Why do Jews promote sexuality, sexual liberation, perversion and vulgar language so much?

Why do Jews promote sexuality, sexual liberation, perversion and vulgar language so much?

How does it affect the human psyche and society?

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Easy way to turn the world stupid, hence easier to control.

Kids see more sexual stuff, they get more accustomed to it -> have sex and get pregnant earlier in life -> can't raise their offsprings well because they themselves are still kids -> next generation is dumber

It's for the goyim
They won't reproduce

It's not actually the Jews. The real culprit are the Sabbatean-Frankist cult who have infiltrated all religions including Judaism. Their belief states that Christ will only reappear when either everyone is sin free or everyone is in sin. And since the former will never happen, everyone should live in sin. So they try to corrupt the world in order to fulfill their prophecy

It's sorta like drug legalization.

if sexuality is legalized, then there i less crime, and it can be properly treated?
Sex is an addiction. Humans waste their lives pursuing sex. It is a pointless activity.

You two are kinda contradicting each other

>In the big city international races are encountered. As a rule, the Urban man is a mongrel of a variety of social and national elements.The rustic man is conservative by nature - the Urban Human advanced by society. All progress emerges from cities and city-dwellers.

— Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi "Practical Idealism" page 11

degeneracy breeds chaos
Chaos brings profits and power to jews


Most people are absolutely convinced that western society is prude and traditional. I've noticed this for a few years now especially. But older blogs indicate people thought that many years ago too. So this false belief is used as a justification to further promote more degeneracy. If we always pretend that we have some imaginary traditional juggernaut oppressing us, then people can turn their focus to that instead of dealing with real issues.