Is Trump, dare I say it, stumped?
Could this be it?
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you idiots keep falling for the same media tricks over and over
They hype something up
You rush in and give them clicks because your desperate ass thinks "We Finally got him"
Then it turns out to be nothing, they made money off your retarded ass and you are one step closer to suicide because baby didn't get their bottle
jesus christ you people are fucking stupid.
I'd feel sorry for you if it wasn't for the fact that you deserve every damn ounce of it.
Even Drudge and Breitbart are reporting this without crying "FAKE NEWS!!!"
Anyone have the video of Hillary grabbing this chick and Huma looking like somethings on fire?
You may choose one of the following:
>Obama White House uses entire NatSec/Deep State apparatus to try to find dirt on Trump
>Three members of Trump's team poke around a honey pot for dirt on Clinton.
Literally nothing... again....after EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS... NOTHING!!!
Share Blue boys spend a couple of quiet weeks regrouping and building your narratives and THIS is what you explode with? SERIOUS? This is the best you can do? Whoa, I'm literally shaking!
Drudge report and breitbart are working to get easy clicks too retard.
trump finally stumped
haha finally after so many years !! btfo XD
they peddle something out everytime he does something good. After G20 they needed something so they blew this up. Middle ground voters don't care they will BTFO of liberals again because nobody cares.
I dont understand why Trump's son isn't allowed to meet with whoever the fuck he wants? He wasn't part of the campaign
Another nothing burger
>big things happening
>distract from it by blowing a story out of proportion
>more anonymous sources who are familiar with things
oh boy I sure am excited
Getting tricked into a meeting by some lawyer = collusion
Also he was not in the government when said thing happened and his father was not involved/had no knowledge
Yes it's finally over for Drumpf, definitely, for sure this time, not like all the other times, wow, for sure they got him now, you definitely won't see this fizzle into nothing just like everything else and wait for the next pointless scandal, drumpf is finished
>He wasn't part of the campaign
Jesus christ user, pull your common sense together
(((Democratic lawmaker)))
From an official standpoint, he was not.
If he chose on his own to meet with them, the only person that can get in trouble is Don Jr., and even then, the chances of that happen are basically nil.
This is just to keep the narrative going. They're going to try to keep this up until 2018.
I'm going to save you some time. Trump will not be impeached. To do so would cause a civil war, and you dumb fucks certainly do not want that.
That man looked at a Russian! ARREST HIM!
No shit. Since when did Russians get cooties and anyone that goes near them catches them?
Remember when Romney said the Russians were a threat, and the democrats just laughed at him? Why are they incapable of making up their fucking minds?
But he wasn't, so how is Trump or his campaign liable for the actions of a private citizen?
increasingly nervous man says trump is finished for the gorillianth time
>would cause a civil war, and you dumb fucks certainly do not want that.
My body is ready.
I know. It's all so incredibly tiresome and ridiculous. How does the average dem even put up with their party leaders looking like absolute asshats, I'll never understand.
Because liberals are living in a dream world and don't bother themselves with logic.
They have no shame
They're all psychopaths
Y... yeah. W... we finally got him th...this time...
>To do so would cause a civil war, and you dumb fucks certainly do not want that.
Why not? Sounds like a great chance to make a LOT of money, if you play your cards right. You'd have to make sure you had the resources ready to avoid the fighting, but join in the looting in the aftermath.
It would suck for most of the people in the US, but it would be one of the largest transfers of wealth the world would have ever seen.
you think this is bad you haven't heard nothing i was still registered as a dem after voting Trump this election cause I am lazy and since I wanted more salt from the mine I went to the Florida democratic executive meeting to check the it out. They are insane. Like absolutely insane and they believe this is reality. You will hear stories of them just straight up attacking any conservative door to door people who are drumming up support in the street sand they cheer it on.
>avoid fighting
>try to acquire wealth from other's suffering
You wouldn't happen to be a Son of Abraham, would you?
Nope; old rich WASP here. Always looking for ways to build up the family legacy.