Joshua Beckford youngest kid to ever go to Oxford. I think we can see from this picture why Sup Forums fears this young man so much.

The young scholar has plans to be a neurosurgeon and astronaut.

Good for him. He is probably in the top 0.00001% of people and top 0.0000001% of black people.

No one reasonable ever said blacks were all retarded or incapable of having geniuses, we just say that they are statistically less productive and more of deadweight on society. Only geniuses like these and semi-geniuses should have ever been allowed into the country.

Yeah I guess that's why Nigerian immigrants are the most highly educated ethnic group in the USA.

Until his older brother makes him join a gang because he is acting like an Uncle Tom and he gets killed

>trusting degrees from Nigerian 'universities'

wathcing some korean shit on youtube fuck you weaboo

>those bookmarks
>all the open tabs
>windows 10
end yourself m8

He's going to Oxford as a nine year old. This is what I am to be believing?

Because these stories about genius kids (white, black, asian, whatever) end the same 99% of the time. They either burn out in their teens, or they end up being some autistic researcher squirreled away in a lab somewhere writing papers on the theoretical applications of dust mite droppings or some other ridiculously obscure shit.

fuck how new are you

>doesn't understand that the data is based on US Census numbers
>doesn't understand that they come here and get degrees also.

First off that's false.

Second off it probably has to do with affirmative action combined with the fact that only the smartest can come over to the US.

Indians are another example of this phenomenon. Average IQ for the country is in the 80s, but everyone I know who's Indian in the US is smart and well educated. Most are doctors.

Anyone who says all black people are stupid are just as ba as people who say black people are as smart as whites are on average.

>shit from 3 years ago

Let's talk When he actually graduates with a degree of value

but whites can't into affirmative action

>First off that's false.
Nope based on US Census data.
>affirmative action
Some come here with degrees already & affirmative action doesn't help if you can't pass the class.
>Average I.Q. of the country
Key word my friend IMMIGRANT.

Yes he was 6 years old when he 1st went. Fucking super smart.

>2014 article
>He attended a few classes.
The kid is an autistic idiot savant. Like others, he excels in various aspects of intellectual study and is extremely lacking in most social interaction.
He is an anomaly who will never be able to relate to modern reality and so his usefulness will be limited.
The left jumps on opportunities like this to advance questions of genetic equality but the truth is this kid will be more like Rainman than Isaac Newton.

>can't tie your shoes
>understand Day'quantum theory
Truly KANGZ.

Does affirmative action have to do with the people that passed the class? AA only helps blacks get INTO college it doesn't help you pass the class & get a degree. Lol guess you didn't know that part.

im sure once you get into college everyone gets equal treatment

>2014 article
Yes he was fucking 6 years old when he went.
>He attended a few classes
Yes at Oxford at the age of 6.
>usefulness will be limited
Already writing a book & studying to be a neurosurgeon.

You do know that to get shit like Ph.Ds you have to write a dissertation to qualify for a degree right? You do know what an academic dissertation is don't you?

As I said before Sup Forums fears this kid.