Previous Thread lets talk about the REAL reason we're militarizing space.

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Imperial Guard 4 life

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Militarisation of space is an inevitability.
We may not like it on an idealistic level, much like we may not like Nuclear reality, but it doesn't change anything.

Therefore, the lesser of all evils is that the West, preferably the US of all current probable options, grabs that rein as soon as is fucking possible.

just wait till you see what's in store

we're militarizing space so we can start space mining and recreational space travel

this means space pirates

space pirates require space bounty hunters

space marines are the tip of the iceberg, just you wait.
In our lifetime we will see a hostage situation in space resolved by a space bounty hunter in the right spacetime at the right spacetime

not you nigger.

I'm as American as you white boi
now pay for my welfare

>nigger tries to be white
>still nigs like a nigger

t. watching The Expanse now

Sup Forums will have a /mg/ (martian general) when it all gets started.
just fyi

Allahu ACKbar

not quite. The Martians are a very Spartan people constantly under threat of war with Earth.

/mg/ threads will be comfy as fuck


Don't bother giving your uneducated opinion on shit until you've, at the very least, watched all of Isaac Arthur's videos on early space colonisation. Because, more likely than not, whatever nugget of wisdom you have to contribute has already been posted 1000 times before.

no such thing as (((space))) goy


Thanks Sargon.

what's it like having a sub90 IQ?

No problem, Ben Shoahpiro.

You mean the reason the US government is just now starting to militarize it. The private second has been doing it for years already.

Name this regiment, Sup Forums

344th (The Emperors Own) Reigment of Foot.

is it the necrons?

Don't pretend that there's two Sup Forums-browsing Brits with that particular rhetorical style who also happen to watch Ohio Science Fudd enough for him to show up on their Watch Next.

The Malicious Manlets

centurion space marines are retared.

It's the actual Imperium of Man.

Pic related was photographed by some UFO conspiracy fag a few years back.

Feel free to introduce another science-heavy space colonisation enthusiast.

It's literally just the same boring satellite management and shit the air force has been doing for ages, but under a new name.

>REAL reason we're militarizing space

For the same reason we militarized our country. History clearly shows that you can only claim something as yours if you can hold it by force.

Space belongs to America, or whoever gets their first and can defend it.

Gundams when?

1. Global Strike capability, the dream is to be able to insert soldiers anywhere in the world in just an hour or so from a space station

2. nuclear strike capability

is that Destiny's Hand?

By the Emperor!

haha, it's a hat tip to the emperor's favourite autists

To find, engage and battle space aliens motherfucker.

Oh and find space gold and jewels and bring it back to Earth.

it's about orbital control.
quite literally
>we're not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with us

Friendly reminder solar warden and many other speacil access programs are already set in motion and humanity has vast infrastructure in thw cosmos, please see Gary McKinnon and William Tompkins. This is just soft disclosure so when full disclosure happens they can say they told u so

Still joining.

For him user, its like being paid by any number of online AstroTurf social control advertisement groups. He goes online from his office, pops onto Sup Forums, and looks over the script he needs to push so that he can discredit Sup Forums somehow.

However by now he realizes that its all really futile and is counting the days until he finds a better job, or sits in abject terror that his degree is going to be useless once the hiring blacklisting begins....and it will.

something like that I suspect.