Did society trick western women into becoming degenerate whores or did we just give them permission to express their...

Did society trick western women into becoming degenerate whores or did we just give them permission to express their true nature?

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Women do it because it feels good. It's like a long drawn out masturbation session.
Men just whack off.

No, there is no trick. This is their nature. They are all degenerate whores, the good ones are exceptions, not the rule.

Degeneracy is the inevitable result of a free society with a high degree of economic success and disposable income. It's also not hurting you.
Eat shit, fash

Giving them the right to vote was the first big mistake.

Actually it's the result of a civilization that no longer cares about being civilized. You think that things aren't declining? We don't just stop at this point, look back ten years, are we more or less civilized? Look back another ten, then another and then another. Where will we be in the next ten years?

It's a dialectic.As men become antisocial nu-males ,women become whores.If you really want an answer to your question then here it is:


You may think the chicks in this video are a bunch of worthless sluts,right?Well...just remember that things usually have an equivalent.And that equivalent are all the porn addicted ,scrawny, self-hating beta males that browse Sup Forums all day and love their 2d waifus more than anything.

Men and women depend on eachother in many ways.

We stoned all those women for a reason.

We're more civilized, we actually accept people with different beliefs, etc. without being violent savages about it. There's more advanced technology now than ever, people are wealthier. In ten years there will be even more technology and we'll still have about as much personal freedom as ever. What's so bad to you? Gays can marry? Who gives a fuck, how does it affect you?