface
We will NEVER win against google. NEVER. They are too strong.
Leave Google alone. I like their phones and internet service. I stand by Google through hell and heaven.
says the shill who sits on Sup Forums all day to troll
Dude Badass picrelated
Someone's holding BAT lol
Why don't you just succumb to the crippling grip of AIDS you degenerate faggot.
They removed the app and added it back, you retard. Holy shit stop looking for conspiracies around every corner.
keep rating them
Its called anti raiding you fucking nazi
>removed the app and added it back
And they already have 135 thousand likes in 1 day? Who's the retard?