then why can't we admit that blacks descended from Egyptian kings?
If we can admit that birds are descendents of dinosauars
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Because the same science that says dinosaurs and birds were related says the Egyptian kings were related to Europeans.
Most scientists are too smart to come to that conclusion.
pic related really makes me think
The proof is everywhere.
Looking at OP's flag, he will probably just deny it, mutter something about racist white bois, then delete and remake thread again.
If we can admit budgerigars are birds, and sparrows are birds, and bats are not birds then can we admit that if birds were smaller then they'd be bugs? If dinosaurs aren't birds then why have I seen photos of them with feathers?
At best, blacks were a subservient and subjugated race under the heel of the Egyptians.
Yet again, they were as worthless back then as they are now. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they weren't kangz 'n sheeeiiit.. they were slaves 'n sheeeiiit.
I'm sorry you white boys can't experience what it's like to be directly related to Egyptian kings.
So much so that you try to ruin it for us blacks.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Muhammed but we were kings and you shouldn't be running to the white man's defense.
blacks think they built Egypt because its in Africa, they have to delude themselves into thinking their ancestors were capable of a civilization
stay mad bruh
I suppose both would prove that there's no God.
I'm not even a racist but your idiocy forces me to post this.
Dont worry black brother Im gonna fuck these honkies up for you real nice. Take notes.
Why do we do that? I don't really remember, but that had to have hurt so fucking bad. Holy fuck.
Can't tell if this is real or satire. Genuinely confused.
White supremacists? The truth is their weakness.
The proof is everwhere. Even on your body. your freckles and birthmarks. Who do you think gave them to you.
Naw he's just washing it. Look, the second one is even patting his servant on the head.
Who's a good boy?
See... look how convenient that is. They have their plates right there.
see-I never said they were. But sure why not?
Take pity on your white brothers. Their pride is false. They live in shame.
12k years ago when the pyramids were actually built, Egypt was a fertile, green land. The paintings covering the structures are nothing more than Neolithic graffiti by the post-Pleistocene survivors. We know nothing about who actually built the physical structures there, the other cultural artifacts came far after the original builders were gone.
I have a theory that niggers evolved from shit
have you noticed people stop arguing with you? why do you think that is?
Because theyre afraid. They dont want to be reminded of divorce filing whore mother =(
Because I cant lose with power like this. I already killed your pol a long time ago.
You're making it really difficult to not mock you for the fact that you were either slaves or indentured servants that were dickwashers. As seen here.
Furthermore, negro, observe this image.
See this? Sure looks like you KANGZ were servants to whoever was the Egyptians, doesn't it? Because you were.
Op's not clever enough to waist meme time on.
It doesn't matter if they were descendants. It doesn't change them in anyway, and it certainly doesn't change how they act.
Taking pride in something you didn't do is retarded.
skin cancer. that's what gave you freckles/moles.
US Blacks aren't even form the region but the other side of Africa.
>Ogabooga, hunts albino needs bodyparts in witch rituals.
Jesus, learn how to ignore these idiotic shit posts, people.
I hear that Edgar Winter has to employ several full time body guards to protect him from African witch doctors.
Have you heard about emily.
and if
doesn't get the message across strong enough to your ignorant KANG ass, this one will.
Face the facts. If negros were KANGZ at any time during the life of the Egyptian empire, it was at it's end. Meaning, that if you were Egyptians at one time, it's likely that you were the ones who caused the entire fucking thing to crumble down to ashes.
something you "din du"?
din du nuffink
Even if they are (they aren't), Egypt isn't known among serious historians for its innovation...the innovations of the Mesopotamians, the Greeks were far more complex and enduring. I've even read one historian refer to Egypt as a "glittering nothing" or something of the sort, implying that its style over substance. Egyptian culture lived and died with Egypt; it was never transplanted anywhere because there was no real reason to adopt anything from it, it wasn't appealing enough. It was the most gimmicky civilization of all time, with next to no technological innovation besides the papyrus and stone architecture--the only real innovations during 3,000 years of existence. It was three millenia of superficially cool blandness.