Transgenderism debunked

>Pediatrician Debunks Junk Science Behind Obsession With Transgender Youth

Gender dysphoria is a serious disease. It's time to stop the barbaric gender mutilations and hormones being pumped into children. This should be considered illegal and those responsible should be brought to justice. The public must be made aware of these crimes against humanity.

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agree. problem is exposure and support. without that nothing significant can be done.

>raise awareness
>people rally
>start war

The child abuse has to be the first thing to stop.

When kikebook fags are changing their profile pics to this ribbon, it will be time.


I think what scares me the most is the finality of the surgery. These people have no way to go back, no way to reverse it. They squander the one life they have on this earth. Losing limbs and shit has always disturbed me, but at least you can live a relatively normal life without an arm or a leg, even though it wouldn't be great living with that till the end of your days. Losing your dick or vagina however... it must be such an extreme psychological blow to lose that, such an important part of identity, on what amounts to a whim.


These people are clearly not in a sound state of mind to make such life altering decisions and they are being taken advantage of so some greedy quacks can make money. Never mind that our tax dollars are being used to fund such a heinous operation.

>Never mind that our tax dollars are being used to fund such a heinous operation.
Several months ago my mother required some important tests before a surgery. Insurance refused to cover it.
Guess what they would have covered if she were so inclined? We checked. They would have.

This is ridiculous. How is this legal? Any medical practitioner who does this should have their medical license revoked. This is the kind of thing the average pleb needs to know about.

This is absolutely outrageous. Just about every aspect of this gender dysphoria craze is a huge scam. Anybody who supports such a thing is a monster.

Posting templates to make your own.

Here's a transparent png with no background. I pretty much only post here, but I just wanted to do something because I'm sick of this degeneracy being shoved in my face while I'm told I'm somehow in the wrong for supporting the health and well being of myself, my family, my community, and my nation. If ever there was a time to legitimately "think of the children" this is the time.

Another bump, lots of trash on the first page.

A lot of Sup Forums loves traps, but you have to admit this is bad for children and chopping of dicks is bad for the mentally ill. This is the lobotomy of the modern age.

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want to Indoctrinate Kids

Pushing Kids Into Transgenderism Is Sadistic, Medical Malpractice
Author: ex-tranny
>Socially indoctrinating young children toward accepting transgenderism is rampant today in public schools, starting as early as kindergarten

Michigan pushes schools to teach transgenderism ‘throughout the curriculum’

Gender Fluidity Promoted to Children as Young as Three in London, Educators Still Want to Go Further

Children as young as 4 being given transgender lessons which encourage them to explore their 'gender identities'

Execs Meet with Transgender Activists to Promote Positive TV Portrayals

Transgender porn quickly growing in popularity
>Transgender porn has been steadily climbing in popularity for years and, with Jenner's emergence and the favorable publicity surrounding her decision, it has grown into a full-fledged phenomenon.

I thought that book said "Mary had a Little Clam" for a minute and was almost outraged he would read something like that to kids

There's absolutely no benefit to society by doing this. The sole purpose is to take something degenerate, abnormal, and unhealthy and accuse normal, healthy people of being evil for not wanting this.

I half expect a thread like this to get shut down while 50 "whitebois can't even compete" threads fill the catalog.

my sister apparently is one
she also thought about killing herself because I was her hero and she didn't want to disappoint me
I'm fucking crushed really and worried about her future well being

They went to Thailand? They got what they deserve.

Is one what? She has gender dysphoria? All I know is grafting a fake dick onto her won't help anything and will probably make things worse.


Well, yeah. You can't really dress a boy as a girl since children are fairly androgynous until puberty. Instead, they dress the boy as a post-pubescent female by using make up, which is usually reserved for adult women because its purpose is to enhance the attractive sexual features of the women wearing make up. They are sexualizing boys in this process while calling them transgender.


>of the twins tested, only 1/3 had both of them transgender
So the study concludes genetics make up for up to 30% of the factors.
Which the doctor said is "minimal influence". Yes, one third is minimal.
And then the broken phone continued, the author saying no biological factors. Yes, 1/3 is zero.

Read the studies, not what someone wrote about what someone said about the study.
inb4 people quote and insult me because I speak truth

He said it was his sister. I'm assuming that is her gender by birth.

How is this considered more ethical than a lobotomy?

What is your point? We should cut of the dicks of people who think they're the opposite sex? We should pump kids full of puberty blockers? If you're gay and the end of your bloodline, you aren't really invested in future generations or the well being of society, are you? I have a hard time valuing your opinion on such things.

>Is your point that *things i never said*

The point of the scientific study is that 30% of the subjects showed a possible genetic factor, then the doctor reviewing it said its very minor (30% is minor lol), and then the author reviewing the doctor's review said its zero (because 30% is zero), and then the people posting in this thread treat the blogpost as gospel while not reading the actual fucking study.

Its always like this on Sup Forums, morons quoting studies that prove them wrong, because they never read them, and only parrot memes.

The point is that pumping kids full of puberty blockers is not a good thing. How do you just skip right over that, you massive faggot? Your opinion doesn't mean shit. Fuck off.

I was born this way.

You can't debunk me and this isn't made up. My transition journey has been a hard fought battle. If it wasn't for Obama care my surgery costs would have never been possible.

Twins do share many experiences, namely the mother.

"""Doctors""" can still get paid for it.

Go be a faggot elsewhere. We're talking about protecting our children from greedy quacks.

If it wasn't for Obamacare, we wouldn't be paying for your mutilation. I'm sorry the system has failed you. No doctor should have approved such a think. I hope you haven't had your genitals mutilated at least.

>the point is that *strawman*

Less than 1% of the time when a brother is transgender, the other brother also is.
But if they are twins, this percentage is 28% according to the study.
So there is a strong genetic component, accounting for a large increase, since the mother (and shared enviorment in general) is a factor in both cases.

>stop assaulting me with facts :(((((( rape rape !!! i am being academically raped! pls help, someone post pepes!!!

>I was born this way.
The reason it has been a "hard fought battle" is because you weren't born that way.


Tell her that killing hetself will disappoint you the most. Bext tell her that if she becomes trans you will abandon her.

Lastly is buy a New Testament Bible and get her to read it. Basically make her work on something to take the mind of. Talk to priest if you need help, preferably an Orthodox one

>forms of psychosis are likely genetic as seen in twins
That's not even relevant to the topic, flamer.
Oh look muh twins both batch schizophrenia! WTF cut off their dicks now!

Fag get off the board and hang yourself

Your post confirms what I am saying, doesn't argue it. I don't get where you are even trying to go.

>I don't get where you are even trying to go
Back to the topic. Just because a minority of these people are genetically predisposed toward gender dysphoria doesn't justify all the horrific transitioning processes that are currently allowed and even recommended by some greedy quacks.

I told her everything already user, from statistics to studies to god knows what. I don't really give a shit if she gets a fake dick or whatnot, what worries me is that in 10 years she'll realize her approach was wrong from the beginning and kill herself.
But I'm at a point where talking to her about all this shit is probably doing more harm than good.
I'm pretty much lost.

>genetic dead ends multiplying at increasing rates
Yeah I'm not buying that.

Please no

Gender dysphoria has a genetic component, as you seem to agree.
What you disagree with is the treatment for gender dysphoria, since you think its not worth it.
This isn't invalid, it also exists for cancer, and there are many people who think chemotherapy isn't worth it, and people with cancer should just live and die naturally, instead of struggle for a few more years of poor quality life.

This is a philosophical issue, and I think the cancer comparison is very good - gender dysphoria isn't cured, and the treatment for it is very invasive, and doesn't fix things completely. So if you think you don't want it, then fine, don't take it. Some people think its worth it.

If a parent decides their cancer stricken child should suffer through chemotherapy to live longer, the same logic dictates the parent should decide if their child will get chemotherapy (chemical therapy)/surgery for gender dysphoria. It is just as lethal as cancer, indirectly, since it very often leads to suicide, and the treatment is just as invasive and with a comparable "success" rate.

It doesn't sound like something that can be reasoned with. It's sad. I don't believe someone in that state is capable of making such a decision for themselves and that people who offer this fake transition are taking advantage and introducing physical complications as well.

Yes, pretty much all of LGBT can be compared to cancer. The first step is recognizing these are diseases. Even if we don't have a cure yet.

Got your cure right here.

>comparing chemo to plastic surgery

The only people who don't recognize gender dysphoria as mental illness are the mentally ill.
You are fighting strawmen, and then acting as if you defeated the actual intelligent arguments.

>changing your hormonal balance is plastic surgery

You haven't made an argument yet. Unless your argument is that parents should have the right to pump their kids full of puberty blockers. In which case, you're batshit insane.

That is where supron lives. He is basically considered a god when it comes to srs.

Still not comparable to a matter of life and death, especially considering almost 90% of children grow out of the gender dysphoria trend.

You're sick. I hope psychiatry will one day find a cure for your condition. Until then, you should consider sequestering yourself from society to prevent the normalization of your pathology.

>You haven't made an argument yet.
I've made two arguments, which remain unaddressed.
1. The study quoted proves a genetic component to gender dysphoria - brothers have 1% correlations, twins have 28% correlation.
Clearly shows a genetic factor in addition to environmental ones, thus the "debunk" part of the OP and the article are bullshit and proven wrong by its own source.
2. Chemical therapy and surgery is the currently available treatment for gender dysphoria, and though it has low success rate, we have a precedent in cancer and chemical therapy for it that a parent can decide to treat their child.
This combined with the outcomes being better the earlier you start leads to the conclusion that yes, early diagnosis and beginning treatment is the best, if still low, odds the person has.

I hope we get better treatments, for both cancer and gender dysphoria, but we currently only have our long shots, and people should be allowed to take them if they want.

If they grow out of it, they were poorly diagnosed. The same way people "get cured" of cancer, because they didn't really have cancer in the first place.
Properly diagnosed gender dysphoria will lead to death, simply because you will kill yourself. You will see no reason to continue existing, as your existence doesn't fit your perception of yourself, it feels you are "another", and you are not attached to your body. Its certain death.

This is absolutely fucking hideous. That there are people out there who happily advocate anyone subjecting themselves to such severe physical and psychological trauma is one of the most disgusting things I can imagine.

I bet the high percentage of children that grow out of it decreases substantially as they are enabled at younger ages. Hard to go back after your parents turn you into a sterile, micro-penised lab rat.

You continue to ask for better diagnosis. I agree.
However, this has zero to do with the rest of the argument.

gender disphoria means your brain is maladjusted, not your body. so to fix the problem, you have to fix the MIND not the body.
thats like some dude, who believes he is a chicken, going to the doctor, and the doctor glueing feathers on him so that his normal body reflects the ill mind. it should be the othe way around.

My thoughts exactly. Gender dysphoria is at its core a mental condition, and people who have it should absolutely be able to seek treatment that will let them live better lives, but the goal of most groups seems to be to encourage them to indulge in a self-destructive state of being rather than actually helping them (I say this because the difference in rate of suicide between pre-op and post-op trans people is virtually negligible, so clearly what's being done currently isn't working). You don't tell the guy with schizophrenia that yes, his lamp can talk to him and it really does think he should kill himself.

guess whos work this is.

1. It doesn't prove shit. You are taking it to indicate that, but the scientific community requires a shit ton more research before data can be said to conclusively prove the genetic correlation. Not that any of that shit matters because...
2. A bullet to the head is also a currently available treatment. Does this make it the best option or a good idea? Does it matter whether this condition is genetic or not when choosing whether we should put a bullet in the head of transgender people as a treatment?

>If they grow out of it, they were poorly diagnosed
OOPS sorry we took away your chance at adulthood.

It's exactly like that. Fucking ridiculous.

>It doesn't prove shit. You are taking it to indicate that, but the scientific community requires a shit ton more research before data can be said to conclusively prove the genetic correlation.

You made a thread with "Debunked" in the OP, thinking its very conclusive.
In reality the science said the opposite of what you wanted it, so now its inconclusive and we need more research until facts agree with your opinion.

I am done here, seek help. You have reality dysphoria.

There is no proper diagnosis. The people that perform these procedures freely admit that this is all very experimental. It's a matter of finding a doctor willing to abuse a child, and a parent willing to swipe a credit card. The people pushing this are aware that if not enabled then the vast majority of "trans children" would grow out of their dysphoria. And because suicide rates increase in adults after srs, there's no money to be made unless you can push it on an impressionable kid.

Bump. This shit needs to stop, kids go through phases and disgusting quack doctors(and parents) enabling their angst fucks them up for life. I can't imagine my parents being okay with me trying to do this shit when I was a kid, my dad would've slapped me in the face and told me to man up.

When will the transition be complete? At what point do you stop being trans?

I can hardly remember when I was a kid. I certainly wasn't old enough to decide whether or not I want to be sterile. Hell, my opinion on having children still flip flops even as an adult.

It's a bunch of poisonous social justice bullshit is what it is. When I was a kid, if you were a girl and you liked sports, you were a tomboy. Nowadays if you're a girl and you like sports then it's all "WOW UR TRANS BOY SO BRAVE AND AMAZING," and then the abusive fuckheads you call your parents give you meds that will probably fuck you up for the rest of your life so they can brag about being the cool progressive family at PTA meetings. Everything's got to be wrapped up in identity politics and hypocritical enforcement of those big bad rigid gender roles SJWs claim to hate so much.

>There is no proper diagnosis
What is being "debunked" is the trendy craze among people who want to pump kids full of puberty blockers. Nobody cares about your bullshit. We are focused on not abusing children just because your priorities are all fucked and you have the liberal mind virus. I am seeking help. That's why I posted.

It's never complete because you can't change your biological sex.
It must be removed. We absolutely need a RWDS.

Sorry if sane logical people upset you. But you cannot deny, that mutilation and artificial hormone injections is a GOOD thing. Literally as someone just said, dysmorphia is a disease of the MIND you do not try to change the body to fit with the delusion. This has never worked in any case of any type of dysmorphia EVER. Plus the simple fact that year after year more and more disgusting degenerate things are pushed and "normalized" we MUST make a stand. And this whole "misgendering" bullshit before puberty is literally just one step closer to pedophilia and that shit MUST STOP.
We have to say enough is enough, some lines should not only never be crossed but they must never even be seen.
I used to have great respect for Richard Dawkins, I've never been an atheist but I respected his beliefs and his convictions, read all his books. Until, that is I learned of a single quote from him, in where he stated that "mild pedophilia,light petting is perfectly fine"
I don't care if that motherfucker discovers the secrecy to life the universe and everything, I would spit on him now if I ever saw him in real life.
There is no excuse, there can be no quarter given. This disgusting vile degenerate abuse of our children must stop and it will stop, even if takes the utter and complete eradication of all filth that promote and encourage this. Even faggots like you. Be gay if you want. Cut your dick off if you want, but say it's a good thing, and you deserve death.

It's a scam, user. Anybody can pay for a flawed, weak, or incorrect study to be published in practically all disciplines, including medicine and math.
>Claims that gender identity is somehow fixed and innate, yet is also independent of biological sex, are likewise not supported by scientific evidence.

By entertaining their game, namely gender and muh suicide, all you do is guarantee their profit.

>we MUST make a stand
Absolutely. It's time.

Never accept it when she asks you about transitioning.

Filthy tranny here.

Would not recommend hormone therapy, let alone surgery.

Glad I kept my dick.

Just stop. You are absolutely comparing apples and oranges.

You can also be cured by changing your perception of yourself, which is the only real cure that should be persued.

The claim that someone can be "born in the wrong body" is fundamentally flawed. It presupposes a dualistic nature to human existence. You don't possess a body. You're not
driving it around like it's a car. You are your body. This is why claims that the body is somehow wrong are met with derision. It's also why the view is seen as delusional
by anyone who looks at the subject seriously and without a political axe to grind.

To believe that you are something that you are not is delusional. You have a mental illness. For a healthcare professional to indulge you in that delusion by prescribing
HRT or gender reassignment surgery is to collaborate with the illness. They are in violation of their Hippocratic oath.

I blame star trek for my green fever...

When I was in 2nd and 3rd grade I played with the girls. I even changed one of my shoes with one of the girls to symbolise that I'm one of them. I grew out of it when I joined a soccer club.

Now they would have given me puberty blockers probably.

This is an abomination.

And that is one of the reasons this is a problem.
When normies see this become an in thing, there will be a generation of really fucked up people who realize they ruined themselves and will only seek to spread it to make themselves feel good or just end it.

Don't be surprised if this shit is something the UN is secretly pushing to reduce the population. However they fail to realize that when something like this is allowed to fester in a society, it will affect all levels. Even their own families are not safe from this.

The meme war is real, lads.

You just repressed it because of your internalized transphobia.

The worst part is, its being pushed in alot of societies. Not just western ones.

Now, its rate of success depends on how each society views it. Its effective here in Burgerland because love and tolerance is being pushed. Whereas third world shitholes would find it retarded as they have better priorities.


No, it's just your socialized stupidphobia that makes you believe you see it everywhere.

B8. A good one too.

You are very fortunate. I'm glad for you as well.

>when 30% is nothing unless it's for twins and backs your narrative.

But is Val a black man or a white man?

Fags on here want to defend trans Bc they want to jerk off to dudes who look like chicks and feel less gay.
