Can someone tell me what is so bad about giving stuff to the poor? Isn't that what Jesus said to do anyways?
What do we do when rich people stop giving stuff away?
Can someone tell me what is so bad about giving stuff to the poor? Isn't that what Jesus said to do anyways?
What do we do when rich people stop giving stuff away?
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>Can someone tell me what is so bad about giving stuff to the poor?
Because you have to take that stuff from someone else, it doesn't matter if he agrees or not. Then the poor might not work because others will work for him.
Communism isn't entirely bad.
It's the anti-white ideology known as Marxism that's the problem
- They already take stuff it called taxes?
- Communism makes sure everyone gets a job even the disabled.
Because it's not giving, it's using the government to force people to have their stuff taken so the loudest groups in society can have things easier.
Jesus preached charity, charity is either voluntary or not charity.
How is Marxism anti-white?
Faget b8 m8
But its bad because some who thinks they know better makes a descision for the greater good no matter the consequences. The ends are supposed to justify the means, but the means are allways very terrible.
So the better option is what? To trick people into sending money to mega churches?
You ever meet a Marxist who wasn't 100% in favor of destroying the white race? Didn't think so
Because there will still be people at the top socially that hold more wealth and power. Capitalism isn't always fair, but it still gives everyone a chance to gain wealth and power if they work towards it.
In Communism, you stay where you are and suffer.
I just never met a marxist, I have listened to communist manifesto on audio tape. It didn't say anything about skin colors.
Can I interest you in a free helicopter ride?
Social engineering to promote the family unit, if it were common for poor people to live with family members we wouldn't need public housing which is one of the most expensive welfare systems. Houses are expensive.
Also, tax incentives for charity to the point you can pay zero tax if you give an equivalent amount to a charity of your choice.'re reserved to your own opinion and all, but I'm just going to tell you to fuck off and die.
>Communism makes sure everyone gets a job even the disabled.
So, slavery?
ahh, so that's why these exist, some oil tycoons doesn't want to pay his taxes.
Well, if done right it wouldn't be slavery. Just if you needed money there would be a job there. Job security if you will. I am having hard time finding part time job.
You mean Zezik wants me dead?
b-b-bbubutbut i thought i thought
i thought he was my bro
the problem is that people nowdays associate communism with libcucks and faggots, who arent even real communists. Communists who want to work for their country are real
>Just if you needed money
But in communism there is no money.
jesus never said jack fucking shit about legally mandating special ish to be given to scum. Literally, what libs want is what the fucking biblical tax collectors do.
communism only works in theory
thats why im a Marxist
He did feed a bunch of strangers for free. Even if he used magic and shit
it's funny watching slavoj qualify literally every anecdote he uses because he is perpetually in front of virtue-signalling leftist audiences even though he clearly doesn't give a shit about identity politics
ww2 germany gave to the poor you stupid, uneducated fuck stick. national socialism was about equalizing everyone based on work, not arbitrary monetary values.
pick up a goddamned book. the only people it didnt support were fucking bankers and the asshole commies who supported them willingly or unknowingly
At least I can capitalize and punctuate properly.
M8 b8 n r8
Jesus could tell if someone was just panhandling to make a buck. We can't, unless they make it super obvious.
Never give to the "poor" directly. Chances are they're not actually poor and they're just trying to get some easy cash. If they need help, they'll ask for food, which I'll gladly give, water, which I'll gladly give, or go to a shelter, which I'll gladly volunteer at. Don't ever give money to a beggar.
>Giving stuff to the poor=communism
No, that's called charity
>Taking stuff away from people who earned it to give it to the poor
That's communism
typical uneducated loser response. only educated in the ways of following their masters and authorities. programming shoved into your head since childhood while critical thinking sat on the back burner
this is fucking pol on Sup Forums, not a god damned college thesis. fucking people these days jesus christ LOL. "MY GRAMMER IS SOOOO GOOD SO I WIN!!!!!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
anywho, nice talking to you!
Pic related. Now kill yourself.
Long story short, take a look at how REAL communism has played out in real life. Look at the history of it, throughout the 20th century in various countries all around the world. Look at the commonalities between these states, and look at what happened to each and every one of them.
Don't just take it on theory, look at what happens when it's actually applied.
Educate yourself and dispel any illusions you have about it. Actually learn, and you'll see that it's been very, very violent and oppressive for millions and millions of people.
Look at Russia. 20 million dead under stalin, and millions more that suffered deeply.
Look at cuba.
Look at China.
Look at Vietnam.
Keep looking, and you will see a long, bloody history of intense suffering and violence, perhaps some of the worst the world has ever known. Read the 'Gulag Archipelago', written by a Russian prisoner who escaped to tell the tale.
THAT is why Sup Forums hates communism
>He thinks that matters on Sup Forums
Jesus gave stuff away to the physically and mentally impaired and people who weren't lazy and breaking law. He didn't give shit away to able-bodied, lazy foreigners.
Jesus gave to the poor, but he didn't force the state to take our taxes by force to justly give to law-breaking, lazy minorities. If you want to give to the poor, do it on your own accord, through the Church or community.
There is a fundamental moral distinction between a person voluntarily helping another deserving person, and a being forced to give indiscriminately.
Communism dates to the late 1800s, whereas Christianity dates back to the 1st century (and of course, charity predates that even.) That should be your clue that they are two very different things.
I wasn't winning an argument I was getting a response from you. Thanks for playing.
>Can someone tell me what is so bad about giving stuff to the poor?
Nothing, hitler said to do it too.
The problem with communism (and capitalism) is they are unsustainable.
My only point in asking that was that law usually tries to help judges to find moral decisions in court. If a person is in debt he has to foreclose on property he owned and worked for yes?
>Communism=giving stuff to the poor
If there are poor then everyone is poor so tell me how you can give something to the poor when there is nothing to give?
How are Gommies in Germany?
A German friend of mine told me that Die Linke has a decent nationalist community. Was that taqqiya?
So you're only kind of an idiot.
Well, basically everyone works for the government who decides what jobs there will be. Then you get handouts. So technically you aren't getting other peoples stuff, you are getting the stuff allotted to you for being a good citizen.
I suppose I should just file for unemployment and get freebies. No one wants to hire my ass.
I think capitalism has sustained quite well and increased the wealth and health of humanity exponentially. I agree though that without fleeing to space to expand - growth is unsustainable. I also think that protectionism and nationalism are vital to a healthy community, so pure capitalism without borders is lowest common denominator - fuck your community/people/nation for a buck is not good.
>I have listened to communist manifesto on audio tape. It didn't say anything about skin colors.
That's nice.
"The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward." -Friedrich Engels, literal co-founder of Marxism
>A reactionary is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo ante, the previous political state of society, which they believe possessed characteristics (discipline, respect for authority, etc.) that are negatively absent from the contemporary status quo of a society. As an adjective, the word reactionary describes points of view and policies meant to restore the status quo ante.
FYI if you're merely deemed a reactionary in Marxism, then you're considered a reactionary. Being white is considered reactionary.
Thus, they don't want to destroy whites BECAUSE they are white, they want to destroy whites because whites inescapably represent a reactionary people by virtue of the way history turned out and predicted demographic trends.
Terms like "white privilege" are just cementing the target on your back.
well, I won't be in any race wars anytime soon. I will keep this in mind though.
It doesn't stop at race.
Are you male, particularly a white male?
You're a reactionary if you try to maintain any vestige of masculinity.