I met a Mormon girl today. She is cute as fuck and on a mission to convert Europeans before she will study physics in the US next year.
We talked for half an hour and her views on Muslims and degeneracy were like way off the chart extreme right winged. She was also against refugees coming here and said we need to help em down where they are if they convert to Mormonism.
My family is predominantly Mormon and right-winged. We all voted Trump.
Mormonism focuses heavily on the family unit. So much so that they have a system of sorta for afterlife binding for the whole family, as to keep everyone together, so it's not "till death do you part". There is also lots of support and activities among members, so it's really nice. When I was an active member, I'd have to say that was the best part by far--so many nice people who are willing to give their Saturday to you when you need it.
I think it had some important impacts on the way I view life and treat people.
Joshua Clark
Mormons are pretty nice from what I experienced in Utah. Just weird as shit how they can't drink coffee or tea and have to wear awful gigantic underwear.
Nathan Cox
I seriously pondered joining an amish or mormon or watever just to make friends but Idk maybe there are better ways
Lucas Edwards
>is blank redpilled
read the sticky retard
Angel Powell
Mormonism is without a doubt the most retarded of all religions. It's shady origin is so obviously a scam that anyone who falls for it should be considered a lost cause.
Oliver Adams
pls tell me how it is a scam
Jace Carter
As a inactive member, can confirm this. Some of the kindest and thoughtful people I've known were also members. If you go and ask for help from other members they will be there to help in a heartbeat.
Chase Scott
>lived in ut all life >not Mormon >genuinely love them >feel obliged to stand up for them on pol >fingers crossed it gets me into celestial kingdom
Cameron Rodriguez
Joseph Smith made everything up to feel important.