Get in here and watch this /comfy/ show with other anons.
Anyone else think Hank is the true patrician? Last thread we were debating if Dale is more Sup Forums /r9k/ or /x/
Get in here and watch this /comfy/ show with other anons.
Anyone else think Hank is the true patrician? Last thread we were debating if Dale is more Sup Forums /r9k/ or /x/
GOAT show, Bill is definitely /r9k/
who else father is like Hank?
>Do you have size 16 skates?
>Lots of 'em!
show is filled with gold quotes
>Hollywood decided we needed more criminals yelling about their lady friends'... baby-places.
Funny story, I've never eaten a chip off the line, but I did once have a Mountain Dew off the line.
I was managing a retail specialty store and one of our regular customers worked at the bottling plant across town. He explained that after the Dew is bottled, they put the bottled Dew in some kind of heater that forces some of the CO2 out of solution, and the resulting pressure makes the bottles sturdier for transport.
One day, he brought a couple of bottles that he snagged before they went through the heat-treating process and holy shit they were the best damn Dews I've ever had.
bill /r9k/ /adv/ /o/
dale Sup Forums /x/ /k/
hank /ck/ Sup Forums occasionally but prefers /news/
bobby Sup Forums /vg/ /wsg/ /jp/ when he gets a little older
boomhauer /s/ /asp/ /out/ /soc/
peggy /diy/ Sup Forums /adv/ but only to answer other peoples questions
louann /an/ /cgl/
joseph /fit/ Sup Forums
oops meant /fa/ not /cgl/ for louann
Lmao this makes me want to try food off the line now. I'm going to try and make it happen
I'd put boomhauer in /k/ since he's a Texas ranger
sound delayed for anyone else?
yup :(
>hank /ck/ Sup Forums occasionally but prefers /news/
This is Hank Hill with the news...
Boomhaur is /o/ ya dweebs
i love this show. was a sad day when they took it off netflix. i could watch this on autoplay for hours and hours.
I love you dumb fucks like family but holy shit yall are annoying
They took it off the air to replace it with The Cleveland Show. Fucking blacks stealing another white man's job.
At least it ended before suffering a major decline in quality.
Bill is a cross poster between /pol and /r9k
Cotton - /k/
John Redcorn - Sup Forums /biz/
Doulie - Sup Forums
That one chick hank works worth in the later seasons - /soc/
Buck Strickland - /gif/
Bobby - Sup Forums /vg/ /tg/ /lit/ /wsg/
>Implying booby isn't a /b-tard
Bobby is clearly /mlp/
Bobby's the son of a literal "good ol' boy"
There's no way in hell Bobby would use Sup Forums
Did you not watch the show?
whats Hank listening to?
Its so nostalgic for me, it brings me back to the early 00s
Bobby is the kind of kid who would go on Sup Forums and try to act like a badass, but within 2 days would be posting pics of LuAnn and dressing up in Peggy's granny panties with a propane regulator shoved up his ass.
>Don't be silly, we can't die if we're on TV, they'd never air it!
What city is Arlen most like IRL in Texas?
Suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth.
Hank and his gang to default to /k/ and Sup Forums due to being texans.
>what haz the mtv done to you
and they replaced cleveland show with bob's burgers, so really bob's burgers replaced koth
is bobs burgers any good?
Is this show meant to be funny like American Dad or it's just a funny show ?
It's decent but no where near KotH
its good, its almost like satire. based American family, all of the characters are 10/10
The voice actress for louann died another reason why the show will never continue
>watching Jew media
L o l
I feel like Judge was trying to point out some dangerous ideas that ultimately fell on deaf ears.
White guilt and hipster episodes stand out.
We're all watching this in the outerheaven Sup Forums discord
Come join for good chat n bants for the best redpilled show - King of the Hill.
discord gg / Hwq5b7
Dale is literary a cuck you had one job Sup Forums
Comfiest show every created.
This one is great
I love how upset Hank gets when referred to as "an artist"
I think Peggy's my favorite.
I think its probably one of the best cartoons ever made. What are your favourite episodes?
This episode is creepy af with the old lady
Why are there loads of streams of animated shows on YouTube now? Is it legal?
Lol KOTH isn't that far off from rural WI
Can someone explain this?
WI is top tier comfy.
the stream I was watching started rerunning
watching this one now instead
You're the coolest McB
liberal parents BTFO
>no us election episode
>hank wanting to vote for Jeb!, then Cruz then trump somewhat begrudingly
>peggy wanting to vote for It's her turn! and bill following along
>cotton and dale voting for trump
>boomhauer meets a libertarian who speaks like him
>luanne votes stein
Buck Strickland would have definitely voted Trump
>it's a Peggy episode
Sure is politics/current news in here.