Is Vox right about this? Is it 'casually racist'to believe that Europe and Africa are 'different'?
Is it even more racist to believe that European civilisation is 'better' than African civilisation?
Is Vox right about this? Is it 'casually racist'to believe that Europe and Africa are 'different'?
Is it even more racist to believe that European civilisation is 'better' than African civilisation?
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Who cares?
It's fact.
Reality is racist
How come liberals will whine about overpopulation but defend it in Africa where people can't feed themselves.
Everything is "racist" these days. You just have to laugh at people who make those kinds of allegations. Not "refute" them, or take them seriously - but just pure mockery. Nothing more. They hate that.
They're not different. One just wants the other to give them money
they can succ me if using the word civilization is now racist
do these people even hear themselves? oh thats right vox is all jews, any coherent identity or civilization that isn't jewish is evil
because they want to replace whites with low iq african migrants.
What is the authors name? Is it a stein or berg or man or what?
How about a source of what exactly Macron said instead of screenshots from a cancer site like Vox?
If it is not different, we don't need multiculturalism.
If it is not better, there are no "refugees".
Learn about context, retard.
Because they're scared to call niggers stupid.
That's literally all this whole thing boils down to.
No Vox is just another retarded clickbait generator.
>Muh Racist claim shit tier Africa is shit
Anytime these faggots suggest such a load of shit just suggest the borders of Israel are closed for a reason.
Anytime Israel wants to open its borders and flood itself with millions of niggers to prove the "Muh Racist if you do not support the non-existent African civilization is the best and shiett" they can be me guess.
>Is Vox right about this? Is it 'casually racist'to believe that Europe and Africa are 'different'?
it's only as casually racist as criticizing a jew is anti semitic. they're called hate facts
Where is the link faggot
Racism is debunked. Literally Trotsky's imagination.
Please archive those
because they want to rule over a permanent mongrel underclass for the remainder of what would be left of humanity at that point
common sense dictates that they obviously aren't. i don't know why this was even worth posting. you are giving weight to what is essentially a zog brand.
So why are they typing in English and not Swahili?
That seems pretty culturally supremacist to me
And they are
No it's common sense that they are different. Fuck
>asking for a link to Vox
You're the bigger faggot. Lurk more newfag.
It is further exposure of the (((agenda))).
We wuz and shiiieeet
So it isn't just "problematic" to claim some cultures are superior to others, now we can't claim that cultures are different from each other? Can somebody tell ISIS that Vox is publishing cartoons of Mohammed?
My philosophy professor knew a brilliant comeback to this:
If all civilizations and cultures are equal,
then did nazi germany deserve its fate?
>perhaps better than
>per fucking haps
Popeye really let himself go.
Questioning is racist goy
That's tricky. Of course we value our society higher than others. That's why we built this particular culture.
On the other hand some Afro tribesman would never trade his community, trance rituals, bloodsucking for a big bank account.
Yes, our culture is better but that's said through our own evaluation of a society.
Now user. You know that the goys do not get to call the veracity of the kikes claims and agenda into question.
All civilizations are equal except those who have not accepted (((Communism))) and Israel of course.
Israel and African civilizations are equal that is why Israel will open its borders to.... wait.
>they're different
No they arent user. You just aren't used to seeing them so you automatically assume they're different.
If you were to trade places for a year with one of these people, you'd learn that you'd becomethem in their role and they'd become you.
It's that simple. We're all the same inside. :^)
Cultural relativism is for fags.
The vox author must be either writing satire or he's literally mentally handicapped.
Come on
White civilization is superior to every single other civilization or culture with exception of the honorary aryans.
This is the truth and nothing will ever change it. Vox writers should contract rectal cancer and drop dead.
Were all the same man stop the hate O_o
(((Sarah Wildman)))
It is precisely because we are not the same that I claim this.
Like lottory
How long until you newfags learn that behind all this trash media is actual literal Jews? This is not just some conspiracy.
"2011 Rockower Award from the American Jewish Press Association for commentary"
Your opinion is a social construct.
The bigots on this website have a coercive effect on how you behave.
Everyone is racist. Over the last 50 years (((shitlibs))) somehow convinced people that racism is like sin, and can be purged if you feel guilty enough about it. Now racism has completely replaced sin in the modern zeitgeist, and sjw faggots are the new church ladies accusing everyone else of impurity. It's literally making everyone neurotic accusing their neighbors of thoughtcrimes and denying any of their own.
Well I believe that and there is nothing casual about my racism.
Well good news user!!
Want to put the SJW and everything is racist types in their place? Point them to Israel!
Point them to videos like this...
The primary purpose of the Marshall Plan was to keep European governments from going communist; they would have still recovered without aid. Hell, even the USSR recovered to pre-war levels by the mid 50's without aid. Africa is less geopolitically relevant and is corrupt as fuck, so you're not sure whether that money will actually be used properly.
>Is it even more racist to believe that European civilisation is 'better' than African civilisation?
Well its a non-argument because africa has no civilisation
No this opinion was not forced on me by the society. I took some time to consider this topic and it seems to me that almost no one can see through his own shit (including myself). A particular system or culture also equips one with the glasses through which he/she values things.
If Africa was better than white , western civilization:
1) All the niggers in the US would have fucked off a long time ago, and
2) Afrikans wouldn't be flooding into Europe and Canada.
3) Notice none of the monkeys are going to east Asia and latin America.
> Lol what a racist how can you even say one culture is better than any other
> lol but our culture has to provide and feed all the people of their culture in addition to our own
Yes it is casually racist
But racism is natural and the norm
So it is not racist enough, the correct thought would be "Africa is inferior to Europe"
this is a typical vox writer; if youre looking to vox to make an informed opinion bleach your eyes and stick a shotgun barrell in your mouth
The fatass over here is right
>Is it 'casually racist'to believe that Europe and Africa are 'different'?
They are exactly the same. If you don't see that, your privilege is showing.
>Sarah Wildman
>In 2016, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network recognized Matthews as the most outstanding Autistic journalist of the year
We really need to bring more attention to the Kalgeri Plan. Molyneux apparently just had a video that seemed to say that the migration was a mistake by well meaning people, not a calculated plan of genocide.