>Russia directly interfered with the election to get Trump elected >Russia hacked DNC emails and gave them to Wikileaks >Wikileaks publishes them >???? >Donald Trump Jr. met with some Russian lawyer from some oppo group (NOT ILLEGAL)
What did Russia have that Wikileaks didn’t already have?
Was the information legitimate in the end?
How does Don Jr. fit into Wikileaks releasing emails obtained by Russia and then publishing them?
>What did Russia have that Wikileaks didn’t already have?
Russia didnt have what Wikileaks or Guccifer had until after it was released.
>Was the information legitimate in the end? No. Its proof that some russian lied to get a meeting and dumbass Trump Jr fell for it like a chump.
>How does Don Jr. fit into Wikileaks releasing emails obtained by Russia and then publishing them?
He doesn't. Because Russia didn't obtain any emails from the DNC or Hillary. And wikileaks never got anything from the Russians.
Elijah Cooper
Bullseye! Came here to say this
Hudson Hill
Well, I can't argue with those trips.
Juan Cox
In fact, the fact they didn't have shit to tell him is proof the Russian narrative is a BS as ever
Thomas Ortiz
Practically speaking within the narrative, if Russia was responsible, and if Wikileaks published the emails, and if THAT publication was what ruined Hillary as the media says, realistically, what does the left have if Don Jr. left empty-handed? And if he did have something, he would have had to have been the one to give the emails to Wikileaks.
I just don't see Don Jr. fitting anywhere here, especially if nothing happened from that meeting.
Luke Long
Its a red herring.
The MSM, DNC and IC keep pushing for "collusion", except their problem is collusion require some sort of crime having happened.
Judging by their fucked up chain of evidence, no such crime ever occurred.
see pic related
Gavin Bell
His name was Seth Rich
Wyatt Myers
Matthew Roberts
OK I need better info than NPR. They're throwing around treason.
How is this not obvious evidence of him colluding with Russia?