If we go to war with North Korea...
Their women are fair game...
If we go to war with North Korea...
Their women are fair game...
Anther gook loving aussie....
They're "comforting" or so I hear.
>wants to rape and murder gooks
>means he loves them
ebin cridigal thingin sgills : DDDD
Lol all their fucking women of short ass men hair .
so i give this to them.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
I want this bitch. She's not attractive, but she appeals to me for some reason.
Rape genes of deported criminals are strong in this one.
bitch looks like hideo kojima
Why did Sup Forums become flooded with rape loving, violenece worshipping niggers? You people are just as repulsive as the real niggers.
NK practices negative eugenics.