How do we combat the threat of female sexual promiscuity?

How do we combat the threat of female sexual promiscuity?

By throwing acid like they do in 3rd world shit holes.

One day all of the tinder/facebook/whatever dating sites data the NSA has been collecting will leak and there will be a societal collapse.
Islam will take over in a few weeks.

low test beta detected

get desensitized by it

Short-sighted nigger detected.

yeah, just like when society overthrew the five eyes for violating everyone's privacy for years and years

you shame them.
point the finger and say
>look at whore. half the city fucked her. lol
also this

by being a chad instead of an incel beta

There can only be so many alphas.
Everyone could develop alpha traits, but women's preferences would adapt in other ways. Women evolved to establish fitness hierarchies among men. They tend to only ever be attracted to the top tier ones.
That was good in the jungle. Not so much in civilization where stable family units are desirable.

islam since whites dont want to christian anymore

Do away with laws that supposedly protect against "domestic violence" but actually weaken the family.

>implying o.p. was about whites
Every race faces the threat of unbridled female promiscuity, user.

Anyway of doing it without resorting to complete nigger tier behaviour?

You don't. You make use of it.

I can't find the turkpost explaining how societies depend on monogamous relationships to be successful, but this is good enough

By taking responsibility in your own life.

>breaking news: Stacy and Ashley have been looking at mascara brands, Halsey videos, pinterest, buzzfeed articles and cat pictures, and have talked to over 100 men over the past 20 years
>everyone in society gets their pitchforks and goes on a bloody political revolution

is this really what you retards believe

>and have talked to over 100 men over the past 20 years
>talked to

Via male the dominance they need

>breaking news: Katie and Stacy have fucked over 50 dudes each in all of their holes since age 14 according to tinder and various (((sources)))
>every male in society puts down his cellphone, his xbox controller, his laptop with pornhub loaded on it, his bag of doritos, his fleshlight, his manga, his VR headset and gets his shotgun and goes on a rampage to undo the damage done on western society

that would be cool and all but does it really sound plausible

>how do we control women's bodies and characterize it simultaneously as a threat to invoke fear as a means of manipulation

seriously consider suicide OP

spanking women is one of the purest joys in life, and how great is it that women generally like it too

Now, what do you have to say, Dutch-user.?

Nah, no shotgun rampages. Just more disinterest.
This is killing us. How disinterested people are in their own culture and its future.

They're disinterested for good reasons though. And you know it. Instead of changing things and fixing problems, people just attack young (white) males and get angry at their disinterest, mediocrity/inferiority and lack of participation. Attacking the symptoms and not the disease.

with male indiferency
not wanting to fuck every women in the world even if she is a whore and stole from you, you self respectless primal animals

>They're disinterested for good reasons though. And you know it
>with male indiferency

We're in the downward spiral of the utopia experiment now.
You think women will change their attitude instead of doubling down?

Fuck em, save yourself.
What a poor note to end on before sleep.

>grrrrr women sleeping around being massive whores
>not men sleeping around with women, thereby also being whores
>that's totally fine

But men are eternal shills for women. The guys who "check out of society", while a growing number, are their own breed of men. I like them. I've talked to very good men among us. Great guys. You'll be hard pressed to ever have a more genuine human conversation with anybody else after you've talked to those guys.

So yes, things would change if men stopped worshiping women, but is that even possible? I'd rather just do my own thing and shield myself from the degeneracy of the world.

Man you are dumb as fuck and i will leave it at that.

Who are these women having sex with? Could it possibly be men?

Very low quality. Here's a better image.
Take away women's votes, for starters. That way they're less entitled and will have to get over themselves.

Outlaw makeup, outlaw whiteknights

start slut shaming again. Just fucking do it. If they bitch just say IDGAF about your feelings degenerate.