Communist rekt thread

>claims to be redpilled
>doesn't despise commies above all else

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Make UTSOTS Required Reading


why I find this hilarious?
I'm a bad person.

this is hilarious, i think this was at sochi or something


Of course not



What does beating up unemployed people in the street achieve politically?






>economics and logic

Man, these cossacks are truly RWDS !


antifa are weak fucks who were routed from their own hq in downtown Berkeley

Israeli communist song

Stop shilling it merchant

Communists are fucking retarded above all else, especially when these fucking cretin ,blockheaded, diseased individuals try to dlute the fucking meaning of the word 'redpill' .

Yeah and the soviet union destroyed nazi germany, check mate.

Looks like this shit is over.

This is Cernovich levels of bullshit.

You just spamming this everywhere?


jfc, and you desert trash call our women "unclean meat." Jews are always wrong.


And? I'm not German, and it's not the 1940s.

The "Jesus will judge you" jacket at the very end. right after that lesbo gets whacked, always gets me.

Explain Chile and Venezuela to me

>Looks like this shit is over

Negative. IE aren't Germans of the 30s. We have our own aesthetic.

C.I.A and WTO. The current leader of Venezuela is a bus driver ffs, Hugo Chavez was great.

Enjoy being Alt-Lite.

Nothing to do with us then.

Anybody got the pastebin of all the youtube videos of antifa getting wrecked?

Most were euro groups I think.

>claims to be against degeneracy
>goes up to a girl and punches here when there were plenty of men fighting around him
this is why the alt-right will never be taken seriously. a bunch of faggots.

Stop being a faggot, the new game is to have a political movement not weighed down by fascism or communism to get the normies in.

She wanted equality, and she got it.

not an argument.

wtf do you expect

lol this is EXACTLY what Cernovich did after heil-gate. It's Spencer himself running around heiling everything lol.

IE just distanced itself from literally every TRS podcast and every other speaker in the Alt-Right.

Don't talk to me.

then what is?

Roastie got what she deserved you white knight faggot

Alt righters have a serious problem with women.

Yeah it's the right move, the Alt Right is dying now that (( there )) shekels are drying up.

Opposes degeneracy
Opposes punishing Moldilocks for abandoning the kitchen

well which is it?

not sure. but from what i saw during that fight, it showed that many (not all) were pussies. including the faggot who went up to a girl who, at the time, wasn't throwing a bottle or doing anything and then punched her. right next to him were men fighting, right behind him too. but he locked his sight on a woman. that's nigger-tier behavior. i expect niggers, even sjw/liberals to do that. not white men.

no based stickman?

*communist women. And communist men are betas whilst the women run everything

Hitler and the Nazis were German supremacists-whocj was great. Their aesthetic suited the German spirit of the day.

We're amerikaners, and while the Nazis were based as fuck, IE has it's own aesthetic that suits a different people in a different era.

Furthermore, the difference between alt lite and alt right isn't following Hitler. It's racial awareness, particularly of Jews. One side cant admit it and the other can. IE is of the latter.

So please, no more divide and conquer.

both of those people deserve removal

lol bullshit. Cantwell is moving into a TRS space at some point soon, and FTN just went back to #1 space.

Stupid thing to say.

lol I didn't divide, IE was the one that did that.

They have just said so. Don't accuse me of what you're doing - you sound like a leftist.

Oh, you mean moldy locks, the cunt who said she was going to "collect Nazi scalps" and was throwing bottles? Gas yourself white knight

Anyone got that antifa training camp video?


Yeah it's beta to hang out with women, there the devil yea i know your alt-righters style.

A good whipping makes people to realize their bullshittery. Also, communist are not human, so the real question is about animal cruelty.

the left really cant meme

She was holding the bottle the first time he punched her

Pic related is what's on that book


That's not what literally everyone else says.

quit the bullshittery.

>from a swastika to a jejistan flag

Bantzing you further would just be a case of picking on the retarded kid...

I'm guessing your arguments are done with then?

IE just turned into Cernovich tier shit. Don't blame me for pointing it out bud.

We love our women. White women voted for Trump, and we will put them in wheatfields.

Maybe actually read the book maybe, then form an opinion, silver spoon.

Your corporate sponsors just need to keep you guys in maintenance mode until the next election. IE and the pro-white groups are the ones on the rise atm.

IE == Internet Explorer

>hangs out with women
>brags about the friend zone

No one's jealous, cuck. Women are for fucking, any guy that "hangs out" with women is a fag and/or creep, and with that commie flag, I'm guessing you're a 17 year old creepy desperate faggot.

Antifa are trying to shut down free speech with intimidation. Beating them up shows them that if they try to engage in those sorts of anti-democratic tactics, they will lose hard and lose often. It's a deterrent and appears to be working..


You say this but your comrade and most alt-righters share his opinon.

Hanging out with women is for fags? lmao.
The friendzone meme you have falling for is to keep you in the basement.

Who the fuck do you think has been raining down frogs like an egyptian plague on cnn?

What about the nazi's? i think we both know you have to crack some eggs to make an omelet. Stop being a pussy.

Kys retard.

You've missed Yugoslavia

>She was holding the bottle the first time he punched her
nope. not when he went up to punch her. like a pussy. alt-right and those antifa are two sides of the same degenerate and cancerous coin.
>muh white knight
you sound more like a bolshevik than you do a national socialist.

We gave the Soviets raw material and financial backing. Hell!, Lenin's color revolution never would have taken place if braunstien I mean Trotsky never went to Russia with 20 million in gold given to him by that capitalists pig Jacob Schiff. Your while ideology is a bad joke. Marx himself never worked a day in his life and was supported by his rich friend. Just like how you're supported by your rich parents.

Collectivist thinking is fucking disgusting.

There's a difference between "hanging out" with them and being their subordinates. Nice try though.

I wish i was born rich i would be on your side, half western countrys in the world are socilist if you read das capital you would know it's just a transition to communism, you can't just go full blown communist. Automation is going to fuck you in the ass, your idology has no vision of the future.

The wolf is only as strong as the pack, your going to have to accept your a tribal animal someday and stop being a loner in your basement.

Oh, trust me, I had enough teachers reciting all of the manifesto to me. Karl Marx is like Shakespeare in HueLand, I even had to write like a filthy commie to get some extra points and all I needed to do was make things like "fat tob hat white man xDDDD". Also Silver Spoon?

it's #9

>"oh noes! Evil white man just throwing her out for no reason whatsoever!"
>"violence against pure, angelic black bodies"

This race baiting coon almost certainly deserved worse.

Alt-righters can't even handle themselves against women with glass bottles lol

Nice ironic post!

She still had more bottles on her backpack. That was a street brawl, he can't just wait for the girl to get another bottle to stop her from harming someone else, it's not a Bruce Lee movie

I didn't call you a white knight(not that I wouldn't) and wtf are you going with the bolshevik shit?

I Know you don't think you're rich because you've had access to resources your whole life but if you're American and, support communism there's an 8/10 chance you're a trustafarian.

lets see how a real 1v1 would have played out, without a two front war and endless supplies from USA.

He means he doesn't like violance, he want's to live in a nice happy world where we just talk to each other like good little moderates.

How can you be from HueLand and be a capitalist cuck? Silver spoon = rich kid.

>Also, communist are not human
Where are the communists in that clip ? I only see a girl band getting beat up but some faggot cops.


>Putin will teach you how to love motherland

Whip your kid a day keep libtard away

That "girl band" are filthy leftist agitators who spread degeneracy and poison everywhere they go. The "faggot cops" aren't cops at all. They're Cossacks.

I'm not anti Nazi.

Awesome stat skills bro, if you were born with money why wouldn't you love the system that gave it to you?
If you have money, your likely to see the world as a fair place - Putin

That would be really nice. Let's just hope there isn't a horde of retards with bats, glass bottles and explosives

Because I'm not a subhuman. And jokes on you, I'm no rich kid, I don't have a top hat

No you a good person. its good to see degenerates get pulled into line.