At what year did so many people become depressed and why? Did depression used to not be a thing?

At what year did so many people become depressed and why? Did depression used to not be a thing?

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I'm sure it's always been a thing. We know that the brain is chemicals and neurons and all that jazz and we know it's possible to have deficiencies in those chemicals, so it's not like that probably hasn't been a thing for human history. The question is whether or not it's being overdiagnosed now, with people feeling normal sadness but chalking it up to depression and being put on medication when they don't actually need it, because the medication is so readily available now, and whether or not there are factors in our changing society that are increasing the rates of depression/sadness.

Because people used to have self-worth and a sense of purpose in to their life.

Part and parcel of large interconnected societies, we lose our individual value. We're all expendable in the grand scheme of modern society.

This. The internet was an amplifier, so was 9/11 & the subsequent war on terror. Great Recession was the final nail in the coffin.

>pre-2001 : happy
>2001-2007 : content
>2007+ : depressing

All true and anti depressents dont work. They should just prescribe illegal drugs those work better for depression.

> dating and committed relationships are getting even worse
> tons of chemicals in the food/water
> 24/7 bashing of white people
> xenoestrogens everywhere
> childless people everywhere

my 80 year old grandma agrees with me, it was when life became easy. You don't see someone who is trying to make it claim they are depressed just people that want a handout and don't want to work for it

Disruption of the Power Process

T. Unabomber