>all the best and richest states are blue
>all the worst and poorest states are red
what did they mean by this?
All the best and richest states are blue
i guess whites dont have poridge
oops i meant privilege
The redpill that people here won't swallow is that while races have different IQ levels so do political affiliations and conservatives often have lower IQs.
texas is the richest state in america and we are red, we are ready to secede any second now
we will blow the fucking heads off of any who oppose this nigger
so yeah, this thread is fucking gay op kys nigger kike ill reem your mothers pink sock until it orbits into the sun you fucking nigger faggot kike
blue state have the most immigrants
This. Is. True.
Bad times create hard men, good times create soft men.
They vote red because their economies are shit. Problem is they cannot change their economies based on politics alone. Blue states are blue because they don't have to worry about money so people concern themselves with other issues.
>shit tier weather
>shit tier people
>shit tier tech industry
>mainly archaically oil rich
What did you tard? I can't hear you over in silicon valley? I take it you're not using something we developed in your every day life... oh wait, you probably are. OH and our economy is 2.2 trillion, almost double yours faggot.
>all the worst and poorest states are red
GEE I wonder why.
rlly activates the almonds...
>conservatives often have lower IQs
Well the plebs do
It's great too, they're conditioned so much that they will probably never realize they're actual idiots. This gives logical moderates like my self and advantage in the job market, as we can pretend to get along with anyone.
Job competition is a big thing in svalley, so I welcome the tards of the right and left.
California is bankrupt...it's not rich.
Many liberals are rich virtue signalling cucks That is why they take the best land in our country and move there and buy property. It has nothing to do with red state VS blue state.
It's crazy how we're one of the most diverse populations on the planet, and we basically develop and innovate more science, bio-medical breakthroughs, technology, and economic growth than anywhere else on the planet. Literally almost all of the world uses something devd here.
But yes, our gov sucks, we need a new party desu. Look forward to the US getting a few more political parties in my lifetime.
>redpilling pol
1. have the best paying job I've ever experienced, making almost 220k a year at 26
2. Have the most amazing weather I've ever experienced (next to hawaii)
3. Have the most satisfying job I've EVER experienced. I came from the midwest (Minnesota), and have traveled throughout the US south, east, west and north. NO WHERE else contributes to the 21st century like silicon valley.
4. My work has a fucking pool and a gym.
5. Living expenses aren't as bad as people think, sure we compare it to red states it is, but that's because of the GDP and our company's doing so damn well. They more than make up for it in pay though.
If silicon valley moves because of some shit popping off, I'll move with it. It's proof multiculturalism work and creates the most efficient, high earning, internationally contributing economy on the planet. I've come to the conclusion it isn't race, but intelligence that makes a society like svalley so great (unlike my family back home).
Hopefully we get a good politician in soon though, I like republicans because they want to cut taxes, and I pay a fuck ton of taxes.
>Silicon valley contributes to society
Lol, yeah sure it does, contributes to it's cancer.
Startup I just invested into is working on curing it lol, probably won't happen in your lifetime though.
>multiculturalism works but its intelligence, not race that matters
i make $100 million a year top that loser
Yeah and no the dollar has a different value all across the country $100 in NY would be like $115 in Lousina
sure you do.
low energy larpfag detected. Cmon man, at least give a reasonable number like 4m lol. People would actually believe you if you made that. Shit i'll probably exit with 8 figs in 4 years from 2 startups I've invested into, if they're business plans are accurate.
wealth =/= standard of living
you will have a much better life in Oklahoma on an average salary than in jewyork on an average salary
I make $200 Trillion top that you fucking asswipe
Furthermore a lot of people are leaving most blue states for red states except NY because while NY.
It has a lot to do with your location. Like two thirds of the American West coast. And across the ocean is Asia. Good for trade
>It has a lot to do with your location
Location plays a huge roll in it, I agree. But with out the people, shit wouldn't happen. That's why the best of the best come here, from all cultures and races.
Damn this is accurate? Feeling better about myself.
21,000 JESUS
Yea, california is big af, a lot of country and farmers etc. Gen z should be at 21, not fucking mils... Pretty sure average household income in my city is 140k
>near large body of water = resource rich
>resource rich = rich
>rich = cities
>cities = leftists
How is Missouri so high? Literally everyone I've met from there was dumb as shit
what the fuck Montana, get your shit together
I live on Long Island. I can vouch that New York is shit, don't let the infographics fool you. Witnessing the segregated communities first hand while I've been growing up is depressing. As the days go by, more and more minorities inundate the white neighborhoods, diluting the racial purity and average income.
If you plan on moving to NY, I strongly advise against it. The taxes in NY are among the highest in the country, whether they be property taxes or income taxes.
I live 20 minutes from NYC, lots of self-proclaimed metropolitans enjoy visiting the city frequently but I rarely go. The city smells like shit and is flooded with homeless. Even if I had the money to live there I still wouldn't. Hasidic jews, hispanics who refuse to assimilate, blacks who nig around on street corners, flamboyant faggots, etc... the city has every regressive personality you can think of.
Fuck Jew York. The West is doomed.
yeah i dare your faggot spook ass to say that shit in my state, its no wonder all the faggot commies from cali are flocking to austin by the boat loads, we have enough natural gas/oil here to last generations, we control a large part of the nations market, we are the best state, hot weather you say? we have ac for that
austin is a booming tech city, its no wonder why google chose to test fiber there, we will be the unquestionable most powerful state in 2 years on paper, we already are in my eyes, ill fucking slit your throat faggot
>tfw too smart to make a good living wage
oh no its too hot here!! im melllltinnnnngggggg
youre such a fucking pussy i can smell you thru the screen
LMFAO so mad, it's hilarious, thanks bro. Texass sucks so much dick, we have two interns here from austin, they hated it. Fuck your AC bitch. Go put on a cowboy hat and fuck some horses lmaooo
Oh that screen we probably developed? On that GPU we definitely developed.
You lost cuck.
Tex-sweat-fat-ass LOL
Ha ha wrong. The blue states are in more debt.
Oh, he means per person, not the actual state. As in red states have poor "people" who suck up welfare, and blue states have rich "people", but also poor people who suck up welfare.
lmfao if we legalized weed here we would most def surpass your faggot ass state in revenue, we control sea trade, oil trade, guns, i could go on and on, we are the more reformed version of commifornia, if we went to war with you right now we would absolutely obliterate your pussy land, i was in san diego a few months ago, sheer pussyism all around, your a bunch of faggots
>all the states with the highest poverty rates are blue
lol who cares how rich the state is
Blue states have much higher inflation/cost of living than red states, they aren't poorer.
Red states tend to be larger in land area than blue states. They are "poorer" and blue states "richer" but the people in blue states often pay out the ass to have a tiny cramped apartment in a big city just to stay employed while red state people make less but have a nice big house in suburbia for pennies on the dollar where they're just a short drive from rural areas where they can go hunting
Basically having money in an area where the cost of living is fucking high isn't a good thing
thing is, we dont have to legalize weed to stay afloat, cops here dont give a fuck as long as you are cool, we have so much money here its not even funny, anyone regardless of their skill set can obtain a living here, i will fucking kill you faggot
Poo in loo detected larping as whitey. Pajeet learns to poo in toilet and thinks he's civilized. Silicon Valley is a recent multiculti pajeet nigger land because of recent forced diversity hires and work visas. Like all pajeets, gooks and niggers taking credit for what the white man invented. The white man made Silicon Valley and then some niggers come along and act like they are the progenitors.
>mfw start ups popping up all across the country
>mfw nobody needs the Bay Area for tech anymore
Get fucked pajeet
Have you heard of Illinois?
d-did someone say poo in loo?
>state war
LOL my best friend works at the Lawrence lab, pretty sure we'd destroy your entire state with a nuke in a few minutes. Or melt it with a satellite laser. Shit I bet Google alone would fuck up your whole state with it's capital and technology, send out some aimbot drones or some shit, never miss a bullet headshots all around.
But I doubt your pussy ass citizens would ever attempt something like that for no fucking reason. You're too complacent and fat.
>San Diego
I bet you saw a bunch of hot chicks and they thought you were fat and ugly.
>Texass legalize muh druggss
LMFAO you faggots aren't advanced enough to legalize something like that, you're still making money off it being illegal, let alone acting like you're intelligent enough to make money off it being legal.
>mugh guns
Only part I don't like about cali, but it will change when we get a rep in office (again)
If liberals have higher IQs then why do they make less on average? What you mean is that liberals are more likely to have degrees, but less likely to have a degree that's actually worth shit.
>mfw nobody needs the Bay Area for tech anymore
>Currently using Bay Area tech
You know you're retarded right?
Good luck with your startup tho bro, hope you get to seed round.
Because whiteness correlates with IQ. Image also proves that self-identified "white hispanics" in Texas are white.
Gen Z is post 2000 you fucking nigger, Millennials are called such because they're the last generation of the second millennium. How the niggerfuck is this so hard to understand?
>h1b visa slaves who drive up housing costs and lower wages
California should be wiped out
>Or melt it with a satellite laser.
mild kek
>mugh guns
Only part I don't like about cali, but it will change when we get a rep in office (again)
exactly faggot, right now in this very moment, not even google would save you from the amount of ammunition we would stuff up your faggot liberal keester
i swear to god we would fuck you in the ass, lol @ me being fat with athletic build @ 6ft 186lbs
dont make me time stamp this faggot shit ur probably some fagget ass nigger bating a hetero man into bation material ill fucking wreck you nigger
Gen Z is post 2000 you fucking nigger, Millennials are called such because they're the last generation of the second millennium. How the niggerfuck is this so hard to understand?
Gen Z should be making 21k a year is what I'm saying and Millenials should be making a lot more.. Shit when I was 15 I owned a website and pulled in 4k a month. The fact my gen is so fucking low is sickening, my commieshit racist fucktard.
mfw i can own a gun cuz i live in a faggot state
Rereading your post I realized that you're so fucking stupid you didn't even see that the image says 2014 and doesn't even mention 21 year olds. No one so many late-90s babbies are fucking retarded.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suite. Read again then self deport back to pajeetistan so you can poo in your natural street habitat, oh and then kys.
"smart" people go to colleges, colleges force you to take peripheral courses loaded with marxist content "look how smart our marxists are".
Don't forget this whole plan was laid out by jews before it ever took place.
Rich states lead to comfy deluded life style which fosters liberal mindset.
Strong men create good times, good times create weak men
Good to know the rest of the country has caught up to the 'facebook for cats' level. Bravo.
While us Californians are working on AI.
good night you fucking faggot its 223 here not 1223 you fucking cock sucking liberal i will see you again nigger
Well you're in australia so you must be super fucking strong faggot.
I'm white but dope kid.
Born in 86, but yea, you're way smarter than I am, I'm sure you have the networth to prove it.
I'm having way too much fucking fun triggering your fat ass.
>good night you fucking faggot its 223 here not 1223 you fucking cock sucking liberal i will see you again nigger
Doubtful, I used to go on Sup Forums when it was actually useful, like back in 2k6, now Sup Forums as a whole is just cancer.
You can dream about me though big boy. Working out at my company gym, eating free lunches, fucking asian and white chicks at the same time. Dream on.
What it means is that even with all the wealth etc, they're still just filled with city trash and cannot overcome the rural and suburban retards.
>what did they mean by this?
Both parties gather support from different areas of the bell curve. Democrats from the highest(jews) and lowest(blacks), while Republicans gather more support from the median(whites). That being said the correlation between IQ and political affiliation is just that, a correlation. As it is not causation, one's IQ and adherence to a political ideology is not indicative of the merits of said ideology. In fact political affiliation is mostly due to environmental factors. So no matter how much Democrat's like to think of themselves as the more "intelligent" party, it's simply not true.
Most people in blue states aren't particularly productive, they just leech off the tax dollars and trickle-down wealth of the relative few that are. Because the are surrounded by easy wealth and a sanitized life, they develop a decadent worldview divorced from hard realities of life. Because they are surrounded by people all the time and their employment is much more likely to rely on "who you know", they're much less likely to adopt or voice opinions that are socially risky. At the same time, they're more likely to adopt the latest socially fashionable political causes that are spoonfed to them.
People in red states have less margin for error and therefore are more likely to adhere to ideas that are proven to work by tradition and time.
Underrated post. Those """intelligent""" libtards with majors in social studies or liberal arts are dumb as shit and their degrees are expensive premium toilet paper.
I would argue the top few % of the IQ spectrum lean right. Right-wing politics are what works in the long term, they keep the herd lean and the gene pool clean. Left-wing politics are fundamentally about taking from the haves and giving to the have nots, out of compassion for the less competent. This ultimately results in a accumulating pollution of the gene pool with the genes of unproductive people.
Dunno check the sour.. oh
Listen to the nazi, pol
In 100 years when people can pick and choose they're genetic makeup, it will be an interesting time, won't it nazi.
That could be the case, but it's impossible to know. It's just correlation. Both left and right sides of the ideological spectrum have very high IQ adherents.
Not including the federally biased Virginia (I wouldn't call VA the south regardless), Louisiana is doing the best in the southeast :D
Quite a different culture here buddy. We still value the strong male archetype.
Pleb conservatives are the most wretched people. Fearful, irrational, Bible thumping idiots
It's understandable for underdeveloped cultures to do so, you're out in the bush I take it? We value integrity, strength, intellect, business sav, and wittiness. Although we still very much value fame and the almighty dollar in all it's power.
Hit the gym 4 times a week, so if you're tying to get all muh alpha on me, it won't work. They pay us extra to be healthy here.
When I worked at google, I visited the Sydney office, hooked up with a few aussie chicks, they're freaks I loved it.
>muh dik
Yes but they're conditioning, along with the lefts plebs and theirs, allows people like us to go non opposed when it comes to attaining an elite status... So it's kind of a win.. for us.
>all the best and richest states are blue
They just receive more federal funding and a City like New York of course collects so many taxes.
Rural areas have less jobs - less taxes
>muh crutch for not knowing what the universe really is
Abbos have higher test than the average australian and they're all fat.
I have a state of the art gym at my job where I work out three times a week, the best food of any state, the finest bitches, and once this bubble blows over (which it fucking wont), my money can take me anywhere. Enjoy huffing petrol you macho bogan
That all this fucking time the blue has been fending for itself and been shitting on the red.
Commie fucks,this is what you deserve.
Rural areas usually have cheap property values, even grocieries amd some bills are lower. It sorta balances out with people working lower paying jobs.
Pretending to know what reality is when you have no actual idea is essentially lying user.
their*, my master race friend
Yea I'm on my phone, I know spelling on the internet has became a very serious thing this decade.
I too have sli 1080ti's my master race friend.
Correlation? What are you talking about? If you contemplate these ideas in sufficient depth, you will come to understand I'm right. Right wing societies mirror the way of the jungle and are built to last and improve themselves; left wing utopia is always a temporary fantasy based on transient material conditions of wealth.
I only have one 1080 but I have no idea why we are discussing that
where on LI? I grew up in the Oceanside regin and it was getting pretty bad by the time i left
Got me good user. Got me good.
>even grocieries amd some bills are lower
Thats true. Good point