Invited:Greeks,Based South Americans and everyone that Respects Rome
Not Invited:kikes:nordicunts larping as romans,Gypsies,Niggers
The Sons of ROME Thread
Adrian Stewart
Other urls found in this thread:
Alexander Rogers
Noah Watson
Ryder Turner
What's up my dude
Joshua Young
Nolan Cox
>based south american mulattoes with 10-20% nigger DNA welcome
>not your nordic allies who revived Roman culture and would've won had Italians not been such useless fucking niggers in the war
kys moors. I close my eyes in my part italian, part nigger neighborhood and cannot tell the difference between you creatures. Both loud, overly emotional, thieving bunch of degenerate monkeys. Even Romanians are more Roman than you Moorterranians.
Leo Kelly
Are anglos allowed
Parker Butler
Jörharn Wewuzz spotted
Charles Ward
Why are south americans invited ?
Josiah Martin
The Roman Empire hadn't any "sons", which still exists today.