Israel is anti-Soros?

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About 9/10 of what Sup Forums tells you about Israel is a lie.
They are telling you we are working in cohots with the Liberal Jews in the west, but that's just false.
The Liberal Jews from the US spend hundreds of millions paying for NGO who work to open our border, represent terrorists in courts and Soros himself tried to pull a revolution here in 2011.

There is no use, people here want to believe in a scapegoat, real information has no meaning.

jews saving themselves by throwing other jews under the bus
geee just like last time, just ask soros.

They are trying to save face is all.

so was the attack on the uss a liberty a lie? was it a lie when the mossad agents who cheered and danced when the world trade center was attacked were arrested and immediately deported? fuck off, kike. you can paint this great picture of israel and you know what, if you were on your own and didn't depend on the usa for being your attack dog i wouldn't care that you existed. you don't though. your entire country is a parasite and will one day pay

>a nationalist country is anti-globalist

woah its almost as if jews arent all the same

Elites use their Jewish blood to scapegoat the jewish people as a whole, creating instability in the middle east with israel that they can capitalize on.
It's like a black person claiming everyone is racist. Who do they hate the most? Affluent, well spoken black people who say they don't feel like a victim. They call them uncle Tom's, or worse.

Elites are the problem. Plenty of them are jews, but jews themselves are not the problem

tell ya what
When I hear bilbo nutnhoney say that all western jews are cultural marxist trying to cause white genocide in western nations, and that all western jews should be removed from controlling the banks, universities and media in western nations.
If he does that I will gladly cheer for Jews in Israel, as long as they stay there and do not expect America to pay or fight for them.

Apologise for 9/11, admit it was a false flag and name the Americans that were complicit and I will think about forgiving you.