Chink hate thread

Nightly chink hate thread - fuck off reddit addition.








All time favorite

The picture in the op looks like the dog she was about to eat woke up and bit her face of.
If thats what happened im a very happy boy.







Wtf, how she not dead?


>confederate flag
>spamming babbys first gore videos

Underage, isn't it past your bedtime

so much luck

I have no clue, no sauce

Wonder how long he was conscious for

Fucking nightmare fuel

fuck off you fucking gook go back to l'eddit

Kill yourself dumbass, you post this garbage every single day, fucking die


ban slopes from driving

kys buttmad chink I only make these threads once in a while but somehow they are up almost every night.

I mean, there's 800 billion chinks on Earth. There's bound to be a few smart ones. Tired of this superior asian intelligence meme. They're fucking bugs.


I thought anarcho-capitalism was great though! Regulations like driver's licenses and government oversight like the DMV just hurt people!

I am going to doxx you, you dumb confederate flaggers


Whats the story behind this?

you won't be able to

Be careful, moron

Asians seen smart because the US literally handed out H-1B visas like candy to any educated person on the planet they could find so they could dominate the Cold War and take smart people away from the USSR. The dumb and/or nationalist were left in all their shithole countries to breed the next generation.

free helo rides
get your free helo rides right here

You think that dude is gonna get away until that street light fucking crushes him, he gets smashed by the truck, then set on fire... Classic.

Damn that dude was so close to getting away

South America

car crash, huge piece of the window slid under her chin up toward her nose

She got surgery and lived, though I don't know if she died of complications since then.

workplace accidents are the best

this dumb cumskin pig hates china because his girlfriend got stolen by a chinese man

>trump tweet

y are gommiez so gay

this is just proof that chinks can't drive, but it doesn't mean they can't operate driverless cars. I'm just saying, the way chinks developed these past 20 years, they are on par with europeans in my book.

chill out ping pong

keep crying nigger

jesus christ how horrifying. story?

stop posting, sage

sage sage

why cant they ever built escalators correctly, wtf

don't post, sage

literally the trash of asia go to usa lol. the failures in china move to us to become janitors and toilet cleaners. like cantonese railroad builders, but they still somehow succeed in the end.

this thread is dead, sage

China could have been one of the great global powers in the 19th/20th century if they actually fought the british.

too srow

the girl in op webm is black though

they are learning by doing/copying and general corruption.

buttmad gommie

Not for the dude lol

op can't tell the difference between 1 non-white and another. not op's fault. op is defective.

Jesus christ

holy shit I have never seen a sperg like you in these threads. first day on the job?
it's pretty funny

why do they even have a chines flag if china is banned on here?

>they keep running like cattle fully ignoring the gruesome act just transpired
My god.

stop before it's too late, sage

>fuck off reddit addition.
>what is /r/gore

This really encapsulate the chink experience all in one webm.

2-3 seconds top
hitting the floor at such high speed was probably an insta kill


don't post here, just sage

Seen a webm on gif of this with the soundtrack
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
Twas funny

wtf did that guys head just pop off?

what about seat belt laws?

i hope you're joking with that spelling of 'edition'

Holy shit.
That spike.
What kind of fucking odds are those? He could have peddled any direction at the speed he was going and gotten away fine.

I was watching that thinking 'please let that shit clothesline someone.'

>chink hate thread
>starts off with a HUE

This shit doesn't even make sense lmfao. Open empty elevator shaft? Better go in on my fucking moped


this is just depressing

Reaction time is correlated heavily with intelligence.

>pay toll to use mcroute
>mcdmv regulates and oversights mcroute and its driving costumers


105+ IQ

How do these people not obey traffic lights Jesus Christ

Something I guess 0.1% of redditurds browse.

>running mac os x

that's the most offensive shit about that webm.

also if that was to happen in china, production wouldn't even stop. americans are lazy because they believe in unions and got infected with socialism. fuck, even the nat socs believe in collectivization.

you are the only on that noticed

China seems very scary. Can Asian people not drive?

And I thought the chinks here were bad drivers, damn, some of these videos are impressive just due to the sheer incompetence needed for them to come about.

You should see India. too lazy to dig up webms.

>Video of a video of a video


Fuck you, commie

Lol this is probly the /r/asianmasculinity fag

What are the fucking odds, wtfffffff


we all noticed but thought you flagging with a bunch of dimwitted larpers made any said spelling mistake fairly unremarkable, perhaps even expected.

why is this being filmed off of Sup Forums?