Should hookers be allowed to racially discriminate?

Why is hooking the only profession where racial discrimination is allowed? Notice how so many in the back page ads always say stuff like "no black men" etc. if it was a man doing this, they'd be jailed for racist discrimination, you're not legally allowed to refuse a service on the basis of race. Why do hookers get a free pass? We should do something about this.

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her trollface? epic. just an epic for the win.

because cops dont discriminate.

theyre telling you they arent cops

>Should hookers be allowed to racially discriminate?

Yes. And this is coming from a dark guy.

Nobody in any profession should be allowed to racially discriminate

Especially hookers

Yes. We are allowed to discriminate for Alcohol age, Driving, style of driving, gun ownership, sexual breeding (birth control), hiring standards so it only makes sense that sex trade is a buyer/seller market.

She gets to decide if you are worth a paid fuck
You get to decide if she's worth a single click and your "giving a fuck"

In the end, you as the John still hold the market power. There will always be more desperate women then men able to purchase their "reserve price". Tons of ink have been written about the market of sex already to back this up in Sweden/Brazil / Japan.

It's illegal where I live so yes they should be able to. I don't really know where a degenerate Booker gets off turning down money based on race but whatever. If I was her pimp I would beat her for costing the company money.

Are you a closet feminist, OP? I know fems don't like it that males can get sex without paying an arm and a leg.

As for your question, it's a grey business that operates on ambiguous language. You're not paying for sex. You are paying to "hang out" with them (read: "CFS") They are not obliged to hang out with blacks ("AA") if they don't want to.

You cannot regulate prostitution without regulating who people can be friends with. I prefer life w/o "social quotas".


Well you see, a black market is the only truly free market in today's society. In a free market, discrimination is fair game, and should be encouraged, as it allows an individual maximum liberty to exchange goods and services as they please.

>Why do hookers get a free pass?

Is prostitution legal in Australia?

because backpage ads are similar to craigslist personals. You can pick the type of person you want to date.

Yeah. Brothels are. I'm fairly certain independent escorts are too.

It's not really spoken about much here. People just get on with life. But if you have the cash and the inclination to do so you can go get laid by a 9+ easy.

If you want to sell your car, and a someone from a race yoy don't like wants to buy your car, can you not deny them your car? You absolutely can. It's called freedom of association.

So yes, even hookers as degenerate as they are, can choose not to sell their body to someone.

The black men that they run into have this weird tendency to turn into niggers.

They'd get cheated out of payment, robbed, beaten, raped or get STD if the nigger refuses to use a condom. She might refuse service at that point and get beaten then raped. The hookers won't go to the cops because they worry about getting tossed in jail. Easier to not do business with niggers than to deal with the aftermath of a deal gone bad with one of them.

No one actually cares if you hate yourself

their body, their choice. check your privilege you white cis male scum shitlord.

That's a very good point.

The good ones prize their STD free status therefore requiring a certain cation in clientele, street walkers tend not to be so choosy, you get what you pay for and you demand what your worth, wanna pay $10 for a quickie in the men's room with cunt that's still dripping crack head cum from the last guy and a free side of the clap or $300 for all night in a hotel room with a freshly showered girl who can show a clean STD screen before fun times?

>projecting your misery onto me

I value personal sovereignty over political correctness you sorry queef cunt.

If prostitution was legitimized hookers wouldn't be allowed to discriminate

nigga people racial discriminate all the time, you just dont say it like a dumbass

i subleased my apartment this summer, i didnt want any niggers, mexicans, or sandniggers to be in my room but i didnt say that shit in the ad i just ignored all the niggers, mexicans, and sandniggers who messaged me. everywhere does this

I have a friend who used to be a hooker and this is totally true. They don't think twice about doing everything their wives won't let them do, piss or shit or running a train etc. They think that because they have money that they're in charge a.d that they call the shots. You know, as niggers are wont to do.

Hard to believe it's a decade old meme

Man, memes were cringey in the 00s.


A lot of it is also safety.

Well, it's not a real job, for starters. Most of them also say "you pay for time anything else is between consenting adults". If anything, it saves niggers money

even here where racism is outlawed and considered a crime, the prostitutes (white and coloured) will often state that they'll only see white clients. unless they're russian or polish ones who always never care what colour the dick is they take. think about that for a second: a coloured will not see a black client, but a pole or russian will. it's pretty fucked up.

Pic is for the glorious goddess, blessed be her name and titties: Sara Stone

Ask me how I know you've never gotten an escort.

does angela white take GBP?

Even when you do it professionally, no one has the right to fuck you.

But, since you sell sex, it's not rape; it's theft.

niggers try to get pay for 10mins, they also try to become the hookers pimp. There are a lot of reasons. Even black female hookers don't want black guys

Looked it up the other day when feelin toe-y. $80/15min root with some jungle asian in Springvale Melbs.

and it's not just gonorrhoea either....

where are the asians?


Gross Black Poop?




>Oh, you're a literally retarded nigger? Well, I can't say no to offering my services and I can't discriminate by forcing you to have an STD test because that isn't the standard for the rest of my clients.

We HAVE to do this. In Australia, prostitution is legal. We have to lobby the government to enforce anti-discrimination laws on sex workers

The bogan can only get a gook!
He can't get a regular girlfriend!

well obviously they should be allowed to decline someone for any reason, they don't owe anyone sex and can refuse payment for it. can you not just turn down blacks as an australian hooker? do you have to give an explanation why? just say no to all of them and only accept white customers. i heard that's what all hookers do.

I would never hit up any Asian escort because the whole Asian escort thing seems so shady. If you must go and see a pro find yourself a local girl, maybe a uni student who is working as an escort for extra cash. Bant about random shit and make her laugh then have a root and be on your way. Far better than dealing with dicey Asians.

Yes I've been several times. They're super attractive too, if I tried tinder or clubbing, I'd probably only be able to get an average fatty or sjw. Paying money at brothels lets me fuck a 10/10 goddess with tits the size of my head without even trying.

Basically I was hell nervous first time I went. The madam gets you to relax, and about 20-25 gorgeous women of all body types and ages walk in and line up in front of you. Each one introduces herself to you, then you pick the one you like best and walk off to a bedroom and do your thang.

I've been many times, best sex experiences of my life.

Fair enough. I've never been, myself. Though I'm not a panicky puritan who'd write the idea off completely. The only thing that trips me out about brothels is the thought that they're hiding cameras in the rooms for "security".

any way to not use condom?? I always wondered this.

Racial discrimination should be state enforced till you reach an ethnostate.

Trust me, you want to use a condom

>a dark guy.
For you.

but but I cant keep hard with condom. Its a mental thing :(
So much for my fantasy. Thanks aussie bro.

because nobody likes fucking niggers

Few years back had to go with a friend who's a social worker to pick up a woman who's hooking on the side from a motel after a client roughed her up. I wasn't her first choice to call that night but was the first one willing to throw on a vest, pack some guns and a baton (too cheap for a taser) and go with her in my crappy Nissan 4x4 and go pick up this woman. Needless to say that this happened a few more times with her calling my ass at 2 or 3 in the morning to go out to some sketchy ass part of town to pick up some woman after a client nigged out.

Always the same story, black dude, argument over something she doesn't want to do, dude roughed her up, fucked her and grab her stuff and ran. One girl had a laptop that used to be one I reconditioned and gave to the social worker as backup for her main machine, the nigger took it along with some blow and $2000 in an envelope she stashed in the room. Fucker smacked her around and tossed the room before he left.

Taught the social worker to shoot so I don't get so damn worried because one of the time, the nigger came back with two of his boys as we were walking out of the room. I'd like to have another gun hand on my side rather than some keys in between her knuckles and a can of mace.

niggers gotta go

When they're the pimp, they don't understand how to take care of the merchandise to get maximum profit.

Nobody wants to fuck bruised hookers.

because niggers gonna nig, they beat them up and take the $...
they are forever living life like its grand theft auto! except in africa, there they just starve & pass around aids!

Not quick enough for me.

Hate those bastards.

do you pay for a set amount of time? or just until you nut?

if you pay for an hour and nut in 20 minutes do you get to stay the rest of the 40 minutes and try and get hard again or something?

I've always been curious about these things but thanks to puritan america i've never been able to find out

yes. because blacks and indians treat them like shit.

stop masturbating and you'll get sensitive enough to use condom

Depends on the girl (clarify beforehand) but typically it's a time limit or when you nut, whichever comes first

word. hookers are redpilled as fuck on race.

They don't see blacks cause they are thieves and rapist. they don't see indians cause they come to the session with less money than they agreed over the phone.

damn so if I paid for an hour and busted in 30 seconds i'd just be shit out of luck? brutal

Not usually that extreme but you gotta make sure to go over the time (and other) rules before you pay

What happened when the nigs saw you were strapped?

No they must all fuck niggers

>Why is hooking the only profession where racial discrimination is allowed
Because va giy nah

FFS how new are you?

brothels its a time limit but you can always stay longer, getting a massage just after you nut is heavenly but it does depend on the girl and your attitude aswell. Also isn't it legal in that county near las vegas?

Except any profession that wants a meritocracy. What about schools? They racially discriminate.

they have the right to refuse with no explanation which is what they do. Most of the smart ones who work in brothels will take the johns money than kick them out 5mins in because they do something theyre not suppose to and keep the money quite funny really

>paying for sex
You idiots. Falling for the vaginal Jew. I moonlight as a nightclub promoter and I get paid to get my pick of girls whom wants to party with me in the VIP and private rooms.

Just make friends with the nightclub owner too and you don't have to pay for drinks or anything else. I give him some girls in return as well though, for I only have so much energy...

tl;dr I get paid to party and fuck.

It's their body, it's their right to chose.

It's actually a great way to spot real hookups from the cops.

The real ones can say stuff like "no black men". The cops cant.

Imagine the shit a police department would get into if they posted an add that said "no black men"

It would be a legal nightmare on multiple levels for them and the cases would be dismissed.

A lot of posturing, yelling in that incomprehensible babbling they call a language. Few words you can pick out like their pidgen mushmouth for "motherfucker". Kept walking slowly forward, gun in hand. They eventually left, they might be violent but the idea of resistance with bullets from potential victims might not be as pleasant for them.

We left. They could've tried to rush us all but probably thought that the others may also have guns.

Any situation where you had to shoot?

You can cum twice if you pay for the full hour

Nah. Not yet. Been a licensed conceal carrier for six years, not a shot fired in defense yet.

Nobody 'gets an escort' you tard

Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is Number 1 On Their Agenda

"No blacks" means lower risk of STD = more customer demand = higher value

Chinese/Japanese/Korean are lowest in prevalence. Cambodians, Hmong, Vietnamese, Philippino are higher in prevalence than whites.

What about based on HIV status? Since Blacks are more likely to have HIV, then it is s safety thing.

You could say the cops were targeting non blacks in your trial by showing the ad.

>the prostitutes (white and coloured)
why are they prostitutes? Are they poor or just students? Do they have kids? Are they independants, pimped or work at brothel?
>unless they're russian or polish ones who always never care what colour the dick is they take. think about that for a second: a coloured will not see a black client, but a pole or russian will. it's pretty fucked up.
Do these women come willingly or are they trafficked? Do they have kids?

I wonder what happend to people like this. Why do they begin in the buissness and what they do later?

I met my wife while she was escorting.

Paid her and we we just instantly hit it off. I didn't even fuck her on the first date. We just talked the whole time.

>hookers are redpilled as fuck on race.
How does this translate into their later lifes?

We're all equal, you bigot. The difference is only skin deep.

>whining about trollface
>implying it isn't the face of extreme smug and total victory



Discrimination by race.

Hookers do it so they feel more safe,
so they feel they are going to profit,
so they feel they aren't going to die.

It's also nice to see someone say no to black dick.

Paid $470 at a high class place for an Aussie with an okay face and great tits for a blowy and a root. It was fun, but I would've got more enjoyment out of 4 bottles of damn good single malt scotch.

I reckon you'd be able to negotiate it if you had the money and quietly mentioned it to the manager. Even with a condom they still examine your cock under a bright light before accepting money.