Other urls found in this thread:
this cant be real
>go to school
>wear bulletproof™ wear
>get shot
>having more than two pockets on a backpack
I imagine it works better than islamic rape prevention bracelets.
Here are the EU Muslim Rape Protection devices. Yuropoors, make sure your wives and daughters stock up on them.
Shut faggot. You let your govt disarm you in the early 90s. You're basically a walking larva suckling the tit of the state without any healthy self preservation instinct.
I have a 5.11 rush 24 backpack. In the section where you put documents so that they won't get mangled I found out that I can easily put a bulletproof plate in there.
Rich coming from an ameriturd. Only Sweden has higher rates of rape than US out of europe lol, and that's only because of lose swedish legal definition of rape
That burger education. Thats england not australia you chump
Do you have any truck proof ones?
You're England's trash,same thing.
America is not the biggest market.
They must update their definition of rape quite often.
Stolen,chump :^)
Don't think that was a well thought out plan.
To what level? Just soft armour or is there a plate lurking in there somewhere?
Unless niggers start wearing their backpacks in front, this won't help them at all the next time they bullrush an officer.
>it's real
>be american
>get shot so frequently that you need to carry a bulletproof backpack
What we are not told is that instead of books, you carry armor plates.
The thread should have ended here.
have you seen how much textbooks cost?
wtf I love police states now
pls take my guns daddy government they're scaring me :(
>$100 for a bulletproof backpack
Shit that's a decent price.
You can buy level 3 AR500 for like $60, so a backpack designed to carry that shit around being an additional ~$40 should be decent.
Euros and Aussies are too naive to understand what life is like in a country filled with shitskins. They're 80-90% White. If they lived around violent niggers and spics like people in the USA they'd want to arm themselves, too.
Not sure if standard Aussie shitpost, or a proxyfag going full d&c , hmmm
>walk down street
>dindu pulls out gun on me
>"gibbe dem monis white cracka"
>pretend to reach for wallet
>instead throw bulletproof backpack at hoodlum
>it stops him dead in his tracks
>dindu arrested
>world better place
yeah youre right I wish I had access to an assault backpack
England doesn't use $ you fucking moron.
If only Seth Rich was using that bag
>Gets shot
>At least the bullet didn't wreck my textbooks
Picture a school shooter using that backpack as a shield while exacting his revenge
If you lived in a non-cucked part of the country, you would pull out your own gun and cleanse the streets of one less nigger.
Brah, thats very clearly a woolies logo.
Plz no bully, they were taken and we didnt have a choice.
We can still get bolt actions and levers but no semi autos. TFW you will never own an AR-15 :(
>to what level?
For $150 that shit might stop a pellet gun
>be me
>be in high school in america
>dad drops to school, mom prepares lunch
>hug dad goodbye at school gate
>"i love you dad"
>normal morning in school
>lunch is jam spread in bread spelled "best son ever"
>best mom ever
>go to library
>school shooting going on
>shot in stomach
>had no chance to eat mom's bread jam
>fall to ground
>tears dissolve in blood
>mfw mom's lunch in bulletproof backpack still safe
Of course we have bulletproof backpacks you fucking idiot, how else is an elementary school student going to get anywhere in his massacre with his state-provided AR-15 when every other student has a state-provided gun to stop school shooters?
Fucking aussies
It's a backpack. If you stuff it full of steel, of course it will be bulletproof.
>slip a 1'x10" sheet of 3" RHA into your backpack
>have the same rear armour as a Konigstiger for only 46kg
>go to buy bulletproof backpack
>get shot
US of A folks
Doesn't say anything about what level of armor it is.
People way overestimate what "bulletproof" actually means. The armor police usually wear is easily defeated by high velocity pistol rounds like 7.62x25 tokarev, certain high velocity 9mm rounds as well as high velocity magnum revolver loads. Nearly every rifle round above a .22 lr will tear armored vests to pieces.
It's technology perfected to stop rounds like .38 special and .32 acp. Today's school shooters have better taste than that.
Dont worry, we're working on emu proof backpacks for you guys :^)
>they were taken and we didnt have a choice.
>we didnt have a choice
You could have shot anybody who came for your guns you know.
>Go to eat non pork shit food
>almost smells the hint of bacon in the air
>gets blown up by rocket
or the German anti-rape pants
they did, their government is rabid sjw who consider looking at someone without apologizing as rape
>I'd like to purchase your best backpack sir but on one condition, it cannot be bulletproof
>die happy knowing some cop will come over and enjoy the jam bread for you, sharing that joy with the officer you had eating it thanks to your assaultpack
>be american
>get shot
>bullet passes cleanly through chest
>ricochets off of bulletproof backpack and pierces a lung
What kind of bullets? Would seem weird if it could actually stop anything.
.22lr at 1000 yards
Niggers ain't carrying .22s, that's for sure
I stuff mine with scrap metal and match heads.
Hahaha I haven't seen this one, what a wonderful use of taxpayer funds. The whole Swedish government needs the rope
If America didn't have niggers we would have almost zero gun violence
Murican trends of being lazi as you can possibly be, i hate murica now niggers don't even carry their own booze.
Yup, that's what this backpack exists to stop, all those black school shooters