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Well, it was nice while it lasted I suppose.
then why do they still have 80 hour work weeks and shit wages?
Wages would be booming there was a labor shortage
We still believe in you
>In 2015, asylum seekers were even found removing radioactive contamination at Fukushima—under the false pretense that they would be given visas in return.
Finally found a good use for refugees
And how many Refugees are employed in Germany?
i thought we needed a basic income because automation was taking all the jobs, which one is it.
>What's this? A healthy economy that favors the working class?
>My briefcase full of REFUGEES will put a stop to that!
>That's RACIST, you cis yellow MALE!
>Wages would be booming there was a labor shortage
Oy vey, think of the profits!
The nips know better than to accept rapefugee mongrels
Stop asking racist questions.
All of them are doing their jobs of destroying Europe so all of them can be considered fully employed.
>asylum seekers were even found removing radioactive contamination at Fukushima—under the false pretense that they would be given visas in return.
a....hahahahahaha. Soon, we will all be one nationality and have id chips implanted in our bodies. One aberrant thought, and you will be put in a cage for thought crimes. Let the good times roll.
Shit just imagine instead of all the suicides in Japan we'd get a ton more stories of massive spree stabbings with katanas on hordes of rapefugees
Just goes to show that most of these "jobs" and their "companies" have no reason to exist.
Stop trying to prop up a house of cards and shift to a system that doesn't require constant population growth to maintain. The longer you put off the transition the bigger the impact of the collapse.
Let me translate that headline for you:
"Japan has had it's economy fucked by debt and to continue printing money and functioning in a speculation based economy, it must make itself appear to grow by letting people who are not japanese in to work for less money to make it seem as if the economy is growing because more is done for less, plus they will be paid off the books so the product appears to be cheaper too.
>Japan is drowning in a surplus of jobs
Yeah no. You'd think people writing this shit would at least do a little bit of "investigation".
>Oy muh carbon footprint! Humans destroying the world!
>Need more people! Population isn't growing enough!
Jesus, how do they get liberals to operate on levels of hypocrisy?
>"labour crisis"
>record unemployment
>low skill jobs replaced by automation
what did they mean by this?
we need to fucking warn the nips before this shit gets out of hand
34000/1,3 mil+
> The unemployment rate may be joyously low at 2.8%, but the dwindling workforce chokes growth
Low unemployment is bad goy. Wouldn't want to choke (((growth)))
>willingly moving into the nation that ran Unit 731
fucking shiggy
Those guillotines are gonna be getting some use eh
"Labor shortage", "skills shortage", and "birth rates" are the globalist's calling card. Any time you hear one of those phrases, it's virtually always used to try to justify more Third Worlders.
generally education from the shitholes they're coming from is worth nothing even if they're "doctors"
Don't let them do it !
woah slow down bigot
Don't let them destroy your country.
You see them destroying ours.
Don't let it happen to yours. DON'T.
Migration is for the sole purpose of keeping up debt. A country and it's economy can not be allowed to shrink in size, or else the interest on it's loans can't be payed. The theory is the immigrants will generate GDP and the taxes will pay for the retirement for the baby boomers. Gen X Y and Z are to be sacrificed, the theory being brownskins are easy to manipulate and control and are no threat to the Order.
>note Japan is almost 200% debt
>one of the most densely populated countries on the planet
>depression is a common problem due to high competition and long hours
>by (((some estimates))), it somehow needs hundreds of thousands of immigrants per year
Yup. If an economy shrinks (per capita) at a slower rate than the population shrinks, this is GOOD for the people living there. Especially on a fucking tiny, overcrowded island chain like Japan.
The only people who don't benefit from that are international corporations, and "the economy", but like I said before, less people to share the wealth with so the numbers are misleading.
Canada has had a labour shortage for 10 years now apparently even though we have 7% unemployment, no wage growth and 320,000 immigrants per year. It's just an excuse to bring in temporary foreign workers.
>Migration is for the sole purpose of keeping up debt. A country and it's economy can not be allowed to shrink in size, or else the interest on it's loans can't be payed. The theory is the immigrants will generate GDP and the taxes will pay for the retirement for the baby boomers
based Poland
>In 2015, asylum seekers were even found removing radioactive contamination at Fukushima—under the false pretense that they would be given visas in return.
based fucking japan
china is rightful japanese clay
Here, let me translate:
>We have to pay higher wages! We don't wanna! :(
>Nobody wants to work for the wages we offer! :((
>Well I guess we'll just replace everyone with robots then! Harumph! Losers.
Debt owned by Japanese people.
Please don't fall for the Jewish tricks based Nippon
how the fuck are a bunch of illiterate immigrants going to help their job situation?
Hey Japan take these refugees. Japan here is a warm plate of refugees.
Japan take refugees they will enrich you.
Japan we will give you a cookie for every refugee you take.
Japan refugees.
Ok Japan is not funny anymore take this damn refugees !
The average day of Japan in the world
Literally the opposite of a problem. Competition is the driver of innovation and improvement. If there aren't enough workers, companies must compete like never before for labor. Isn't this the exact liberation of the worker that Marxists have been dreaming of?
1) Would Japan accept some white guy from Canada as a new worker immigrant.
2)What types of jobs are in need of more workers.
What country?
sometimes i wish i was a NEET shut in hacker so i could just take down these garbage articles and we could all be done with it
>burn down temples
>rape women
>murder men
I mean, technically yes that would solve the labor crisis but what if we tried not destroying their way of life?
Remember goy if you aren't growing you're DEAD
thats not a actual reference ahmed. its like if some one linked wikipedia or CNN
>If there aren't enough workers, companies must compete like never before for labor.
This is what (((they))) are most afraid of. Competition for workers.
"japan must take in literally 30 million shitskins and niggers or it won't survive" oh shlomo
let the samurai strike fear in the jews heart once more
Notice how there is only a labor crisis when its a largely homologous country and its "robots are going to replace everyone living wage NOW!" in countries full of monkeys?
>could go to japan and offer them high value skills
>would work for fair market value, not expecting extra, because i'd get to live in japan
>no desire whatsoever to do this because their culture is based on working until you go insane and/or die
Anime will be a mexican product in the near future
Just imagine
Higher wages
More consumer spending
More small businesses and startup thanks to the influx of capital to the workers
Affluent homogenous communities with no crime
Full package benefits - healthcare, dental, pensions
And lower corporate profits
What a horrible society. God I can't even imagine what a dystopia it would be.
>skills shortage
that's the most infuriating one
a.k.a. "we don't train our own people so the government needs to do a better job of subsidizing our employee costs"
a.k.a. "retaining skilled people is hard we need foreign slaves that won't get poached and are terrified of ever complaining"
Please don't give up, Japanons
Don't you get it racist? If you bring all those people in, and give them free monies from the gubmint, it increases (((growth)))
Something like 95% of all money on earth is an IOU to the Rothschilds. Just possessing the money is debt.
The Japanese would rather collectively sudoku as an entire country rather than accept immigrants
Fight samurais don't let (((them))) do it to you.
>a job appears after decades of stagnation
I guess the silver lining is these 'refugees' would be able to say hello in japanese.
gibe gibe gibe now
wasssuyp money!
Japan imported a lot of "refugees" "REFUGEES" "REEE-FUG-EEEEEEEEEEES"
Are you mentally ill?
This reeks of kikery
[spoiler]Just kiddin', but it'll happen if the japanese don't open their eyes.[/spoiler]
It's already a product of China, Korea, and Vietnam.
>In 2015, asylum seekers were even found removing radioactive contamination at Fukushima—under the false pretense that they would be given visas in return.
I want to strangle the person who wrote this article to death, slowly.
It will happen like in Brazil? Oh, you don't remember who you once were. You were either Indian or white or slave. Now you are a bad goulash.
Magpies are assholes.
The population creates the market, not the other way around. If there are no japanese to fill those positions, then those positions dont exist.
fuck immigration
I bet the writer of this is a jew
Isn't a labor shortage a good thing for prospective employees? Seems like a good thing for Japan where corporations abuse their workers. Forces employers to compete by providing a decent work environment and not treat their workers like dogshit.
time to burn the whole fucking system down.
ask them if they have lice tho.. we have a camp for that.
But seriously the scum who write these articles must die for the good of humanity. Some corporate cunt looking for cheap, abusable labor hired this journalist faggot to write this.
>oy vey everybody has a job and wages are increasing and housing is getting cheaper
Seriously though is it possible for jews to be more evil than they already are?
Don't you fucking dare let those animals in our waters.
Middle eastern refugees can't fix those shortages anyway.
The chinese are more suited to coming over.
Hey man more competition in the marketplace is GOOD FOR US 99% you fucking racist. It is much better for the country when corporations don't have to compete for employees YOU FUCKING NAZI
We must fight the 1%, and the way to do it is by providing them a cheap source of foreign third world laborers that doesn't complain when their boss treats them like cattle!!!
2.8% unemployment is actually too low user, 5% is more healthy to support people leaving work to retrain to jobs that better suit them. Anything over 5% is very unhealthy, as well as if there is a low labor participation rate for those of able body. Japans issue is that life there is highly stressful, people are expected to work very hard but aren't getting paid well for it. The kind of stress level in japan would be the equivalent of a 70-80,000 USD job here in the U.S I would assume.
>Implying refugees fucking work or contribute positively to the economy in any way, shape, or form.
The fucking delusion of these people. The very last thing Japan needs is welfare parasites weighing their system down more. Show me the proof of all these brilliant economically productive and useful refugees willing to set up shop and pay taxes to selflessly hold your society up.
1984 happened in 1984, but the words were different.
I like the way this goy thinks!
> In 2015, asylum seekers were even found removing radioactive contamination at Fukushima—under the false pretense that they would be given visas in return.
Reminder that nips have always been /our guys/ even when they were our mortal enemies for a little while
what exactly the the central bank back their money to?
explain.. what makes actual central bank money real?
why is it.. real.
dollar has us military, and alot of gold..
but what actually backs a central bank?
>to reestablish its peak workforce of the 1990s bubble years
Why does it need to do that?
Do they think the world is some zero sum game that doesn't have ebbs and floes?
>kurds in tokyo
fuck off juden
The US military backs the central bank