I'll skip the intro, this one is a DOOZY. Don't even need a witty comment. Lookit how scary that drag queen is too. >How to emotional and mentally scar your child
Mind your own fucking business, you low life fucks. Canada IS NOT America. President Trump doesn't run Canada. Your stupid Canadian opinions are NOT VALID
Jaxson Martin
More stories of retards wanting gender removed >Saskatchewan families fight to have gender taken off birth certificates
I posted something similar yesterday with 2 dyke cunts wanting sex taken off something.
Why are gays allowed to adopt?? Like 2 dykes having all that pussy around them. They're NOT NICE women. None of them are. They're all jail tattooed looking shit bags who treat women like shit. (which they sadly like)
Elijah Jenkins
There's gonna be some FUCKED UP kids in Canada, in the future. At least they'll probably die from heroin or fentanyl before 17. Maybe push out another leaflet or two in a gutter some place.
What a fucked up country.............. Also "Why are you a lesbian and hate men so much?" >Men are scum!! I was raped as a young girl!
Now you're a jail tattooed dyke with a wife and 2 daughters..................
(molestees always become molesters)
Jack Bailey
Just let it all burn down-ada
>B.C. wildfire situation 'still deteriorating,' official says
All of BC and Alberta is going to be on fire soon. Fort Mac fire, "The Beast" is still burning in some areas
Maybe they think they'll get insurance money if their provinces burn down.
You kids know that scam? Burn your house down and collect the insurance money? Granddad pulled that one on his mansion. Too many greedy folk asking him for money. So he burnt his mansion down, collected to money and built a shack and hobby farm
Chase Nelson
These people CAN NOT do anything right. Oh there is "changes", a "new system" or always some shit. First off Canadians are incompetent as fuck, then add in the fact, only women are hired everywhere now. Women are dumb as fuck to begin with.
>Changes to Pap testing led to thousands of missed chlamydia cases: study
Lady is on disability her whole life, dies, government cuts funeral funding costs, family complains.
I donno man, just fucking moochy
William Lee
I hope this happens,. This is a national disgrace. Among the many of them. There is so many, this one will be forgotten with the next 10 that happen soon enough with Trudeau Liberals in charge of Canada. >Relatives of slain U.S. soldier want urgent freeze on Omar Khadr's assets
>"If the assets are not frozen pending the hearing of the application, there may be no assets left in Canada upon which the applicants may execute,"
They rushed him a payment so he could move it out of Canada and avoid this. A real Canadian person decided. Not an American, Not a Robot. Not a Chink or Paki.
Oliver Stewart
bump. these threads are great. Better than state-funded news sources imo.