Is Macron /ourguy/?

He declared he will govern France like Jupiter.

Isn't Macron a based Lolbertarian?

Facts are racist

He's a white supremacist Libertarian monarch

big if true

He's globalist libertarian scum. He'll flood Europe with non whites to bring the white working and middle classes standard of living down to poor fags in the shit parts of the world

Also a literal granny fucker with no children of his own so no real stake in the world not being shit thirty years from now

Did you see him fight his way to stand next to Trump during the G20 group photo?

Macron's switched teams

>He declared he will govern France like Jupiter.

no. hes a freemason and an enemy of everything that pol gathers around. he stands for the continuing degradation of the people their faith, their families and their children

Are these Macron threads meme-psyops to trick us into /ourguy/ing him?

Im ok with him

yes be a good goy, support Macron.

Reminder that Emmanuel means "God with us"

>tell the sheep what they want to hear
>gain their trust and become influential
>reveal your true colours

He's pulling a Merkel to sate the conservatives.

maybe we can groom him

we the Rothschilds now

post from earlier. check digits.

>Macron has made the switch!


Didn't Masons plan WW3 to pit Jews against Muslims and destroy both?

>That nose

I didn't realize this board was located in fucking Israel

definitely NOT /ourguy/ but it's always fun to see the left short circuit

>he left short circuit
They had to vote for an economic libertarian because the only other choice was a neo-Fascist. I'm sure Leftists have already been short circuiting since the begginning