Is this being "red-pilled?"
This place seems more like a cult to me, I want off this ride before I start to feel the true "red-pill."
Is this being "red-pilled?"
This place seems more like a cult to me, I want off this ride before I start to feel the true "red-pill."
Other urls found in this thread:
get off the ride and go fuck a nigger then race traitor
You'll be like that guy for about a day and then come back to the real world. Culture more than race.
then leave nigger
go on Netflix and binge watch shitty shows untill your brain rots
>culture more than race
race IS culture though famalam
See you tomorrow faggot
culture stems from race
but keep lying to yourself
dude, dont be a pussy and do whatever the fuck you please
i doubt he was that good of friends with the guy "close friends" my ass
Why you wanna fuck up your kids genetics by marrying a subpar mate
no, that's autism. what a fucking retard talking to his buddy like he was his son or something.
>black people are violent because of their culture!!!
go back to /r/the_donald
OP, You mean to tell us you really dont see something wrong with your post?
The fact that a white man from a white family worked to build a white nation where his white parents likely paid a mortgage to buy a home and hes going to just hand all that shit over to some creature from a jungle so it can get its citizenship, divorce him, take his property and earnings, sign up for government assistance from tax payers money, All for free??
this back to fucking reddit you racists you don't belong on Sup Forums
Faggot civic nationalist it's time to get off my board
As for OP, I would really like you to think about that post. The illegal is taking advantage of him for citizenship. I've seen it many times in the Persian Gulf. Soldier fucks raghead because it's a sausage fest in the military and one spread her legs, but in reality her plan is in place. she pops out a kid in nine months and she gets US citizenship and alimony. Also think about your kids. They'll never look like you, and no one will ever say that because they're eyes are dark and the genetics are fucked. They will have lower IQ, it is a fact that some races have lower IQ's than others.
If you wrong in what that dude in your pic did, by telling his friend he was making an error, you really should fuck off to fairy land and give your sister to the niggers.
First and best
Thanks guys, I think I'm starting to understand more. Could you link me some red-pills on jews, national socialism all that kinda stuff? I'm trying to expand my knowledge as much as possible
I never wanted to bang Pam harder than when she wore this costume
this was a cruel ploy, wasnt it OP?
We must preserve the white race. We're unique and exceptional. History is littered with examples of what we've accomplished. There is no comparison. We must preserve our beautiful race.
I would never contribute to validating a liberal's policies, if that is an answer.
W r o n g
I dont really see whats the problem. He saw his friend make a mistake and told him the truth. Anything that comes from that is his own decision.
This will make you want to more, wait until she starts talking
Somewhat, I'm kinda red-pilled but I used the thread as a "I don't believe in this help convince me in the other direction" thing
But please drop some infographs now that you're here
Thanks anons
I wouldn't call the pic you posted redpilled because instead of trying harder the dude just let it happen to his friend. If you are to follow the true path of the redpill, do not let hate consume you, rather let it drive you.
Nah, he's being a black pilled faggot.
Well, the thing is, what would have happened if OP had said nothing to his friend? Just kept silent with everything he knew just to be "polite" to the friends decision, he would have seen the liberal retardation played out in full, destructive way.
What is black pill?
>Even a fucking leaf knows
Please, go. You're embarrasing.
>Day of the rake soon, leaf
Here's a redpill, the democrats have imported their vote from the 1980's. The 60% meme is entirely the democrat's fault because they import them then keep them poor and stupid so they get on welfare and promise them more for their next vote.
Not in the Ancient world it didn't dipshit. Mediterraneans were all different colors and races.
The idea of "Race" is a simplistic modern term anyway. Back then, knowing your tribe and ethnic background was more important then skin color. Literally nobody gave a shit about that.
Feminism aka (((marxism)))
red cross confirms 270k dead, not 6 million
news article on George Soros leaks, one of many globalist players. Rothschilds are another important name to remember.
Nihilism. Basically you see what is wrong with society, but say fuck it and don't even make an effort to improve things.
>keep them poor and stupid
You were so close to not being a civic nationalist. No, the foreigners are poor and stupid because the Democrats created an immigration system which allows poor stupid shitskins to migrate here. The shitskins are fine with it because they can use welfare and not work and then laugh at "stupid gringos" for not realizing they're fucking us.
This is why Trump wants to deny citizenship to anyone who would qualify for welfare if they gained citizenship. Wipe out about 80% of the shitskin applications for citizenship overnight, deport all the "permanent resident" shitskins back where they came from (in his second term of course) and replace them all with middle class, taxpaying, English-speaking Europeans.
This is Trump's plan to unfuck America- take the Democratic policy of importing voters and turn it into a pro-Republican voter importation.
You are dumb as fuck. Up until the 1920s the term "ethnic background" was never used, everything was referred to as a race. German race, Jewish race, nigger race. The usage of "ethnicity" is an invention by sociologists who, with no actual knowledge of biology, decided that it hurt their feelings that some peoples were objectively inferior and sought to discredit the biological theory of race.
You also don't cut off your friends, and I've frankly almost never seen people here ever advocate cutting off lefty friends. It's almost always the reverse.
How many of us have had lefty friends who trashed the friendship as soon as an inkling of non-lefty (not even necessarily conservative) wrongthink was expressed?
I think it's even worse within the deep liberal circles where they actively try to out people and attack them.
Its funny that you would post a girl you will never fuck.
I hear woopi goldberg is available!
Why dont you tap that gaspacho?