Why do you still support Trump when he panders to the corporate 1% that screwed over this country (that includes him)?

Why do you still support Trump when he panders to the corporate 1% that screwed over this country (that includes him)?

Sanders wanted the reign in the corporate wall street shills is fucking over this country.

Meanwhile your scottish hombre Drumpf went against his promise to reign them in and instead ENDORSED A BILL to the House to DEREGULATE WALL STREET.

Sanders pushed for a progressive economic and tax system where the jewish corporate assfucks are accountable to the people.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sanders wanted to put these fuckers to jail and fix these loopholes where the corporate shills buy off fraud using money and they get away scot free.
Meanwhile, your good pal Drumpf actually used loopholes to defraud creditors and screw over others, gets away scot free, PROMISED TO REMOVE SAID LOOPHOLES, BUT NOTHING HAS HAPPENED SO FAR

yeah but he has the best bantz. we voted him in for the quality shitposting

But that's against everything Sup Forums believed in.
If Sup Forums loved Ron Paul why the fuck did you vote for everything Ron Paul stood against??

trump is going to make america great again and he will defeat mexico in battle and take their oil

i do not support losers.

bernie sanders has always been a loser. he has no noticeable accomplishments. he often said 'i am the poorest US senator.

if he cannot successfully navigate the current political and economic climate to achieve personal success or bring about any real change using his government position then there is NO CHANCE of him being any more successful in a more important role.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, is a proven winner. he knows exactly how to navigate our current political and economic environment. his presidential campaign and his long string of successful business endeavors prove he knows how to get what he wants, regardless of opposition.

trump is a winner. bernie is a loser.

you don't even have to look at their political beliefs to know which one would be a successful leader.

>which one would be a successful leader
Just like Trump now? That has betrayed every expectation to "reign in the corporate jews" by letting his cabinet be composed of 90% billionare corporate shills?

I am a single issue voter m8. Sanders dislikes the 2nd amendment. Plus his policies would be terruble for the economy. "Free College" would cause a tax hike. I will admit he would have won if Hillary didn't fuck him over, but I wouldn't have vited for him.

Bernie Sanders is a sheepdogging fraud who gave Hillary a free pass on everything.

Bernie you stupid kike, your wife is about to be in jail soon. I'm tired of being pushed around by these oppressive kikes.Bernie you better watch out! I actually have aim!

How dare you talk about corporate Jews when you support a kike like Bernie Sanders

A tax hike that was only particularly burdensome for the top 1% like Drumpf, and I'm sure he didn't like that idea.

So, rather than vote for the "free college" candidate because he would fuck up the middle class, you voted for Drumpf, the candidate that has a tax plan that would balloon a already cumbersome national debt and ultimately sent the US Middle Class to poverty.

Sorry that you are so deluded that you support Drumpf who loves kikes rather than Sanders who kikes LITERALLY DIDN'T WANT TO WIN SO THEY RIGGED THE ELECTION FOR SHILLARY

After stealing donation money theft runs in the family. ..let's not even mention his wife.

>Why do you still support Trump
because they're stupid

literal lack of intelligence, being easily manipulated by the overlords they pretend to oppose

Are you still upset you donated your life savings to Bernie only for him to spend it on Hillary's campaign, and buying multiple cars and houses for himself?

>Are you still upset you donated your life savings to Bernie only for him to spend it on Hillary's campaign, and buying multiple cars and houses for himself?


We will never support someone who (i) was OK with Hillary skating for doing what others are living out their days in prison for doing; (ii) wouldn't stand up for his supportersl; (iii) said white people can't be poor; (iv) pounced on muh Russia and said Dubya operated within American values just to attack Trump, a man whom Bernie Cuckold Sanders envies deeply, for whereas Trump is an icon of success and prosperity, Bernie got booted out of a hippie commune for being a lazy sack of shit and had his first wife divorce him for being a broke deadbeat. Bernie is an ugly, balding, stooping, weak, beta shit stain, and I can't wait for this fraudulent and petty piece of genetic waste to die.

Why do you accuse Sanders of shit like that with literally no concrete evidence and defend Trump with his collusion with the russians with "muh evidence"?

Bernie "I pay 13% in taxes" Sanders

>The 1% is what has solely screwed over this country.
>Bernie is going to make everything better by taking all their money.

No, he would be a disaster.

Sanders wrongly diagnosed the problem. It's not the corporations but the government throwing money at them and insuring their risky speculation. No reason to not fleece people if you get paid either way

Same problem with college. It's expensive because the government covers loans, so either way the school gets paid. So while fleecing students and getting rich, they can afford to hire thousands of do-nothing administrators to justify exorbitant tuition.

Bernie has recognized the issues but his solution is morr government, which is what caused these problems in the 1st place

Pretty much this, Bernie was created to cause a populace effect and draw young voters to Hillary, he was just going to recede and rally behind her as he did but she got accidentally btfo by DNC leaks.
Bernie caved to the dollar before multiple times and touts his history even though its shady at best with the sunshine act and his wife's notorious college embezzlement etc.

Even with all that aside, he still wouldn't have garnered my vote because socialism is fucking retarded but even moreso with a corrupt shill. To make matters worse he's Jewish and pushing socialism, that's got a bad historical marker.

Even if true, guess what, I don't give a fuck. My foundation is morality, not consequentialism. O care about what is right, not what economically benefits me the most. Sanders wanted to raise taxes and taxation is theft, Trump was the one wanting to lower taxes. Trump was the one seeking deregulation. Trump was for smaller government, Sanders was for bigger government. Even if Trump did literally nothing all 8 years he still would be a better president than Sanders or Clinton.



>supporting a capitalist criminal

The DNC rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders

The DNC murdered a young man who revealed corruption in the DNC against Bernie Sanders

The Obama administration set up an FBI investigation into Bernie Sanders and his wife

Bernie Sanders and his supporters couldn't have gotten screwed harder you people need to come over the winning side

Because I won't buy into this nonsense that the one percent are bad. Ambition is not bad, ambition is what made this country the superpower it is today. You should be rewarded for hard work, for ambition, for talent. Those one percent, or their ancestors, earned that money, I don't care how, or why, and I refuse to buy into this gimmie gimmie nonsense you kids spew. Gettie gettie your own, noone is stopping you but your own abilities and determination. Be a man, for once in your life, child.

i made a list of things Trump has done for the kikes so far.

>unironically supporting Bernie "No Refunds" Sanders
>unironically voting for Bernie "bread lines are a good thing" Sanders

>It's not the corporations but the government throwing money at them and insuring their risky speculation
No, it's both. When these corporations are freeload out of government funds for problems they themselves created they should be held accountable.
And you know what, where's the accountability? These jewish fucks are still sitting somewhere counting their billions of dollars. Nobody told them to fix themselves, they continued to ship their jobs elsewhere because of what? corporate greed and terrible free trade deals.

>muh socialism
So you support Drumpf a literal corporate assfuck who has fucked over multiple people before in business using legal loopholes, is better?


I was being too generous. Bernie is of course bald.

His appearance alone is irritating. I can't even stand to look at him and his whale wife.

How dare you say say the J-word, you fucking racist.
You are worse than Trump!

Looks like Trump is going to be getting another Supreme Court pick. Mmm, that'll be nice. The 'Great Shit Pushing-In of 2016' really is the gift that keeps on giving! Lovin' the butthurt ITT. Please keep posting lefties!

That guy is a machine. He gets shit done.

>What is bombing Syria
>What is commitment to one Jewish state instead of partitioning territory the Jews themselves stole


Here's one:

>what is bombing Syria
please elaborate since nothing occurred from it and we now have a ceasefire?

>can't understand the words HAS DONE
never surprising with liberals

After this last election cycle, I will never vote Dem again. Between the Bernouts stupidity, the russia nothingburger, the constant shilling, I'm done. The Dems could run Jesus himself and I'd vote Rep.

it cant be both. only one can exist first and then the other
>hint- corporations with different liabilities than individuals, didnt come first

Do you understand what HAS DONE is? I just fucking told you he ENDORSED A BILL IN THE HOUSE FOR IT.

> being this blue pilled
Good goy

Sanders is exactly who you think Trump is

>commie calling other people bluepilled
Kill yourself comrade

Thank you.

Corporations exist to make money. That's their function. If the government didn't buy up tons of mortgages and give corporations a blank check to make risky ventures then there wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that the government is being controlled by corporations when it shouldn't even have that amount of regulatory oversight to be manipulated in a meaningful way. They've subsidized risk at the expense of the taxpayer so corporations can just be bailed out if they fuck up. Stop with bailouts, stop with subsidies, stop with crushing regulations and taxes that make starting a business next to impossible. Companies shouldn't be forced to provide healthcare, it began as an incentive to draw good employees then became mandated. And people wonder why insurance is so expensive, it's because there's no competition

Kill yourself.

Communism is the fight against the jew, who owns the means of production. Have fun being a wage-slave to the 1%.

That is why corporate accountability is a thing. If you don't think corporations could fuck the middle class in the ass all they want then you are mistaken.

You and Drumpf can get fucked in the ass, but not me.

If the corporations didn't sell poor mortgages for easy money, if the corporations didn't abuse shadow financial systems for cheap gain because it isn't their money, then this wouldn't be a problem, retard.

If the corps and banks didn't abuse bankruptcy rules, and were actually jailed when they cheat their customers as well.

You just said so, they exist to make money, and don't give a fuck about the people. It's the government's job to regulate there greedy jews.

Tell that to the bolsheviks. Gosh you're a silly goober. Communism is a fight against yourself.

Demonic trips checked

Not my problem if you want (((them))) to keep abusing you like this.

Communism is also a fight against good Christian values, so you shouldn't care about those numbers in that sequence.

keep talking pls :)

>Voting for a literal communist

Come on now

Because the right hates helping their fellow man. Bernie's message was "how can we help everyone" while the right wants to hear "how can you help me."

If you niggers were able to read you'd know you're supposed to lurk for years before posting.
Explain why you're special, why you don't need to lurk for years while the rest of us do. (You're not special, you're more retarded than a board full of diagnosed retards... in short, you are a mentally deficient delusional slave of the oligarchs.)

If you lurked more you'd know the answer to your dumbass question, you ignorant, stupid-ass fucking worthless sub-human commie shill.sage

You mad.

I generally agree.

>If the corporations didn't sell poor mortgages for easy money, if the corporations didn't abuse shadow financial systems for cheap gain because it isn't their money, then this wouldn't be a problem, retard.


>If the corps and banks didn't abuse bankruptcy rules, and were actually jailed when they cheat their customers as well.

Who do you think writes those bankruptcy rules? And they wouldn't be as likely to cheat their customers if government rewarded them for cheating with a $700 billion bailout

>You just said so, they exist to make money, and don't give a fuck about the people. It's the government's job to regulate there greedy jews.

The government finances and regulates the market to give monopolies to their sponsors. Regulation almost always results in government corrupting a free market and giving their friends a competitive advantage while bankrolling their failures. When they institute an import ban on pharmaceuticals or buy mortgages through Fannie and Freddie, it's the government that causes the problems

the whole lurk moar thing is just a meme

Helping your fellow man is left to Charity, usually Christian in nature. The reality of the world is, how to help yourself first. After that, you can donate to a charity, and help your fellow man who couldn't help himself because he was inferior.

Republicans and Democrats are low-information voters. They only vote for their "team" and treat this like it's a sports contest. That's why we're fucked as a society, and Trump might be the final nail in our coffin. We were presented two choices, and both were jew puppets. The only difference is that Trump supporters were deluded enough to think he'd put America's interests over Israel.

Sanders is a spineless loser neocon whose campaign sold itself down the river to rig DNC elections.
The notion that anything meaningful would change is laughable, another military-industrial-complex bitchboy.
Shit wouldn't get done, and the ability to climb the socioeconomic ladder would get destroyed by purposefully misguided democratic legislation.
Trump is far away from what this country needs but pretending like Sanders isn't a lying sack of shit that cheated his voters is brain-dead.

you really think Bernie Sanders would have reigned in corporate wall street shills? he bent over for Hillary Clinton, bought a new vacation house with his donations and his wife is being investigated for fraud. don't be a fucking fool. this guy was a shark like the rest of them.

Bernie would have been 4 years of doing absolutely nothing. Then we'd get some GOP establishment president in 2020 and it would be Washington as usual.

So blame the fucking government, really? The Corporation sold these subprime mortgages to individuals that fucked all over the system. NO ACCOUNTABILITY WHATSOEVER, like, they only had to bay 1% of what they earned from those subprime as payoffs so they wouldn't go to jail?

>Who do you think writes those bankruptcy rules? And they wouldn't be as likely to cheat their customers if government rewarded them for cheating with a $700 billion bailout
These bankruptcy rules are flawed and it's univerasally accepted as such. Sanders recognized this. Drumpf doesn't want to change it because "lol I use it all the time"

>Regulation almost always results in government corrupting a free market and giving their friends a competitive advantage while bankrolling their failures.
No, regulation ensures that the "free market" isn't working to fuck all over the general welfare of the people. Without regulation shit like the great depression would be a regular thing.

Fuckoff you literal shill.

>usually Christian in nature

Bad idea because they can choose who they want to help, leaving out those that are gay, have had abortions, or are simply non-religious. Plus, do you think charity is going to be able to help everyone in need? Are you donating to anything?

>These bankruptcy rules are flawed and it's univerasally accepted as such. Sanders recognized this. Drumpf doesn't want to change it because "lol I use it all the time"

first of all saying universally accepted as such does not make it true, you cite no facts

secondly, Bernie literally never had a private sector job - he's 100% a government paid loser

how in the HELL would he know ANYTHING about business or bankruptcy? he's never even WORKED in one!

Goddamn Bernouts are sad.

Good, there should be consequences for being degenerate. I choose Christian charities because I don't want my money going to some tranny drug addict that has a 40 percent risk of suicide. I'd rather it used for good.

How about how can we help our COUNTRY which in return will benefit all of us? Whatever happened to ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?

and do you not realize that Trump had the same thing being done to him that Bernie did, but he actually spoke up and said that the RNC was trying to rig the election?

Bernie crawled inside his shell and took it right up the ass, and therefore he went nowhere

but what you don't get about Bernie's message about "helping everyone" involves YOU AND ME "helping everyone" - Bernie doesn't help anybody! Bernie just promises to give you free shit if you put him in office and give him a livelihood! what has Bernie done for anybody other than pay half of Trump's effective tax rate despite making far far far far less money????

I'm not your dad. Get a job, hippy.

pls continue :)

Btw its blumpf get it right at least :)))))

I didnt vote for Trump. In fact, I didnt vote at all for the first time in my life last election.

But I do support Trump. I support him the same as I would support a hypothetical grenade thrown into the middle of DC. I support the disruption and the triggering.

There are definitely things that I wish Trump would do differently or not do, or do that hes not doing - but Im still not ready to give up on the disrupton.

Plus, Im so fucking tired of these goddamn millenial communist, marxist, maoist, stalinist, socialist, degenerate fucking assholes who want to destroy the very idea of my personal freedom that I couldn't have voted for a SJW cuck like Bernie.

I donate to St. Jude to help kids with cancer get treated at little to no cost to their families. Welfare leeches can get fucked.

He understands how the middle class gets fucked because as a senator he has what we call "researchers" and "paid analysts" so he could make things we call "bills" and "laws". Do you understand, dumpfaggot?

Keep sucking that corporate cock. Also searching bankruptcy law loopholes on google would help you.

Not. A. Fucking. Argument.

>So blame the fucking government, really?

YES, are you so fucking retarded that you don't realize government caused this problem? If someone was throwing money at you telling you that you never have to pay back you sure as Hell would take it.

You're literally like the occupy faggots that Peter Schiff schooled. You can't realize that taking power from the government means that there isn't power to manipulate the government for personal advantage. You have to compete like everybody else. Tell me why the government subsidizes the risk in speculation while receiving no profits? They shouldn't be giving backs a dime to insure their stupid bets


The only thing bright about the democrats this election is not even they have fallen far enough to let a communist like Bernie run. I can find solace in that. I'd rather have Hillary to be honest, sure she's corrupt, probably get richer during her term, might push some feminist issues I don't support, but socialism is cancer to a society.

>white people don't know poverty

Fuck that Jew.

remember guys you can play with the retards all you want but remember your options panel before you post.

I actually kind of wish bernie could really become the president again now

delet this

You must be mistaken, I support Sanders on the fact that the wall street bailout was a bad idea.
But what you don't account for is that it's the fucking billionaire that comes to the senate, after fucking over the people, for money, and has the gall to say that they should never pay it back because he has hostage over millions of workers and their job security.

Why did this happen? Clearly because we let this ass fuck do what he wants, fucking over the nation for easy cash.


>angry r_td shill is angry and has no argument so "m-muh sage pls ;_;"
no surprise there


Bernie is a faggot and do are you.
If socialists like you take control then we're gonna have a war.

isnt he being investigated for fraud

yes, him and his wife both now are.


It happened because the government enabled it. I can't explain it to you if you're going to be this naive. It's not corporations can just barge into congress and demand gibs, congress has to actually give it to them. Congress shouldn't even be able to give out subsidies like that.

Firms act badly because government enables them to be writing them favorable legislation amd insuring bank accounts. That gives corporations more ability to take huge risks because the government takes responsibility for the fuckup, which was up to them entirely

now i know you're a little retard'd but pls not give these (((Corporations shekels))))

Claims to hate companies can't even fucking archive it so a major propaganda hit piece doesn't get its big monies Fuck!

No, it happened because the government, at some point (which I will concede) has to think closely because of the millions of jobs on the line.

But IT HAPPENED BECAUSE GOVERNMENT DIDN'T REGULATE. You let the fucking billionaire do whatever the fuck he wanted.

I believe you're using mental gymnastics when the problem is literally staring at your face. I'm starting to think you're a corporate shill at this point.

There is nothing wrong with regulation. Everything needs to be regulated to some extent, especially entities built for making money (literally greed).


well only 97 post for people to stop replying to b8 trolls

Agree with your post OP, sadly Sanders is gonna die soon, I would vote for him in 2020 if I could tho

pretty much this

voted for him for the lulz