Why is Belgium a shithole compared to The Netherlands?

Why is Belgium a shithole compared to The Netherlands?

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bra.se/download/18.3e68a7df14d334859aa24b/1431500897936/2015_Brottsutvecklingen för vissa brott mot person fram till 2014.pdf



Get ready, Sweden.

I live in the blue part

How is life there? Any Muslims? How many non-Dutch?

2004-2005 jump was because we changed the definition of rape or some shit, but it does not explain the increase after 2005
people say that more people have the courage to report it but studies show this is false and fewer report than ever
also we only clear about 11% of rapes as of 2016 and the number has been decreasing since 2009 (14% 2007, 28% 2008, 31% 2009, and then steadily down to 11% 2016)

the reason that the amounts of rapes increase in sweden depends on who you ask. the change in definition in 2005 that also includes exploitation in deferred state is the reason according to BRÅ. why "other sexual harassment" has followed the same increase as rape is not explained by the council (BRÅ).
bra.se/download/18.3e68a7df14d334859aa24b/1431500897936/2015_Brottsutvecklingen för vissa brott mot person fram till 2014.pdf

please send help

There's a substantial amount of them but it is not nearly as bad as in the randstad.
I live in the southernmost part of the netherlands. Even less of them here, its also the most right wing part of the country

forgot to mention that [allegedly] only about 13% of sexually related crimes are reported (in 2008) (page 26)

here is a paper which estimates between 10 and 20%
lots of rapes go undisclosed and are considered in the statistics

>not blaming immigrants

"B..b.but it's the muslim's fault!!11!"

t. Stormtard