How many firefighting niggers will Trudeau send to us to dance around and not put the fire out this time?
How many firefighting niggers will Trudeau send to us to dance around and not put the fire out this time?
The leafs are burning?
Yep. We're the province just west of Alberta, which burned last year. Remember how Trudeau refused help from other countries like US and Russia only to import African "firefighters" who went on strike anyway?
Good times, good times. Smoke was nasty though. Now it is BCs turn for the burn, I seem to remember the smug environmentalists laughing at Fort Mac. Enjoy the fire bud, your province deserves it.
Burn for not letting us build the pipelines.
I live just over the border, can see BC thru my window. I should probably get some marshmallows to roast on the fire.
>NDP cucked the Liberals out of premiership after the election
>After NDP-Green coalition began governing, the fire rose
>Wildfire also burned Alberta down with the NDPs in power
The fire is a sign.
You faggots just need to let the fires burn. It's part of nature. Preventing them for so long is what is making them be worse and worse every year. Let it all fucking burn for one year and you will be good for a decade.
>what is proper forest management
just cuck the leafs shit up senpai
It been 30+ degrees for a week here. That's like 85+ american. Warning on all the TVs and radios not to go outside because the heat is too dangerous. Shit is burning everywhere. It's horrible.
thing is the government 'owns' a lot of the forests and likes selling the trees for cheap
>85+ degrees Fahrenheit
>government warns you not to go outside
Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you leafs
CA$ 12k is like 27.61 USD, the kuffar should learn never to take in mudslimes next time.
BC lets forest fires burn, that's not the problem, that's the hurr durr obvious solution.
At this point we're gonna have to go around chopping down trees to create buffers because we just have too many goddamned trees we can't do shit when things get too hot and dry.
BC residents cannot handle heat or cold, they can only cope with copious amounts of rainfall.
It has been a bit warm here but 85F isn't dangerous, that seems odd they'd be telling people to stay indoors.
Save Williams Lake, BC bro. Don't let it burn. That town/area is too nice to be lost to a goddamn wildfire. Divert resources if you must - like if Cache Creek or something is under threat, that's unfortunate, but it can take one for the team to save Williams Lake.
BC voted for Trudeau right? Then he'll care.
God's judgment Leaf
That's what you get for electing a man child degenerate.
The Interior didn't vote for him
Hey bro where in bc are you wanna meet up
We should sell California to Canada before they secede.
It's more likely that California would buy Canada than the other way around.
>Climate change caused the wildfire
>If we raise the carbon tax, it will never happen again
I know Premier Horgan is just itching to say this shit.
30c is too fucking hot man. Perfect summer temperature is about 15c(60f) and raining with a wind. Still hot, but the rain and the wind keep it from being too hot.
We've got thunderstorm warning right now, but wayback machine shows the heat warnings we've been getting all week.
Nobody here voted liberal mate.
pls no
You are being punished by God you know. The weather here is fine, and I'm right on the border. You better repent of your faggotry leaf.
I'm in Surrey, u know , where the sluts are
Yeah, the place where you can get STD's from breathing the air
I wish Trudeau would take all the kaffers to Canada
isn't it a bit strange that wherever leftists and environmentalists are in charge of something, fires appear?
They still never put out the first fire lel.
BC is treudau country faggot user
go fuck ur sister in alberta
thankfully the Canadian government is here to keep us bc leafs safe...
Canada is so pathetic.
What did Trudeau mean by this?
Again, fuck you. We are the only ones who voted against trudeau jr.
Can leafs even pay for imported firefighters?
le weed man might just visit himself
Let the chinks burn.
Slaying that Punjab poon right on brother
I got a cousin in Surrey. He says it's shit.